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Posts posted by njr47

  1. You answered the question well. You are a true professional. Being an older client, I have run into providers who do not take the professional approach that you demonstrate. Some escorts do not show or pretend to show their enthusiasm in a session with an older client. The session becomes mechanical and even uncomfortable because you can sense it. The OP is trying to identify those that do provide excellent service to the more mature because there are providers who do not even if they do not admit it. Self disclosure by the providers is one great vetting technique. I always look for it in their profile. Some providers do not mention it. I assume because they are so professional that probably do not think it is necessary. The op, myself and others are tired of wasting their money on an experience that is underrated when through the forum can identify providers like yourself who will always provide excellent service to the more mature crowd.
  2. Lol I'm so confused by the discrepancy between the title and the clarifying question in the OP. I can only guess that it makes no difference whether the escort in question is truly into older guys or is simply a good actor?




    It confuses me why this question would be in the "as an escort" section then. Are you asking us to judge our own acting abilities? Why ask us if you don't care about whether we would TRULY rather be playing with older guys or not?


    I'm not an older guy who's met with dozens of younger escorts, so I'm in no place to judge who "appears to be really happy" with older clients. But as an escort I can say for sure- older guys come in every shape, size, smell, and personality type just like everyone else. Even tho I'm someone who has zero hangups about sleeping with older men, it's completely impossible to state that I'd truly enjoy being with ANY older man. Chemistry determines that just like with anyone else.


    But when chemistry fails... I'm a good actor too. Why? Because everyone (who treats me with respect) deserves to feel like the sexiest guy in my world when we are together. ;)


    I guess I'm in a unique position right now due to my FTM transition and hormone treatment where I look almost a decade younger than I am. Hence I'm able to provide a "young teen" (18? 19?) type of fantasy experience while maintaining the experience and wisdom of my 28 years. I'd say that's been going over very well so far... guess I'd better enjoy it while it lasts! :D

  3. I know this subject has been discussed before, with clients saying they are not really "that old", and escorts saying they love everybody (most likely to ensure business). But , as a matter of common sense, neither of these statements is always true. I have reached an age and "physical type" where a number of younger non-professional guys indicate they are interested in me---most of whom are sweet, but have few sexual skills. So, I am not asking which escorts really and truly would rather be playing with older guys, but which ones appear to be really happy with us, and leave us delighted with this particular older/younger experience.

  4. I'm sorry that our Los Angeles friend had an unhappy "first time with an escort" with trophyhusband "a couple of years ago." I obviously can't comment about that. This week, however, I had a great time with him.....and saw no evidence that he was in an way unhappy, troubled or otherwise unable to provide a truly great escort experience to me. Either the passage of time has greatly improved him, or it's another example of how various clients have different experiences with the same escort.

  5. Recently spent some time with this vastly entertaining (and highly sexual) guy, as he swung through the Bay Area on his way to Palm Springs from Bali. I have submitted a "formal" review to Daddy's site. In the meantime, though, I want to report that I had a great time with him, and he very definitely fulfilled all of my sensual/sexual hopes. If he comes to your city, feel free to send me a PM.

  6. Lance Navarro is not only handsome but quite smart (I know; have been with him twice). But I think he is unduly optimistic about the unlikelihood of bitcoin fraud. Not only is bitcoin ridiculously volatile, but----human nature being what it is---creative minds are devising new ways of using it to defraud people. See this link, for just one example: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-bitcoin-popular-exploited-theft-fraud.html

  7. One of Dorothy's morbid rhymes: "

    Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acids stain you; and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; nooses give; gas smells awful; you might as well live.” (and if I knew how to make this typeface smaller, an "un bold" it, I would have.)

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