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Posts posted by Marzbarz

  1. Thanks, sir.  I've already left, but my last day there I took the streetcar to Powell's and then walked to both places - it was about 4pm.  Burnside is OK, but it got dicey once I got to the side streets.  I felt safe enough during the day.  BTW, Silverado has a Couch Street address, but it's entrance is on the side street, 6th Avenue.  This was confusing to me and the Uber driver - we couldn't find the place.  I don't believe "Silverado" appears on the building on the Couch Street side.  Maybe I'm wrong...

    I did go in Stag and had a drink - there were some dancers there.  

    Maybe next time I go to PDX I'll try again.   Thanks for your suggestion...

  2. Sorry to report, but I’m in Portland now and just took an Uber to Silverado and Stag.  The area looked awful, and I’m from Detroit.  The Uber driver was concerned and told me not to get out of the car- that it was a very bad area.  So I didn’t.  I’d asked at the hotel the day before about walking to Powell Books nearby but was told to take the tram because the area was bad.

    Any suggestions for a plain old gay bar in a safer part of town?

    Damn, I wanted to see naked men so bad.

    Other parts of town look fine.  







  3. Hello, everyone.  I'm going to Portland soon, and I want to visit Silverado and Stag.  Portland's getting a lot of attention because of crime, so I'm wanting to inquire if anyone knows about the safety of the area.   Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. I met with him for the third time recently.  He's fantastic - incredibly kind and gentle.  I enjoy our conversations so much - he always has something interesting to say.  I wish I had the funds to travel with him and just to spend time with him. 

    I have a hard time believing he's totally straight - I would suspect bi, because, just because.  LOL.  I do wonder why he quit porn, but he said bottoming was painful for him.  One last thing - he's always stayed in perfectly acceptable motels - Sheraton, Marriott. 

  5. Met with him again recently.  I highly recommend him.  I had a great time.  He's so sweet and easy to talk to.  And his body - I've never seen bigger muscles.  A ten out of ten.  

    I would submit a glowing review on RentMen, but now you have to be a premium member to submit reviews.

  6. Josh, thanks for the good advice. You've brought up some concerns I hadn't even considered.


    I'm convinced: it's best to insist on meeting in the bar or lobby. Also, good idea about not divulging the name of the hotel too early. I would never have considered the possibility of the police setting up a sting operation in the client's hotel.


    It's good to know I wasn't just being a nervous Nellie, and that a lot of other guys have the same concerns.

  7. Thanks for the responses. This was for a first-time meeting. ( I wouldn't have any problems texting hotel information to a provider I knew. ) Also, with a first-timer, either with phone or texting, I'm very careful what I include: basically arranging for a meeting and that's all. Nothing about what I want to happen at the meeting.


    I like the idea of meeting a new person in a public area, especially if the pictures are not accurate. This would be a good reason to stay at a hotel with a key card system. I was at an older, boutique hotel, which didn't have key cards.


    From an escort's perspective, I think it's better for the escort if they can get a definite room number, but it made me uncomfortable for the escort to ask for it. I was afraid it could have been a sting operation, and I'd be leading the police straight to me. Although, as I said, I never put anything "incriminating" in the text.


    But my worries were needless - we had a great time.


    Not too long ago, I met an escort who had been the victim of a sting operation. He was very careful with me and seemed like a cautious guy. It would seem to me the police have better things to do.


    BTW, I just found out about Protonmail and signed up. Thanks for the info on Signal/Telegram.

  8. Maybe he's channeling Dorian Gray. LOL. I personally prefer guys 30 or over if they've been working out for a while. (But I also like them younger, and older, and skinny:rolleyes:.)


    Whatever his age, he looks fantastic. I wish I could travel with him. He'd be a lot of fun. So nice and very professional. I think I'm in love.


    I highly recommend him!!!!

  9. I saw Tommy in December. I'd say he's early 30s - maybe 35 at the most, but he looks great. Like I told him, his pictures don't do him justice. He's very handsome, and his muscles are gigantic. And best of all, he had no attitude. He was just a great guy - like we'd been buddies forever. There was instant rapport.

  10. I was at Remington's in 2016 and had a dance with a guy named Tommy (or Adam - he seemed to answer to both names.) He had been in the military. He was muscular but not a bodybuilder type. Real nice guy.


    Does anyone know if he still dances there? It would be worth a trip to Toronto to see him again.

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