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Posts posted by KS87

  1. You must hang with the wrong crowd.


    Rudy honestly living the life i live i have a few gay acquaintances but i have seen alot of anecdotal evidence both in real life and virtually to support my claim. Of course no group is 100 percent anything but there is enough ppl in the community to make it shameful. I am not saying people should be forced to like what they dont like. For examplei i rarely find asian men attractive but its not because of their race its simply because asian culture rarely prizes much outside of education so you rarely see asian guys at least stateside with well developed physiques. However when i do i am not only impressed but i am often more intrigued than any other race. On the flip side you have guys who will say i dont like black men even if they are looking at adonises like ll cool j, david mcintosh, bolo, etc etc. That to me shows that there is prejudiced so entrenched into their brain that it is almost involuntary so they think it is preference. Men who like men should like masculinity period.!!!!!!!!!

  2. The situation is markedly better than it was only 20 years ago. At that time almost 50% of ads in the personal section of gay newspapers in San Francisco would end with the phrase: no fats, fems , or blacks. No one had any problem printing those ads then There was even an article in the local papers about a group of white gay men, “the A gays” who would have parties at each others’ homes but would insist on advance warning if someone was coming with a black guest. So times have changed slowly, but of course more progress is needed


    That is unforgiveable. I have often found gay men can be some of the most mean spirited ppl to walk the face of the earth. I have often felt many fought hard for the equal right to be discriminatory against those they deem undesireable while whining about being victimized.


    Anyone who puts whst they dont want in an ad is going out of their way to be cruel. Simply state your preference and ignore whoever doesnt fit.

  3. Mahershala Ali's character in Moonlight is Cuban, it was a pleasant surprise see an Afro-Cuban depicted on screen, a lot of people in the US seem to have no idea Afro-Caribbean people exist.


    I grew up in nyc. Where there is a large dominican and puerto rican population. The majority of them are partially of african descent with Mediterranean and amerindian extraction. I have seen some spellbinding combinations. I have seen some that look straight up white with some dominicans looking 100 percent african.

  4. I am always shocked to see how unappreciated black men are amongst many in the gay community. Many gay men seem to be proudly prejudice. Whites only just rolls of their tongue like butter on a bread knife.


    For ppl who appreciate masculinity black mens bodies are art. Has anyone ever notice the shape of some of the nfl linebackers or running backs? Unreal. How about the exoticness of afro latino men like those from cuba dominincan republic puerto rico or brazil? Has anyone ever been to a basketball court in the city where young black guys are out n about shirtless? You will see 12 packs and muscle definition on men that dont work out. I have always loved the waist to butt ratio and the wide shoulders narrow ribcage and arched spine that gives the bubble ass look and of course the many other blessings i wont go into.


    How come its not celebrated more?

  5. On a sidenote why are ppl in here whining? If topic doesnt interest you find one that does or create one you like. I would never go into a post to question why someone is talking about it. Imagine the amount of time you would need in your day to go around policing threads ad as unpaid moderator.


    You hqve threads like " shit comes out when fucking a bottom" or "why wont you come in my ass?" You really think a dignified conversation about sociosexuality is underserving of the delis bandwith?

  6. Do you think you're the first one to have figured that out? Everybody knows that. It's promotion, puffery, advertising, etc. etc There are guys who say they're straight that aren't straight, guys who say they're 32 when they're 42, guys who say they are wealthy who live paycheck-to-paycheck, etc., etc. I think it's funny you're so preoccupied with something that everybody knows and that they just roll with. It's an age-old phenomenon.


    Hi Rudy. Your opinions are differing from the poster i was addressing. He seemed to imply that sexual orientation identity is solely based on how that person sees themselves or declares themselves.


    Everyone does not know the nuances you seem to think they do. The guys on polar opposites of spectrum may be discernible but the gray areas require much deeper analization. Someone who is about to spend 2k with someone they think is a navy seqseal l bqck from iraq doesnt want someone who bought a pair of camos at dicks sporting goods. This conversation is not one of relevance to you because you are not an upscale client if you were i promise it would.

