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Posts posted by JEC

  1. You Know I put up an ad seeking a Gentleman Caller to spend a holiday with. I reached out to two men who I believe would be a great match --- One already had plans the other the Airfare was prohibitive and not readily available.


    I am on the east coast in Philly --- There are lots of pretty bodies - But I am looking for a Gentleman Caller to share the day/night with -- Someone who is intelligent, well spoken, cordial, fun or funny, convivial, on the companionship side --- '


    For myself I would only like to share the holiday with the company of a lovely warm, caring, kinky, cuddly, kissable Gentleman Caller - enjoy a great meal - wonderful conversation - romantic time in front of the fireplace -- long hot steamy times in the party shower and relaxation in the sling and bondage bed --


    Interested Professional Gentleman are encouraged to contact me by PM

    Someone who is cuddly/kinky/kissy/wild/romantic/a fun fit fucker/top/versatile





    I looked thru the Philly and NYC Guys and no one really stood out --- Maybe I am spoiled because I like the guys on this Site because you get a sense of their personalities . . .



    I've had a couple of good sessions with CodyS from NYC, he's not as twinkish as his pics lead you to believe, smooth but has a beard now and very sexy & warm

    GingerJack (also NY) has a certain appeal, wonder if he would be your "type"?

    Best of luck, and Happy New Year...Jack

  2. I don't think Griffin has a car. I have met him at his place in Portland. He is pretty careful about screening his clients so he might be cautious about having a first-time client come to Portland w/o prior meeting or a referral (as I had, and even then he had me meet him at a coffee house first). Which leaves him commuting to Boston. I don't want to speak for him, but given his popularity and travel logistics probably only makes sense for him to do a multi-hour or overnight appointment, booked in advance if it includes commuting to Boston by bus or train.

  3. Chaosmen is mostly bareback these days, with the usual disclaimers about testing. @NowOrNever do you know where that video was from, or have a link? I've seen most of his stuff at Chaosmen but I don't recall the poppers/gloryhole bit.

    This is available on Pornhub

  4. I think in most cases PNP refers to using Meth (or, its nickname Tina which is why many will capitalize the T in ParTy). I don't think people generally refer to using 420 or poppers as PNP. Others may be more informed or have different opinions about this...

  5. Nick Parker has become my go to escort after sampling quite a few on RM. He's the total package in my opinion and has always made himself available to me each time I've contacted him. Handsome, hot body, great personality, very skilled and totally reliable. What more could a client want?

    I've been following him for some time, he can't host (and neither can I). I might need to grab a hotel for this boy....

  6. What they do on their own time is their business.

    That is absolutely true. And we are all free to do business with whom we choose. Being present with drugs and drug paraphernalia puts me in a legal position I can choose not to be in. Not to mention the potential the provider might be high during our session.


    Again, I don’t judge people who choose to do it, I just choose not to be a part of it and ask that I not be judged in turn.

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