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Posts posted by Nakedchi

  1. I checked out his profile and pics on RM and he reached out to me. This was our interaction, first message at the bottom.



    I have 26 reviews... All my pics are real!


    Don't you think that if my pics were not real there would be negative reviews everywhere?.


    But thats fine.





    which negative review?




    Thanks for touching base but I was only checking out your profile because of a negative review of your services, and the apparent falseness of your pics. I won’t consider hiring you.





    I'm leaving Canada in 1 week... but I do have some time avail if you're interested in getting together.


    FYI: Im offering a Limited Time Special: Pay for 90 Mins (Receive an Xtra 30 mins for FREE) = For a Total of 2 Hours for the price of 90 minutes.


    The special will end in a few days...


    My password is: mugshots




    All the best!

    Cory :)

  2. I had my season with Joe this afternoon. It was enjoyable. The space was comfortable and the heated table was comfortable. Joe checked for what type of pressure I desired and while good, he could have used harder pressure. His studio is convenient for me and the price is good so I will likely see him again.

  3. I finally got back to Paradise today, my first time visiting since the remodel. Things do look better- walls painted, ceiling fixed in the wet area, all new wood in the dry saunas, plus some other cosmetics updates. Not sure it's worth $10 more per visit, but the look of things isn't why guys usually go there anyway. That was evidenced again today. Some of the usual Friday afternoon crowd, plus some new guys.


    It does seem like the vibe has changed, less worry about discretion. Different staff guy (very cute) walked through a few times, not seeming to care what he may have seen. PM if you want additional info.

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