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Posts posted by Courage

  1. Is this common among us? I suffer.


    How do you deal with it?


    Yes, those are common, including the suicidal ideation. I deal with them by counseling, meds, and working very hard to make and maintain what relationships I can (friends and family) so I'm not by myself. Hell, I'll go places where there are people just not to be by myself.


    It's still very hard--mental conditions persist sometimes no matter what you do. There are an awful lot of people who suffer an awful lot.


    I hope you find your way, whatever it is.

  2. I agree United is a terrible airline and shouldn't create these situations.


    However...this passenger and others didn't (to my knowledge) object to the process of computer selection and removal of other passengers *before* his number came up. I *do* realize there's nothing on the passenger's end that would've prevented this. I *do* realize that it is likely more important for a doctor to make his flight than others. I just don't like people objecting to rules *after* they work against them.


    It reminds me a lot of the Shirley Jackson story The Lottery.

  3. This seems to be a discussion focused on genitals, body front, and adjacent surfaces.


    Is that to be taken to mean that back and arm hair are beyond the pale? Even "dads" in porn seem to remove back hair. My options would run from the irritating (Nair) to impractical (shaving) to the inconceivable (waxing), so I'm curious.


    I don't plan on doing anything about it, but it is good to know how others see you.

  4. Among the many crushes I had in my senior year of high school after I was already out, was a cute baseball jock named Glen. I never tried to make a pass at him or anything, but I always figured he probably knew I thought he was hot.


    Mine was a football guy--I imagine a linebacker. I wasn't out in high school at all--I kept to myself mainly.


    I just looked my guy up--still got the lopsided smile and the shoulders. Still cute. Sigh.

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