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Everything posted by handiacefailure

  1. I have tickets to see her in it on Feb 10. I saw it twice with Bette, once in previews and another time after it opened. Both shows were great. Looking forward to seeing Bernedette in the part
  2. I don't think if anyone saw me on the street they'd have any clue I'm into BDSM. A few of my closer friends knows I'm into it and they were all surprised when I told them.
  3. I found some of his social media profiles and his youtube channel. He is really into having cash slaves just handing him money, not my thing
  4. I don't understand these "doms" that put up ads and then don't respond to serious inquiries. I think it's a Detroit thing. I've had awful luck with guys who have ad escort ads up in Detroit not being serious but don't seem to be that big of an issue in other cities.
  5. I sent him a message and he didn't respond. I wonder how he ended up in Detroit from NYC. I don't understand these guys that advertise and don't respond when someone messages them about setting up a sesson
  6. He is into a lot of the same stuff I am and not far from me but can't find any reviews other than one on daddy's and that was a first time review and I don't really trust those https://rentmen.eu/MasterJasperPlum/
  7. We're both going to be in DC this weekend for MAL. Not sure if I should give him another shot or not. He's hot and says he geyts into kink as a top
  8. I saw it twice last year with Bette. I have tickets to see it in February with Bernadette and looking forward to seeing how different she is in the role. I think Elaine Paige would have been a good replacement
  9. The only provider I hired in 2917 that stood out was Justin stone in nyc aka alphadom or college dom and the prodom Jamel I see in London every visit. Other than that anyone else injured in 17 I wouldn’t hire again.
  10. Sounds hot. It is hard to find a guy who will spank to real tears and has only happened to me a few times Ive had plenty of paddles broken on me over the years but wasnt intentional I think it would be hot to be spanked to tears and when I’m past my limit the finale is with a thin paddle and doesnt stop until it breaks
  11. I'm interested if it's a weekend I can get away
  12. I think Poinsettias are pretty flowers but I have two cats and was told they can make cats sick and my one cat loves to eat plants
  13. I'm in LA this weekend and interested in hiring him since he gets into kink. Can't find anything on daddy's though:( https://rentmen.eu/PunkBoyBrian
  14. I don't, too big of a pain in the ass. I have a lot of glass ornaments my mom gave me from a guy from my hometown that does glass blown ornaments and have put them on out on shelves before using ornament stands but the stands got lost when I moved:(
  15. I had emailed him when I was in Chicago and didn't respond when he told me his rate. $350 an hour lol Jonah Fontana only charges $300
  16. Porn star would be Diego Sans (man I wish he would escort). Non pornstar, singer Steve grand.
  17. A very sordid wedding (sequal to sordid lives) came out on DVD a few weeks ago. Very funny and good movie. Levi Kreis plays a homophobic minister and in the DVD extras there is a clip of him playing the piano at the church and singing
  18. He does a lot of videos for Kink.com He was really close to Alexander Augusto (who committed suicide a while back) and was the found that found Alexander dead and they did a lot of videos together. I was lucky enough to hire Alexander a few weeks before he killed himself (great scene and too bad what happened, he was a great guy and I was looking forward to hiring Alexander again) and Alexander talked about what a great kink top Jaxton was. I thought about hiring Jaxton for a bdsm scene but read the one bad review on daddys about him and wasn't impressed with how he responded. There's at least one thread on him as an escort on this site and he was a member here at one time
  19. Anyone have experience with him? https://rentmen.eu/MasterMatt I saw his ad and he's been on my radar to hire next time I"m in Seattle and see he is visiting Detroit this weekend
  20. Too bad Eric/Leif (mansbf) isn't in LA anymore. He was hot, well hung and had any BDSM toy imagainable and was great for being in his 20s
  21. Best buy will also accept a lot of electronic devices for recycle. That's why I did with my last old tv
  22. Our cans says 10 cent michigan deposit on the top even though they are bought in Ohio. I think it's because I'm near the border and a lot of stores in SE michigan near the Ohio border use a Toledo bottler and it's too expensive for them to stamp cans different. The major grocery chains in Michigan have machines you insert the cans and bottles into and they just read the barcode to make sure it's a brand they accept and shoot out a receipt that you give to the cashier.
  23. I live by the ohio/michigan border. Michigan has a 10 cent deposit law on containers for carbonated beverages (which includes beer) but it's stupid that they don't for bottled water because it's meant to cut down on littering (bottled water may not have been popular when they introduced the law). There are poor people that dumpster dive for soda and beer cans in Ohio that will take them across the state line and put them in the container return machines and get a dime for each can and bottle. There's also college students that will do the same, they'll buy their pop and beer in Ohio and then take the empties across the state line and get a dime for each. I think it's stealing but it's a cleaver way for college kids to get a little extra money
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