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Everything posted by MisterMike

  1. Some of the guys on here should only be nude in complete darkness. LOL
  2. I googled it and figured it out, but appreciate you confirming it is the same spot. Feel free to PM me more details.
  3. So you got sexually assaulted but were OK with it because it was a cute meteorologist? I mean... that's essentially how this sounds. Some person being snuck into a room to perform oral sex on you without your consent is rape.
  4. U funny! @Trundelav pardon my ignorance, but what/where is I spa?
  5. Speaking of phone number search... the phone number in GreyBeard's ad tracks back to this other ad for some reason. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/5861/
  6. Yeah. Especially since I never ask about anything that could get anyone in trouble. Maybe he just didn't like that I have a New York area code or something.
  7. I tried no less than three times to coordinate something with this guy fro a trip I was going to be taking to Palm Springs. I tried an open-ended request "I will be there X to X dates, what is your availability?" Nothing. I tried more direct "I am looking for a massage on X date or X date. Do you have availability?" Nothing. Lastly I sent a "hey, I've tried a few times to check on your availability, wondering if you're still providing massage?" This got me a response of "I am an active masseur." But when I replied to ask about availability again no response. WTF?
  8. Please define "legit" provider then. We'll wait.
  9. Why is it you want to affirm the idea of some fame-hungry, mentally unstable, reality "star" can do whatever the fuck he wants and be exempt from lambast because he is attractive and allegedly gay?
  10. The rumor around LA is he's already been swiped quite a bit. In the butthole. LOL
  11. This is the only red flag I need. When asked for this I send the following photo: width=296pxhttps://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/dollabill-1572984088.jpg[/img]
  12. Thank you. Every thirsty 'mo is now all a-titter over this, when it's really just another boring white dude coming out when the attention had waned. he released a book (which I doubt he wrote) and decided to come out on Good Morning America. Fucking boring.
  13. Please tell us more so we can live vicariously through your experiences!!!
  14. Once they give "extra" they are no longer legit, but this was a fun riddle.
  15. And the world breathes a collective yawn. Entitled, wealthy white dude seeking attention and validation comes out. Wow. Groundbreaking.
  16. I'd like to massage your guts with my cock.
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