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Everything posted by socurious

  1. He has a handsome face but that's all about...
  2. Is he masc or just slightly fem?
  3. How tall would you say he is?
  4. Oh so he is femme. Obviously nothing wrong with that but for those who are only into mascs that's an important thing to mention.
  5. I haven't seen him in person. To me he looks in his 30s.
  6. I didn't understand this part. You mean he isn't attractive what? He looks good in pics...
  7. He is actually one of my future options. What's wrong with his voice? Try to elaborate.
  8. Doesn't he look 31 (his actual age according to his profile) or would you say that older than that? What's up with one of his health statuses?
  9. He's not responding. I think I scared him away.
  10. The dog probably get jealous.
  11. I am maping him. He seems to be in the Times Square area which is a zone full of hotels. To me this is implying he doesn't live in the city.
  12. He's 6'5. That's almost gigantic haha
  13. I am reading his info again right now. I can't find the part where it says his versatile/top. Maybe he changed his mind?
  14. Well yeah you are right. I'm about to text him again. Let me see...
  15. He's too tall for me to top him and I am only 5'11.
  16. Is he in NYC yes or not?
  17. I'm not too sure. I am just weird like that. He looks great anyways.
  18. A lot of dudes like to claim half Dominican, half Italian, half this and that to seem more exotic. Black scort like to do this a lot for some reason. It's been my experience.
  19. My sixth sense still tells me he ain't real. He basically stopped texting when I asked if he was half Dominican. Trying again won't hurt me though. I'll see how it goes.
  20. That means they are slightly smaller? I truly prefer muscled-bulky.
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