  7. This discussion is interesting but in some ways misplaced. Are 'really straight' and 'straight identified' terms that make a distinction without a difference? I can understand people wanting their partners to conform to a certain set of stereotypes, and they have the right to question them to determine whether they do or not. The term 'imposter' is unhelpful and I would say presumptuous. People get to identify their sexuality as they see fit, and leaving aside the few who lie about it for whatever advantage (in this forum, commercial), no-one has the right to tell them that they are not what they say they are. Claiming that someone is not really straight because they do not conform to a set of stereotypes that an observer has decided upon assumes that stereotypes are definitive proof of someone's sexuality. In any other conversation in this forum a claim that stereotypes prove anything would be dismissed summarily.


    Once again i will always respect a well though out response as your was. However i think many, as you are, reqlly underestimate the amount of guys who are flat out lying and have no basis to make those claims. Over 50 percent of men posting in m4m sites now "str8" and when you add in those that are bi it may be about 75%. Those proportions dont line up with reality.


    I do believe there is an acceptable rqnge on the spectrum where different straight men can fall. Some men making claims fall no where within that acceptqble range. Gay men who seek out these men probably have the most detailed data to analyze.


    Interestingly enough many times men who seek out same sex contqct may still be well within the acceptable range. Thinl the 300 lb big bubba alpha dawg that bends over every pretty twink that wonders by his cell. These men very often only seek out females outside of prison and are able to compartmentalize their sexuality.


    See guys this topic never gets old it is always very relevqnt with alot to talk about.

  8. At the risk of being labeled a broken record and consigned to the forum's dustbin, I shall repeat myself on this topic with a few minor changes.


    What do you define as "real straight guy" versus "straight identified?"


    As I have posted multiple times, the research and science on this is in very early days because human sexuality and identity are incredibly complex and surprisingly flexible given a variety of environmental incentives. Research generally seems to see a distinction between Sexual Orientation and Sexual Behavior Orientation. There may even be a Romantic or Affection Orientation. It's dreadfully tricky to "reduce" an organic analog life into neatly discrete categories and labels. Klein--the brilliant bisexual sexologist--did some very interesting work to try and capture a better picture in his "Grid" that is more comprehensive than Kinsey's famous scale.


    I could go on and on, but the fact remains that identification is a very personal thing and how a person self-identifies is their truth. Unless you're planning to use a penile plethysmograph to measure a man's penile blood flow as a proxy for his sexual arousal to determine what turns him on, then what's the point?


    As a man with a strong attraction to stereotypically straight men, I am indeed turned on by the thought of sexual activity with a "straight guy" because of such cultural tropes as "the thrill of the hunt" or "obtaining the unobtainable." It's all fantasy, but for me, since my first formative same-sex activities were with guys who were straight, it strongly affixed this kink of mine.


    What gets really "fun" and interesting about all of this is how it intersects this particular hobby. Understanding the physiological and psychological "limitations" of these labels results in certain realities. For example, a 100% straight-identified man--what Kinsey would've called a zero--would not have any sexual arousal at same-sex porn and might even be physically repulsed by it. Klein would argue that interests change over time as life experiences affect us. Consider "situational sexual behavior" like homosexual activity in prison or the military or even "gay 4 pay" activity.


    Hmm. I've rambled all over the place. I return to my original question: what is your definition of "real straight guy?"


    I've had the fun and hot experience three times in my life of being the first man to suck three different guys who identified as straight at the time and still identify as straight. They said I was their best and we enjoyed many hot times where I could worship them and they could enjoy hot head and go home to their girlfriends/wives. However, those types of activities are somewhat rare. Especially now because Millennials are far more open and experimental. I imagine it's becoming unusual to find a straight guy in his 20s who hasn't been blown by a male friend and probably blown that friend too. We live in a more open and less restrictive time.


    In my hiring, when I seek a worship or top scenario, the guy I seek is classically and stereotypically masculine from an American cultural perspective, because that's my kink. Yes, I prefer "straight guys" but a truly 100% straight guy would be unable to top well because he wouldn't be able to get hard without medical assistance. That means, I seek out men who are able to perform with men or women. I like tattoos and body hair. Muscles and that classically "cocky" borderline arrogant/asshole attitude of a confident dominant man who knows what he wants and takes it.


