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Everything posted by bostonman

  1. The audience participation was in the original (i.e. Irene Ryan) version as well. In the recent revival (with Andrea Martin et al), the sing-along lyrics were projected onstage in rather neutral block lettering - in the original, a huge banner flew in from above, with the lyrics in "medieval"-style print.
  2. Film and live theatre are, of course, very different mediums - and it could be that I feel she just comes off differently in film. Not all of her films, to be fair - but this one just didn't feel like a good fit to me. I'm jealous that you got to see her early on in Wholesale - back when no one yet knew she was going to be a star. Very cool!
  3. I've always felt she misses an essential warmth, and that the humor often seems forced, in that "look how hard I'm working to hit a joke" kind of way. (While Channing was a little more eccentric, she balanced that with lots of warmth. With Channing, you cared enough that you didn't want that metaphorical parade to pass her by. With Streisand, she's just showing off her voice. IMO.) The opening song ("Just Leave Everything To Me") written for the film to replace the opening number in the show ("I Put My Hand In"), is in some respects a better song than the stage song, but I feel Streisand hits it with a sledgehammer in the same way. Instead of it feeling breezy and inviting, it feels like she's trying to show us how HARD it is to get through it. But, as I suggested, some people like it, some don't. That's ok.
  4. I'm in the camp with those that feel that Streisand was miscast in the film. No need to see it, IMO.
  5. I understand that the big production number "A Musical" from Something Rotten usually got nightly standing ovations on Broadway.
  6. I tried. Tough to communicate with, at least through email/txt - terse responses, but I was thinking with my lower head, and made an appointment. He cancelled hours before, citing a sudden cold. To his credit, he got back in touch 2 days later, we started planning again. But he was still being very guarded in his manner, which began to feel unfriendly. Especially when I think he got me mixed up with someone else he was texting with. Awkward. I cancelled. It just didn't feel right or safe. Hopefully others find him more inviting.
  7. She truly has made a long journey from Milan to Minsk...and now she wants to rejoin the human race. Break a leg, Ms. Gallagher Levi...
  8. This guy has just added a bunch of new pics to his ad (https://rentmen.com/collinsgotback) - some of the costumes/poses are a bit too cutesy for me, lol, but I appreciate the sense of playfulness he shows. I'm really considering dropping him an email and seeing what happens. (Not thrilled with the 300, but I guess that's becoming more and more common...). But I would be curious if anyone has met him, or communicated with him, etc.
  9. Among the many crushes I had in my senior year of high school after I was already out, was a cute baseball jock named Glen. I never tried to make a pass at him or anything, but I always figured he probably knew I thought he was hot. We didn't really hang out together at all, but he was in classes with me, etc. In my freshman year of college, a mutual friend told me that Glen had come out. And I know he wasn't trying to pull my leg by saying that - as far as he knew, that was the truth (and he seemed as surprised as I was, lol.). I had these fantasies about trying to get in touch with Glen over break...but of course I never did. Too shy, and just not sure I should do it, given that we weren't close to begin with. I didn't think I had a chance in hell with him anyway, lol. Years later, I decided to try to find him on facebook, just out of curiosity. He's married (to a woman) and has 3 kids. Hmm. I wonder if the gay thing was a "phase" (a bit of college experimenting, perhaps), or if it was even true. Ah, well...
  10. I remember my first "anonymous" crush lol. Early in my teens, my parents bought me a jockstrap to wear (I didn't play sports or anything, but I wore it with my swimming trunks in the summer). On the box cover there was a picture of a model wearing nothing but the jockstrap. I think the picture was just from the neck down, but hell, who needed a face with that body and that alluring bulge, lol? The manufacturers undoubtedly knew the possible effect (for women or for gay men) on such a picture, and it certainly sold me, lol. I seem to remember my mom throwing away the box without any thought (as in many products, the box would have no use once opened) - but I made sure I snuck it back out of the trash and kept it to look at while I jerked off. Can't remember how long I kept it, but I think it was my first real "porn" pic, at least given how I used it.
  11. Fun to see Gary Beach listed on this poster, just before his career really took off (with his supporting roles in Beauty And The Beast and The Producers.) And, while we're name-dropping, so fun to see that Jennifer Simard is playing Ernestina in this new Dolly revival. Last season, she got rave notices in Disaster! (and was nominated for a Tony). Years ago she played Sister Amnesia in the long-running Boston production of Nunsense when I was in as musical director. She was so damn funny, and a joy to work with. Ernestina is not a large role by any standards, but it'll be fun to see what she brings to it.
  12. Barbra has this tendency to "show her work" too much - she's not always one of those performers who likes to make things seem easy - she wants to telegraph just how damn hard she's working. The opening number in the film, "Just Leave Everything To Me," is in some ways a much better song than "I Put My Hand In" from the stage show. But Barbra attacks it with such exasperated over-energy that it's an instant turnoff. And yes, in general, I think she's totally wrong as Dolly. Channing had this odd caricature-style quirkiness, but she also had a great deal of warmth, which is what really made you care about her. Streisand really doesn't do warmth well, IMO.
  13. Personally, I would find this a bit awkward for similar reasons the OP cited. Yes, we all know it's a business transaction, but especially in a passionate session, I like the exchange of funds to be as simple and nonchalant as possible. I usually try to make light of things during our post-activity banter (graciously handing him the envelope and saying something like "oh, you definitely don't want to forget this before you go" etc). I have had escorts peer into the envelope to see the general contents, but I've never had someone count it in front of me. If it were to happen, I would try to keep in mind that yes, this IS a business transaction, and it's not meant as any sort of personal slight. But I tend to think the gentlemanly thing to do would be to count the money privately if at all, and not ruin the illusion of the last hour too much, lol. Your mileage may vary - understood.
  14. I sent him an email when he was in Boston not long ago - he never responded back, not even to say no thanks or that he was all booked, etc. (I know he read the email because that's verifiable on Rentmen if you look at your "sent" box.) I know that's not necessarily a huge judgement call, but even so...
  15. Perhaps unfortunately in these circumstances, I share purplekow's curmudgeonly views here. I do hope Mr. Spade is ok and recovers fast. However, no, I've never ever been a fan of his work. C'est la vie.
  16. And he didn't text you back to let you know he was leaving (or that he left)? You had to get that out of him 20 mins later?: What is that all about? It sounds like the meeting went well, though - so, ok...but he does seem just a bit too flaky...
  17. How about sax, in place of violin?
  18. Only if he dresses up like Thomas Jefferson.
  19. He has a video up on his ad now. Not being much into ass, or dildo play, most of the vid didn't do much for me. But I think it does help confirm that he's real. I will say though, it was hard to tell if he was really enjoying all of it, or just going along with it for the sake of the client.
  20. You know - I emailed him, and never heard back. (And I know he read the email.) I haven't really felt much like following up.
  21. Good advice. Though, if this is a student apartment (and Boston has loads of students living in cheap apartments off-campus), the decor may indeed be dated, and not his choice.
  22. I feel like there's some in-joke here that I'm missing. What's all this about an abbot?
  23. I've been looking at him too. Hoping that someone can verify that he's real (and talented, lol).
  24. This is a new ad up on Rentmen - but wondering if anyone might have any info? https://rentmen.com/Ramjet
  25. Just noticed this ad on Rentmen - he's seemingly new, based in NYC, visiting Boston at the end of the month. Anyone with info? I'd appreciate it. https://rentmen.com/Alfonsoo
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