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Everything posted by StLouisOct

  1. The one where Diego Sans is the ever-helpful receptionist. ?
  2. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. https://rent.men/LatinoMuse
  3. Gosh, I book ahead all the time. Sometimes a week. Sometimes a month if I've been with the guy before. Sounds like you do too. But are you saying 9 months and more is something you often do? I'd be interested to hear your rate of success in that extreme situation.
  4. He’s not a cruise ship. Booking that far in advance is such a waste of the escort’s time, I wouldn’t fault an escort for failing to respond to you.
  5. You say “too much money for nothing”. Is that your response to his RM page or did you meet with him and have a bad experience?
  6. P Pretty funny. He’s one of a couple in this string who doesn’t know how to wink, but he still looks great!
  7. I have no idea if his ad is real, but I don’t understand your point. His ad text sounds like many RM descriptions , but you seem to be concluding that RM is a waste of time because there are other social media options. Am I missing something? ?
  8. Before Jarek went to the “Big House.“ ?
  9. Really nice guy with a lovely body (photos are accurate). A skilled bottom, which I think he prefers . Not so much as a top.
  10. Groceries stores in my area learned the lesson from last time and have put limits on the amount of TP, wipes and disinfectant you can purchase.
  11. OMG, 21 minutes! ? This guy is 21 and he may have a lot to learn, and maybe his booking schedule delayed his next appointment, but he may have been a great fuck!! A recommended alternate course might be to play with one’s cellphone and stand by patiently for a great experience. ?
  12. I’m confident that at no time during an experience with him will I think about remodeling.
  13. Lots of them in the private section of his RM page.
  14. I’ve had several occasions where escorts have complimented me for my tender kisses when we start “getting to know“ each other. Of course, it evolves into more intensive action, but it’s made me curious. Do you find that most clients want to immediately aggressively “suck face”? If so, would you prefer that they take a less aggressive approach at the beginning or do you care?
  15. I saw him in an interesting interview a few years back and, although he was friendly and respectful to his gay interviewer, it was made clear by both parties that he was straight.
  16. Spent two hours with him yesterday. A good guy, skilled bottom and nice to look at and talk with. Photos are all accurate. I'm looking forward to submitting a Daddys Review.
  17. StLouisOct

    Tristan Jaxx

    An odd, unhelpful, self-centered response. ?
  18. ? It’s comin’ ‘round the bend; I haven’t had my shorts on; since I don’t know when. ?
  19. Yep. I assumed someone had a political comment directed at the photo in question. How one would look at that guy and think politics is a mystery to me, but to each his own. ?
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