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Everything posted by Typical

  1. Anyone with experience? I love Norwegians. www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/35897/
  2. Rock hard boner? He's an excellent masseur, regardless.
  3. It's easier to flee than evict. First time at their place. Then go from there.
  4. Can ANYONE on this thread write utilizing correct English grammar? :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
  5. The downside of sites like this is that a number of masseurs curtail the experience for fear of being blabbed about in a public forum. It's my opinion that if a masseur doesn't publicly advertise certain enhancements those situations should remain confidential. I can't say 100% I have lived up to that expectation, but will going forward. Sometimes things happen that are not standard operating procedure. That's great! Those instances should be kept private for numerous reasons. In this day and age discretion is a valuable and appreciated quality.
  6. The guy below visits London often it seems. The hype written in his ad seemed silly to me so I was reluctant. But it was an excellent experience. There are various options and he lists them at first contact. I scheduled for option 1 for 60 minutes at 75 sterling (base) but quickly upgraded to a longer session and the rest. Not cheap at 200 sterling for 90 minutes, but in my opinion full value was received. The massage reached a logical conclusion 10 minutes early and he proceeded to provide a superb 15 minute neck and scalp massage to more than fill out the scheduled time. Solid A massage (really). No texting or distractions during the session. Super nice guy. He's the fellow in the ad photos and the super hot instagram account provided, so if that is your thing you will love it. Fit and sexy as hell. He was staying in a nice flat in an excellent part of London when I saw him today. But that changes as he comes and goes. So who knows where he will be next time. https://rentmassuer/KAIN http://instagram.com/dmitrij_bessalov He also has a MF ad.
  7. My friend, it's all about who WRITES the bills. Once a bill is written, then there is a vote and virtually no one can vote against an anti sex trafficking bill! LOL. Are you kidding? The American public in general is not very nuanced in its understanding of complex situations! But even more importantly, it is about how the law is interpreted and enforced by the Justice Department. Jeff Sessions and Co are going to use the law as a weapon against certain groups they don't like, regardless of any legitimate statutory intent. That is what is happening now. So I repeat loud and clear: VOTE. For Democrats. Vote.
  8. Oh, brother. No one at MF cares when you get a massage. They are trying to stay above board (and in business) in this new political climate. Your complaint is aimed in the wrong direction. Vote.
  9. Social media can make people absolutely crazy! Drunk/ high posting is probably a big issue (Roseanne Barr and Donald Trump ). Breathalyzers on our keyboards and mobile devices might be a partial answer.
  10. Just so you are clear: This is in direct response to Justice Department actions, policies and inquires. The Justice Department is looking for ways to shut down such sites. Employing or facilitating the employment of undocumented people is perhaps grounds for action. (Action successful or not, who knows... Does MF have the resources to contest such a case? Of course not!) Again, MF is not sitting around trying to make life difficult for their clients. They couldn't care less where your masseur was born. They wish to make money. They are being reasonably cautious in this environment. And does the Washington Post sell ads to grass cutters or gutter cleaners? I really don't know. Seems improbable. And even if they did, the two situations are in no way comparable. You are directing your ire at the wrong target.
  11. Yeah. It is funny how people sometimes point their ire in the totally wrong direction. It is pretty classic manipulation by those in charge to incite disharmony amongst those who should be allied against the powers that be. This is a small but interesting example of the phenomenon. Vote this November. And if you can, contribute to the Democrats. If Republicans maintain both sides of Congress this year, you won't recognize this country by 2020. Trust me: finding a massage therapist will be the very least of your problems.
  12. They will ALL be gone soon. The so called Trump Administration will see to that. You do understand that this is all in response to Justice Department directives and enforcement measures, right? Jeff Sessions isn't just sitting at his desk ordering child snatching at the border. He has a VERY full to do list. Harassing gay people may be close to the top. No one is sitting at MF headquarters and saying to themselves "let's make our site less interesting".
  13. Ha. Every now and then "Alex" is compelled to self promote or defend himself here in a most transparent manner. And I insist on calling out BS when he does. Awful!
  14. Is a message forum like this considered “social media”? Regardless, the parallels are there. A bunch of people who have never met squabbling, fighting, insulting and attacking each other anonymously over absolutely NOTHING. So much pointless anger and wasted energy.
  15. He had decidedly mixed to negative mentions on this forum when he worked in NYC. We went to the same gym and he is a hottie. Perhaps things have drastically improved since he left town. On a side note, Augusta Maine seems like an odd place to sell $160 an hour massage services.
  16. This country recently elected a “president” who told us Mexico would pay for his wall and that he would provide better healthcare for “everyone” at lower cost, just to name a couple very OBVIOUS whoppers. So to answer the question, yes, there are absolutely enough suckers to make these scams pay.
  17. Nice and very sexy guy. Gives a really good massage. When his base rate was $120 there was an $80 upcharge for “more”. Not sure what the paradigm is now with the higher base rate. FWIW, the base rate massage was always a better quality massage. But sometimes the “more” is the way to go.
  18. Hands down, one of the most uninteresting 40 minutes of my life.
  19. Vote this November. If the Democratic candidate in your district is a dead squirrel, then vote for the dead squirrel. If your most perfect dreamboat candidate is not in the mix, so what? The house is on FIRE!! We’ll worry about the second floor plumbing quirks a little later.
  20. Wow. If not for this thread I likely would never have seen Danny as his ad didn’t stand out to me in any way. The hype is real. The guy is great!
  21. The so called Trump Administration must throw bloody meat to its base to maintain mindless circling and excitement. And my friends, in case you have not yet noticed, YOU are the chum! Sit home this November at your peril because you have seen nothin yet.
  22. Well, a good number of the American people voted for a notorious and obvious con man to occupy its highest political office in 2016, so the word is out. We are suckers!!!
  23. Could he be like the nice Nigerian lady who sends emails to me promising a $10 MILLION dollar transfer into my account if only I would be so kind to wire her a $5,000 handling fee? Bahahahaha.
  24. The photo is of a somewhat well known model who is unlikely to be performing massage services in his spare time. Unfortunately the general public has proven itself somewhat naive in recent years. As our dear leader once famously said: "If you say it, they will believe it". Critical thinking is long gone from large segments of the population. If you post it on Facebook (or rentmassuer, I guess) enough people will buy it.
  25. Typical

    Ben NyC

    Saw him maybe 6-8 years ago. Nothing remotely sensual at that time. I vaguely recall an overall odd appointment with him making distracting grunting sounds during the massage. I had absolutely no desire to repeat. The only reasons any of this is memorable is because we went to the same gym at the time. And the experience was notably overpriced.
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