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Everything posted by burtjohn

  1. Anyone have experience with this guy? https://rentmasseur.com/RelaxWmee
  2. I saw Andrew last night. I agree with shadowcatzxxx. He's a nice guy but I wouldn't repeat. PM me for details.
  3. I saw him for escort. It was a very mixed experience. PM for details.
  4. Good luck on setting something up with him. I've been trying for a couple years in Florida and NYC, but he just doesn't communicate. I'll ask if he's available tomorrow night, and 8 hours later he'll respond yes. Then I'll send another text saying does 8:00 pm work for you? Where are you located? And he'll not respond at all. Very frustrating.
  5. I had a conversation with him and decided he wasn't for me. While he'll top you, everything else must be directed towards him. He openly says he's not passionate and does not kiss, suck, rim, or anything else to pleasure his partner.
  6. Anyone have any experience with this guy? https://rentmen.eu/samgreenebmore
  7. Anyone have any experience with this cutie? https://rentmen.eu/Chriswhitruit
  8. I had a somewhat mixed experience with him. PM for details.
  9. I've seen Jonah on multiple occasions. He's the real deal and lots of fun. PM for more info.
  10. burtjohn


    Despite the questionable pictures and name changes, I decided to set something up with Adam. We communicated by text and set up an appointment. As you might have guessed, he ghosted me. Next time I will follow my instincts and Forum warnings.
  11. https://rentmen.eu/SmartSexySold Anyone had any experience with this guy? I communicated with him, and his fee was so low ($125) that it made me nervous.
  12. Does anyone have any recent experience with Daniel? I feel as if I have been looking at these same pictures for years. I have tried to arrange something with him in the past when I was in NYC, but we were never able to connect. I am wondering if I should keep trying.
  13. Here's a relatively new ad that looks promising to me. I'm coming to NYC soon and wondering if he's the real deal. https://rentmen.eu/BoyfriendTop
  14. Diego has another new name D_go https://rentmen.eu/D_go He and his boyfriend are no longer together and he seems to have settled in Ft. Lauderdale for now. I have always enjoyed my times with him.
  15. Still no one has seen this guy? I talked with him, and he seemed great; however, something seems TGTBT.
  16. No one has responded to the inquiry about this guy in a long time. I contacted him recently and he wanted to know what I was into. I said I was looking for a good top, and he responded that he only did that with women.
  17. Kamron i https://rentmen.eu/Kamron - is coming to Florida and I'm interested in connecting. He's good looking, but my conversations with him have left me with doubts. He advertises on Rentmen so I asked him if he only provides massages. He said that's all he promises but he's open to more depending upon chemistry. HIs fee is $300 an hour which I told him was a lot for only a massage, and he seemed taken aback. Am I wrong to think I should be getting a commitment for more than a massage for $300 an hour? Has anyone been with him? What is the experience like?
  18. Anyone have experience with this guy - https://rentmen.eu/SouthGeorgia? His ad doesn't say much.
  19. I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I wanted to ask about travel to Egypt. I am going there in a couple months, so I am interested in knowing more about gay life there. Is it safe to engage someone on Rentmen? I know the politics and history so I was surprised to find a number of people advertising on RM, but they could all be government agents for all I know. Does anyone have any insight or experience? Thanks.
  20. He's been around for a long time. I tried to hire him a few years ago, but he stood me up with no communication. I took him off my list.
  21. Has anyone had experience with this guy - https://rentmen.eu/Chase_Manning ? Another escort recommended him to me, but I would like to know if others have had experiences with him.
  22. I saw him. He overpromises and underdelivers.
  23. I'm curious, too. He's hot looking but has a number of bad reviews. I wonder what he does to turn people off.
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