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Posts posted by Youngmilkman

  1. Mandy Patinkin

    Joan Cusack

    Julie Haggerty

    Valerie Mahaffey

    Alfred Molina

    Courtney B. Vance

    Mandy Patinkin (so annoying, he had to be named twice)


    Unbelievably, when Linda Bloodworth-Thomason tried to spin Suzanne Sugarbaker off into her own series, Mahaffey was in the original cast, then was replaced in the same role by Haggerty. No doubt, had the series been a hit, Cusack would've taken over the role eventually.


    BTW, otherwise, the show had a stellar cast. Teri Garr was a regular, as was Patricia Heaton. Jonathan Banks also was in it. There were also a few notable guest stars:



    Babysitter Debbie from The Addams Family Values?! For this role alone, I will always love Joan Cusack.


    Can't stand Tom Hardy right now. Ever since the uber-pretentious Taboo he seems to be obsessed with cultivating this vintage gentleman persona which comes across as very forced. I'd rather he stuck with his Bane gimp-mask.

  2. Do you reveal your race to your masseurs or escorts when booking?


    I'm Asian American and admittedly a little neurotic about how my race is perceived in the gay community after years of experiencing tons of negativity.


    I'm in my 30s and in decent shape, which I don't disclose because I feel that's "acceptable." But I always disclose my background, usually in the form of "I'm Asian, is that okay?" For the record, no one has ever said no, but in hook-up situations (which I know these aren't), I always reveal it right off the bat. I also don't respond to say, a Craigslist ad or Grindr post unless they specifically say "seeking Asians" (I don't even reply to ads that say "open to race").


    I've just read/experienced instances where guys thought an Asian guy was Caucasian and felt "tricked." I have an equally neurotic fear of rejection (especially based on race) which is why I always disclose.


    I disclosed to the last masseur while booking, and he asked why I did it and thought it was "weird." But then again I just read a thread here about a local masseur who reportedly doesn't serve Asians. It would be my biggest nightmare if I booked him and he rejected me after opening the door.


    Maybe I'm just being crazy, but does anyone else do this?

    (1) I love your username.


    (2) Here in England I've only met one escorts who asked my race, and it turned out he had a fetish for Asians anyway.


    For you especially, being what the Brits call 'East Asian' would be no problem here.

    What Americans call 'Asians' are such a small minority here, too small for racists to really consider. I think the same goes for much of Europe, where East Asians are too niche to really form an opinion on.


    Now those who really face the worst racism on the British gay scene are South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis) for reasons I'm not sure.

  3. Very few muscular escorts advertise themselves as BDSM subs.

    Obviously it's for their own safety, but it makes it hard to find out in advance who would be willing to sub.

    Any recommendations for London?

  4. Not only that, but they had to be elderly clowns. The ex would have been 31 at the time (now 37), 6'3, bodybuilder, so his fantasy of having six chubby, elderly clowns experiment on him was a surprise to say the least :)

  5. Dwayne Johnson's dietician.

    "As you can see, Dwayne, your recent focus on core training has had an adverse effect on your arm and leg strength.


    I will need you to get undressed and lie down on this metal table...

    Then stretch your hands and feet out spreadeagle.


    That's perfect. Now I'm going to run some tests on your limb resistance, so I'm fixing these titanium restraints to your feet, arms and neck.


    Great, all done.


    Now in order to monitor your oxygen level, I'm going to fit this gas mask on you, it shouldn't take a minute.




    Perfect. Now finally I'm going to inject a little something which may make you feel drowsy. It may also make you forget the next few hours, but otherwise is perfectly harmless...


    There we go...


    [Watching Dwayne fall asleep]


    Now... let the real fun begin.

  6. I am afraid to rain on your parade, @Avalon, but the enjoyment out of nipple sucking that you see in Bel Ami movies is just a fantasy.


    I don’t think so. I have met a lot of Czech boys, and virtually none of them has sensitive nipples. BTW, that includes your favorite Czech, @Avalon. I have very sensitive nipples myself, and they didn’t really understand it: they were actually amazed at my reaction, and many said they wished their nipples were erogenous.

    I must mention the London-based Czech escort Adam Force, who has some of the most sensitive nipples I've come across. The combination of manly East European accent, powerful Muscles and super-sensitive Nipples is a winner for me!

  7. I much prefer Slow Teasing Handjobs to Menonedge.

    • MOE looks too staged and unrelatable, with its well-oiled manicured gym-bunnies and their equally well-polished doms like Van Darkholme.
    • Whereas STHJ feels genuinely exploitative of straight hunks, with its cheaper camera/sound quality, real straight-looking guys ... and the very sight of three crusty old men feasting on a reluctant but fully-restrained bodybuilder.

  8. Peter Girard was one of the most reliable, not to mention herculean built. Also one of the few who really had no limits as to what I imposed on him. Unfortunately he seems to have disappeared off the face of this earth. I had the pleasure of meeting him in April 2015, but since mid-2016 I've heard nothing else.

  9. He won't share his videos at all. I'm lucky enough to have met him and he's a great guy, but can come across as a little icy if you're sensitive to that kind of attitude. In fact his nipples are his control buttons! And also, the videos really don't do justice - he is far, far musclier and bigger in real life.

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