    I like your very detailed reply. However i would like to ask if my distinction between the two types didnt resonate with you?

  9. My two cents: contemplating this is just tying oneself up in knots needlessly. (Or watching angels dance on the head of a pin, to use a metaphor someone else used in another thread.)


    Couldnt disagree more. You dont understand the mindset of the worshipper who wants to worship the a1 alpha male at the top of the chain. They dont want imposters posing like the real thing. The problem is too many on here give these imposters life and support studios peddling fake shit. See your faves like sean cody corbin fisher. Many in my circle scoff at that like old money at new money.

  10. What is the difference between a "real" straight guy and someone "straight-identified?" Are you saying that a "straight-identified" guy is a gay or bi guy who is misrepresenting himself as straight? In present use, when we say that some "identifies" as a certain gender or orientation, it means that they experience themselves as being of that gender or orientation. To me, someone who experiences himself as straight is "really" straight.


    I experience myself as a millionaire. Let me go check my account.

  11. What is the difference between a "real" straight guy and someone "straight-identified?" Are you saying that a "straight-identified" guy is a gay or bi guy who is misrepresenting himself as straight? In present use, when we say that some "identifies" as a certain gender or orientation, it means that they experience themselves as being of that gender or orientation. To me, someone who experiences himself as straight is "really" straight.


    Hi Rudy. The science of classification is,not without controversy. This is not a topic that cqn be discussed without ruffling feathers. Keep in mind there may be a disparity in classification from person to person and a spectrum even. However for simplicities sake i will give the prototype for each category in relevqnce to this forum.




    Straight guy- Meets with men when there is a commercial incentive. Fantasizes about women and typically in relationships with them or always actively pursuing at least physical relationships with them. Hard drive is loaded with lesbian porn. Fits the typical str8 male stereotypes i.e. follows sport, not overly concerned with high fashion labels, unreserved relaxed personality etc.


    Straight identified- actively markets himself using terms "str8 or masc". Not actively pursuing relationships with women. Apathetic to female advances or prescence. Fairly masculine but often not at the natural effortless level of the former.


    A pwrfect textbook example would be awol marines produced by bobby garcia which featured 95 percent straight men involved in homosexual activity vs military classified which features all or mostly str8 identified guys who i am doubtful are going home to women.


    More straight identified type porn includes randy blue, corbin fisher, straight fraternity etc.


    More actual porn featuring straight guys doing gay things woikd be vinnie russo's str8boysseduced, old reliable studios, and many of the men captured on candid can by diksukka and those captured on hidden cam by publicsucker, who was an actual cop who got arrested for luring mechanics, marines, and all types of hypermasculine men to his gloryhole.


    While i will never question anyones identity to their face just cuz someone says they are something doesnt mean i have to accept that. Just like how i dont accept that someone trans can will themselves into the gender they want. They can delude themselves and purchase the corresponding bodyparts and features, a luxury not afforded poorer impoverished trans people.


    So what im saying nicely is some guys are the reql deal and some are full of shit. You just gotta deal.

  12. There are multiple threads on this subject here, it has been covered ad nauseam. Only telling you this as you might be likely to receive no new responses for that reason, but if you try searching you will get a ton of thoughts on this subject


    Even tho schools teach same curriculum every year new asses sit in the seat. New members might be able to chime in where they didnt chime in b4. Hopefully this topic resonates because among my circle it is extremely relevant for the aforementioned reasons.

  13. With regard to Dallas, be very careful about looking for encounters in public places, such as parks, etc. The police love to sting and the concequences in Texas are grim.


    Lol public sez is despicable. That whole bathroom stall public park set up is for deranged ppl. At the veey least you get a motel if not a hotel. If you meet a construction worker or marine out n about you offer to buy them a drink(or a meal if they let you) after mixing it up you will often see there is an artangement thqt can be made. This is how men of means operate and get what they want. That boorish public sex behavior is usually the result of trade messing with gay men without much class or much sense.

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