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Everything posted by VictorPowers

  1. Just today a fellow passenger on my flight asked if I had seen a small black pouch. His voice was shaky as it was apparent he was in distress. He promptly told me and others that in this pouch was his insulin. 8 people or so all worked together with phone flashlights on until it was found. This moment struck me in a way. Most airplane travelers I encounter just do their own thing and totally disregard everyone else. Humanity was seemingly restored in this short moment.
  2. Yet again I’m 2 steps ahead of you @JEC
  3. @Oaktown I had read that the most recent 737 crash was from a plane that should have been grounded anyway. The previous two flights had issues. I think this more of a matter of a company being negligent in pursuit of more profits by overlooking maintenance.
  4. I picture more of a big wagon behind you so they are not initially visible.
  5. Interesting thought but I have had a client bring me Muscle Milk. Vanilla!
  6. At the end of the day, it is what it is. http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/docs/Expletive_Words_and_Phrases.pdf
  7. I have been tracking the progress. 75% of the way there!
  8. if you’re the one hiring, a heads up would be great. If you’re an escort, then I’m sure this is outlined in your ad/website. I personally do not mind that you’re into that. Escorts in general cater to many fetishes. As in all matters, clear communication is key.
  9. @rocky inquiring about Philly. Anyone else notice the irony?
  10. I’ll reiterate my dates since I’m sure it was lost in the other thread. I will be attending again this year and staying at CC. 4/11 arrival and I’m leaving 4/14 a couple hours early into the pool party. I had a great time last year Bd look forward to seeing familiar faces and a few new ones.
  11. You know.. the little blue pill and the other little blue pill ?
  12. All things considered, it does sound like both parties parted ways peacefully. @Trick made a good point bringing up violence. I’m sorry you had this experience, but I’d say you made the correct decision.
  13. I don’t know if I’d share my equipment. TSA already touches it all the time anyway.
  14. My Dr. that prescribed my PrEp is amazingly personable and understanding. I feel fully comfortable divulging any details. That type of care is really awesome and I have been very happy.
  15. How does one broach the subject of clearance for a 3way? ?
  16. Treat your clients like Gold, and maybe they’ll give you some. We all start somewhere and it takes time to build relationships and regulars. What do you feel your services are worth? What do you want to earn? Answers to those questions can help you come up with a rate and a starting point. There are no shortcuts in life, Escorting is no exception. @hypothetically made many great points so I will not reiterate anything. Your last post asked What Escorts make Annually. I noticed this post did not give “only numbers” as you requested. You’re rephrasing the same question here, and I wanted to tell you that I doubt we will provide numbers. We can give you advice and encourage you to do research since many providers and clients on here are a wealth of knowledge. Just know that replies saying things like “I made $x my first month” will likely not come around.
  17. This year I left on Valentine’s Day and have had a packed schedule. I’ve noticed Valentine’s Day is a pretty busy time.
  18. The IRS knows my figure. I have a mortgage and other obligations and do in fact pay the tax man.
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