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Everything posted by GTMike

  1. I don't know of anyone who can say with confidence and more importantly accuracy an answer to that definitively representing "most". I can anectodally say I've met plenty of legit straight guys participating in the escort community who advertise consistently with their personal behavior and some who don't as your question explores.
  2. GTMike

    411 on Reefx

    Profile pics have been around a while and possibly name change?? General 411 - https://app.rent.men/Reefx
  3. Agreed! But when you got it! You got it! Haha Gotta hate "the game" but in this case not the Playa!
  4. Well one way gents can do that is simply adjust their login status default to private in their settings. So when we peruse we can see the original date profile was created but last login status date will only show it as "Private".
  5. I've haven't checked profiles purely for rate's setting information but i have anectodally noticed over the past week or so rates are definitely appearing in some profiles. I'll also speculate that it probably is administrators working on the system and in US we're prolly getting a temporary Euro version. I've also noticed that all the height, weight (and other) measurements are all now shown in Metric system whereas (at least for me) they never defaulted that way previously.
  6. Hmmm?? Not sure what is up. When I went to the link provided the "Last Login" date per the system was 1 week ago. Also FWIW i've had several back and forth chat messages with gents over RM and have noticed that it doesn't necessarily change the listed status of their most recent login date. I wouldn't solely rely on login dates to determine overall availability status and suggest reaching out to see if you could establish contact through RM chat or text if a number is provided.
  7. This one works for me - https://rent.men/TURKISHUNG
  8. Yeah. Actually if you're really interested in further accompanying details that did nearly give me a heart attack!! feel free to PM. As i originally mentioned all was fine and good though he was supposed to stay overnight. We continued hanging out and talked about the rest of the encounter but I told him I just couldn't feel 100% comfortable with us both having more drinks, (again me more weed), and having him sleep over with that gun in the back of my mind in my bedroom. He totally understood and he stayed a few more hours and we had the bedroom fun as previously discussed and planned. (Gun was downstairs). So instead of staying over only change was he left same evening.
  9. Be careful and safe! Personally i couldn't meet two at a time ever if I hadn't met at least one of the gents prior and had some very high comfort level. But even with just single strangers best to always be alert and as careful as possible. I'm a little reluctant to share this personal story (as nothing happened and all was totally fine), but in the conversation of meeting strangers and safety thought others might take something from it. A few years ago I met a gentlemen from SA at my home. Prior to the visit we did have a lot of text communication and both felt very comfortable though it was clear he was new to escort related services. Long story short he drove to my place and we met in my kitchen/living room area talking having drinks and weed for me. All good conversation. (He wanted to join me in the weed but didn't as he was active duty military). After about 20 - 25 mins mid conversation he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a very large intimidating all black high-powered semi-automatic 45 Magnum gun and plops it down on my counter. In my mind I'm saying to myself this seems like a lot of overkill force in order to rob me as he was a mid-20's, 6'4, 245lbs marine and experienced jui-jitsu practictioner. Although a tad inebriated I didn't panic and just made a comment like, "well there's a fucking plot twist!!". Lol. He laughed heartily and said no, no don't worry he just has it for his protection. He said I could tell you were totally cool yada yada and wanted to let you know but wasn't sure how to introduce that to make sure it wasn't intepreted in any way as intimidating or like a warning or anything like that. It was quite startling to me as I didn't grow up around guns and don't like having them around but again everything was fine but it did reinforce me being very conscious and extra aware of things.
  10. Yeah. The UMB that i have has about a dozen "partner banks", that they sweep from and transact with daily. The language i saw was interesting as it implied that this was just an aggregator and intermediary as it's the Partner banks collectively that are actually paying the interest on the savings account.
  11. Not gonna lie and don't fully understand it but through a program with partner banks through UMB via Empower Retirement Company, as of today currently increased rates from 3.9% to now getting 4.1% on Cash Savings Accounts.
  12. I could be wrong but I think that's an early pic of Timothy Champagne who does have escort profile but focused on building prolific OnlyFans subscribers. Just FYI.
  13. Yes a very new profile https://rentmasseur.com/Alexwikburg/ But i feel like I've seen photo's before possibly?? Any 411 related info?
  14. Actually this was her look for years when she made it really big. She wanted to be not known and she used to perform like this haha
  15. I've seen him hanging out with Sia!! ( ..hardy har har)
  16. Still have interest to meet him but my scheduling has interferred and been main problem unfortunately. Hopefully you have a good experience.
  17. I know many providers who list it just as something they're fine with and/or experienced so it's an "ok". And yeah agreed not saying that if listed that indicates they're personally into it. Many show feet pic's in their profiles because through their experience they've been asked about enough from clients they understand they're proactively marketing to a good-sized subset of potential interested parties.
  18. Had you created and saved a "standard search". You may just need to relogin and recreate your filter settings again if so?
  19. Hmmm?? I can almost swear that guy is on SA.
  20. I don't have 1st hand experience meeting gents in NY (as scheduling didn't work out), but do quoting wise, but if you'd like to PM I could also offer my perspective in LA market as potential comparison.
  21. Works for me fine. I can give deets if anyone needs to know and link isn't working haha
  22. I know old thread but was that in SF or in LA? Any other's who may have an experience?
  23. Yeah totally agreed! I got some crazy ones as well but unfortunately with some work stuff will be off that market for a while. Will have to live vicariously through you and @MikeBiDude for a bit in the meantime.
  24. It still amazes me the absolute wide range of people, experiences and expectations on that site. It's exhausting and not for the faint of heart! Congrats on your moxy, patience (and big/generous wallet, hahaha). Keep foraging for the special nuggets and keep up the good fight!
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