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Everything posted by handiacefailure

  1. I saw Boomer last year at Joe Allen in NYC eating brunch with some friends (equally as hunky as Boomer) eating at a table near ours. I'm usually not into heavily inked guys but he is very hot and I thought about hiring him since he is a top. I ran into Angelo Antonio at a party one time, I could get off on just worshiping his biceps:) Colby Jenson was at a party one time. I've run into Trevor knight once in a hotel lobby in San Fran, he was staying at the same hotel during folsom and had just run into him a few weeks prior to that at a New Orleans bar during Decadence. When Robby Mendez was still living in LA he was at a friends holiday party I was also at. That was a little awkward since I had hired him a couple times in the past and no one at the party knew I hired (not sure if the host knew he escorted or not). He was very friendly and didn't let on we knew each other
  2. +1. I'm into inked guys but he is an exception. I could get off on just feeling his biceps
  3. I'm in NYC this weekend and hoping I can get tickets to it. I rarely see the same show twice with the same cast but want to see it again just to see Bette perform hello dolly. I thought Gavin was really good (and nice eye candy to boot lol)
  4. In some cities it's impractical to have a car. If I lived in midtown manhattan or in chicago proper there'd be no way I'd have a car. I'd do grocery shopping at neighborhood stores every couple days or use a delivery service. There's always zip cars for the times you need car The city I live in requires a car. I live 1/3 if a mile from work and downtown but need a car for things like the grocery store and getting to the airport.
  5. But the app doesn't tell the driver until he's arrived at your pickup stop
  6. If you are riding in Lyft something's else to keep in mind Is that if you tip on the app the driver gets it included on his 1099 and has to Pay tax where they don't pay tax if it's cash. Well they should pay tax but I'm sure like most service people they don't claim it
  7. I hope Ben and the show at least gets a nomination. Very talented kid. I'm hoping Bette wins best actress for Hello Dolly, she deserves it and Hello Dolly deserves best musical
  8. Another advantage to using Uber over a cab. And another good reason to tip your driver. If you tip your driver and leave something in your car you are going to be a lot more likely to get it back. My friend that drives for Uber in SF will try to track down a tipping passenger if he finds they left something in their car. If it's a non-tipper he normally throws the item away figuring he isn't going to waste his gas and time to get an item back to a passenger that stiffed him on a tip and I don't blame him
  9. I know a couple people that drive for Uber and/or Lyft and Uber app is the same way, they have no idea if the fare will be a three block ride or really look fare into a bad area. It just tells the passengers first name, the pick up location and their rating and they decide if they want to take the ping and I believe they have 30 seconds to accept before it goes to the next nearest driver. As to the OP's question you should tip the driver just like a cab. You are getting a cheaper fare than a cab, usually a cleaner car and you can track where the driver is on the app. You tip a cab driver, the person that cuts your hair, a bartender, and a lot of people tip an escort (funny enough my friend in SF that drives for Uber has given rides to two well known escorts that stiffed him on a tip) so people should tip their Uber driver. I'm told a lot of passengers don't tip and the drivers are getting pretty pissed off at non-tipper because they have taken a couple pay cuts due to Uber cutting fares. The drivers I know will rate a passenger lower for non-tipping and when it comes to pickups will only pick up higher rated passengers figuring a lower rated won't tip
  10. I see he is in Detroit this weekend and was thinking of contacting him since his rentmen ad said he was into a lot of the same stuff I am. Glad I found this thread, I'm passing. Seems like every escort I find in Detroit lately has bad reviews or drops off the face of the earth when I tell them when I'm available and want to meet:(
  11. Is it still around? I went there about five years and the place was a real dive. I'm a non-smoker and sensitive to smoke and you could smoke in Pitt bars then (I think you still can" and place was so full of smoke my eyes were burning and the ventilation was awful. It's also not a male only bar and I think there were more fag hags there than guys. It can be a fun bar if you like dives and I would have probably enjoyed it a lot more if I were a smoker
  12. Makes sense. I remember the first few months have 9/11 it was a total pain in the ass to cross the border coming into the US. I know Danny's (the male strip club for women) was demolished about five years but it's a big pain to cross the border for some now than before 9/11. Now you have to have a passport (pre 9/11 they never asked anyone I was travelling with that didn't have a passport for proof of citizenship but post 9/11 before the passport law went into effect some of the officers were asking for a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship) and I'm told they are getting strict about turning people away who have a DUI on their record where they never really enforced it pre-911. They no longer have a bathhouse either. There is an escort I used to meet up with in Windsor who wouldn't do border crossings and we would meet up there. Not sure what happened to it but it used to be really busy on Saturday afternoons when I would go there.
