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Posts posted by dreamboy13

  1. OMG!! I went to him on a whim a couple of years ago when I was off from work. Seeing this ad makes me laugh so much. It was such a weird experience. He’s an oddball for sure. Felt like I stepped into the late 80’s/early 90’s. He was so bizarre. The massage was shit and the entire time, he kept asking me what I felt about his ass. He kept telling me to touch it. To feel it. To tell me what I thought about it. And he kept jumping around all over the place like an acrobatic monkey. I got up and left and as I dressed, he mentioned his ass. And as I walked out the doooor, I heard “but do you like my a...” *door slams shut*. Those ass up pics (which weren’t THAT many when I booked) say A LOT.

  2. The jihadists screamed to their demon god before they blew up in Brussels.http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/allahu-akbar-575x397.jpg


    This is a place for reviewing massages, spas, and overall experiences. Please keep your racism, prejudices and ignorance to yourself. I find your comments to be highly offensive and uncalled for. Learn a bit of respect and only post things that are of value. Do not push your hate agenda on this forum.

  3. Nah, that's not our Jimmy. Hero got a lot of mileage out of those pics. They've been on Hero's website forever. I guess Jimmy didn't get along too well with Dylan (while working at Babylon) or maybe the competition was too much for him. I hope they upped Jimmy's salary at the newly re-opened Hero. He brings in the customers. I may have to go back . . . But keep my clothes close by. :eek:


    I love me some Dylan action but seems he can’t keep guys at the spa. I’m so intrigued about these inner workings. Feel like the same happened without August.

  4. I'm not usually on this board, but I live in the area. I've never hired him for massage, but as as escort. You may want to consider https://rent.men/ParkerPitts . I've enjoyed the times I've hired him.


    Nashville has a number of things to do, the Parthenon, Hermitage, Ryman and Country Music Hall of Fame. I'm sure you will have a great trip.

    Thank you!! This is helpful!

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