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Everything posted by socurious

  1. Maybe I just happen to like more the porn stars from the 2000's and not so much the ones from today? Ryan Bones, William Seed, Rogan Richards... umm those are the only ones that come to my mind now from this era.
  2. What do you think is the difference between the body types and grooming styles from the early and mid 2000's compared to today? I would like you to highlight this as I don't have a clear idea in my mind.
  3. I just turned 37 and feel like gay porn from 2000's (early and mid 2000's especially) was better compared to the one we see today. Not sure if the fact that I was discovering my sexuality back then plays a role, or perhaps I'm also getting this impression because the movies were just less accessible in those years? Thoughts please.
  4. socurious


    I haven't done anything wrong.
  5. socurious


    I am really scare now.
  6. With the effeminate guys it can be too obvious. So I'm not truly referring to those but more like your conventional "straight-acting" (I hate having to use this term) folks. In my case many times I can just tell they are gay. It's something unnatural. I can also tell if other people know I am gay without me disclosing it.
  7. I want to lose my virginity with a hot muscle guy.
  8. I want to lose my virginity with a hot muscle guy.
  9. It's kinda hard to explain how a lot of us can tell a guy is gay even when you don't know anything about the person. It happens to me all the time. Probably 95 out of 100 times I'm right. Thoughts?
  10. He scammed you! Where is he located btw?
  11. Is he coming to New York any time soon? Edit: Nvm. Just googled him and he ain't "it" for me. Still an attractive guy though.
  12. How many cycles do you think Tyler went through to look like that?
  13. I meant that I saw him in google when I read you mentioning him (I don't even know why I wrote "hire him" lol). But damn, do they give you so many years for selling stereoids? How about being an user? He is sooo hot (or at least was hot back then). I wonder how many cycles took him to look like that.
  14. I just hired him. He looks fucking amazing. Why did he go to jail though?
  15. I am not heterophobic. I have heretosexual friends.
  16. If I hire a scort I would want him to enjoy the job. So no straight dude for me at all. That doesn't obviously mean I would never make an exception of course. If David McIntosh or Chris Hemsworth were ever in the market I would definitely hire them haha
  17. Oh no. Just read he could be straight. Ain't nobody hiring a straight dude.
  18. He looks great. With facial hair would look better for my taste though. If he was around in NYC I would think in hire him.
  19. I mean, most of you hire pricy scorts several times a year. How are y'all?
  20. It hurts my feelings. Either way, none of them lived here in NYC.
  21. I heard Avidar is not tall. I prefer taller guys. Damn, Spencer has been my crush since my 20s. Alex Marte looks amazing too but he ain't here in the USA.
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