  13. I liked Make the Yuletide Gay. I'm surprised Mulligans and a Four Letter Word haven't been mentioned yet. Lots of nice eye candy in both of those with Charlie David
  14. I think there are some female strip clubs in Michigan that have full nudity but don't serve alcohol like Deja Vu. I wonder what happened to Happy Tap in Windsor. That place used to be packed on both the lower level where the strippers were and the upstairs bar was a lot of fun. Only issue I ran into was one time when I took a friend there for his birthday and he was quoted a certain price for a lap dance and he asked the stripper if that was per song or for the dance and he said the price was for a dance. He did a couple songs and then wanted to engage my friend in a long conversation and at the end he told my friend it was XXXX and he told my friend that each song was considered a dance:) My friend handed him a $20 CAN and grabbed me and said we were out of there. The dancer started complaining he owned him money and my friend told him to call the cops:)
  15. I really liked white frog with bd Wong
  16. Vanessa Williams was at a SkyClub in Detroits airport Friday. I saw her on the way out and she was on her cell phone and I had a flight to catch so didn't approach her.
  17. I love Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. I was fortunate enough to hear her perform with the boys choir at St Pauls in London one time
  18. Saw it this afternoon. Tickets are sold out through July and I tried the lottery and seeing if there were any cancels at the last minute for both the matinees yesterday and today with no luck. Seeing tickets are sold out on weekends until Early July I kept checking stub hub and finally there was one that showed up for a reasonable amount of $200 and I snagged it. I'd recommend buying tickets if you know you'll be going to NYC and if you cna't find them keeping trying stub hub until the last minute and you might get lucky. Great show. Touches on some pretty serious stuff. I never heard of any of the members in the cast but everyone in it was great. It's a show I'd love see again.
  19. I didn't know Andrea Martin performedas Granny in Pippin. I saw it a few years ago with Annie Potts and love how they got the audience into the song. This was before my time but I heard the version Irene Ryan from Beverly Hillbilly's did and it was really good
  20. Turns out my one friend hadn't bought tickets yet, he thought he could get them at the box office LOL. Luckily my other friend I'm with and I were able to get orchestra tickets last night, someone cancelled and the tickets were $325 but was well worth it. Bette was amazing (I saw her in vegas at the collegium about 8 years ago) David Hyde Pierce was great and so was Gavin Creel (as well as nice eye candy LOL). She messed up during the song "Hello DOlly" and forgot part of a line and the way she pulled it off was great and made it entertaining. They received a standing ovation after the song and I've seen hundreds of broadway shows and the only other time I've seen the audience give a standing ovation after a song in a show was when Patti Lupone performed Roses Turn in Gypsy.
  21. I am in NYC Friday to Monday and found out a good friend bought us tickets for Saturday night to Hello Dolly for a birthday gift:) I'm really excited about seeing Bette again.
  22. Maybe he would bottom off the camera, doesn't hurt to ask:) you'd be surprised at what some people will do for the right price:) I hired Alexander Gustavo in November a couple weeks before he passed and he was a sub bottom in every porn video I saw him in but in real life is vers and was great as a dom kink top. There's another porn star that was a sub bottom on video I hired a long time ago who was also great as a dom top in the bedroom.
  23. I've hired Paul a couple times in Vegas. Great ass and beautiful body, only thing I didn't like was is he smokes really heavy and his clothes reek of smoke and even though he used mints before it didn't cover it up. I'm facebook friends with him and he isn't aging well at all
  24. For me it's Connor Maguire. He use to advertise on Rentboy but I only get to SF a few times a year and his profile was only up for a couple weeks:( One's I would love to hire that I have never seen advertising are Van Darkholme and Blake Mitchell.
  25. Did anyone else here hire Jackson Lawless when he was escorting? I think I'm the only one that mentioned him in this thread. Wish he wouldn't have gone into retirement, one of my favorite encounters. I was told he got in a serious relationship with a guy and stopped escorting and doing porn due to it and moved to the NYC area.
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