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Everything posted by FunInTheSun

  1. There were so many great places back in the day. I remember a theatre that was around the east village maybe? You entered through an unmarked door and if I remember correctly there was a theatre downstairs that had several nooks. There was almost a cavern-like atmosphere to the space. Does this ring a bell for anyone else or has the pornography topography gotten all jumbled up in memory lol?
  2. Inquiring minds want to know...
  3. Has anyone met with this cutie? https://rent.men/Xanderrr/ Quoted me really stellar rates for tons of fun...not sure if it's just because he's young and not a perfect 10 or it's a red flag lol
  4. I made a plan with him about a week ago. He was coming to my place, which is maybe 15 minutes away. 40 minutes later he texts that he wasn’t flaking but had had to turn around and go back home to let his roommate/ girlfriend back in and they got into an argument, but was now back on the road and would be 20-30 minutes. I told him that made no sense because of the distances and just to be honest or reschedule. We agreed he’d arrive in 35 minutes. Never heard back lol
  5. I talked with him but never connected. The HE was going to be FS with no upcharge, but dammit my schedule didn't permit me to connect with him while he was in town!
  6. I love New York in the summer (ha!) Always appreciate personal recommendations on cute young (<35) guys who are friendly and fun...
  7. I recently met a very cute latino twink and spent a good half hour with my tongue buried so far in his hole I was nearly poking out his belly button. (is that even how anatomy works lol?) Happy to intro if you flex on skin tone.
  8. I think the underlying problem is your sense of entitlement to some kind of relationship with this service provider beyond the terms of your agreement. Whether they are tops, bottoms or somewhere in between, I imagine that male escorts must be able to relate to women -- who constantly find themselves under attack for not reciprocating the needs of the men who desire them. Nobody needs to justify their lack of interest in relationship, friendship, kinship, whatever. Especially when there is a professional basis to the relationship to begin with! I agree we can expect kindness, respect, civility, bonhomie, etc., in the planning, execution and immediate aftermath of a session. But beyond that, it is absolutely no reflection on the service provider if they have zero interest in spending time or communicating outside the professional sphere. Do you think your therapist is damaged if she doesn't want to come to your family picnic? Or is it pathetic when the barista at Starbucks - who you may chat with every day - doesn't want to come see a movie? Boundaries.
  9. Reading this thread just makes me miss Gaiety in the 90's...
  10. Zach was great! I lived in nyc for several years and saw him maybe a half dozen times. So smart, sweet and passionate — really delivered on the whole bfe concept in spades. He always made me feel like a million bucks.
  11. Agree he is hot af. That fat cock really ought to find its way in me lol. The only thing I found kinda weird was in his video why was he beating off to the local news? I’ve had providers who had the tv on to news, movies, whatever, and they don’t turn it off until I say something. Sorry, but I don’t want to fuck while Bill Paxton is scrambling to save the world in the background or lottery numbers are being announced. Or am I just being selfish wanting his undivided attention?
  12. He’s so cute! Someone take one for the team? He’s running a discount this week too it appears....hmmm maybe I will
  13. Usually I start with my preferences rather than go open-ended. Feels like that way it’s clear and I’m not playing games. So I’ll talk about what I enjoy and ask if they get are into similar. If not, then I’ll either bow out or schedule knowing the boundaries, depending on: a) how they framed their response (ie judgy vs just not their thing); b) how horny I am (lol); and c) what my reasonable options are.
  14. I also endeavor to be up front about bb expectations. Being neg on PrEP and enjoying raw sex, I tend to gravitate toward the anything goes set but when talking to the “ask me” guys I broach the subject early. It’s not a deal breaker for me always (except when topping) but I prefer to have a meeting of the minds. It all boils down to respectful communication and an attempt for some genuine form of connection. Even though there is a commercial element to the relationship, we are still just two people coming (cumming? Haha) together to share an experience so it will be best if we are aligned at least directionally.
  15. I tend to be really forgiving about timing lapses but will also be up front when communicating if I’m on a schedule. So if a provider tells me they are running 15 minutes late I will tell them something like “ok thanks for the heads up. I’ve got plans for later though, so if you happen to run into more delays we will need to reschedule.” That way the escort knows what the situation is, and everything can be kept friendly and professional. Sometimes life gets in the way of promptness and it’s inconvenient for all concerned. I try not to let it ruin my day even if I lose an opportunity I’d been looking forward to.
  16. I’ve been seeing Jake for about six months, maybe every few weeks, for massage, having met him on a4a before he went to rm. His pics are accurate...and as hot as they are they don’t even begin to capture how stunning he truly is. He is really a dancer, too, and his powerful legs and insane butt bear witness to his years of training in that graceful avocation. Speaking of graceful movement, his massage technique is remarkably good for someone so young. He goes deep and hard, and uses his entire body. He is like a human foam roller, pushing the lactic acid from your muscles and leaving you just completely relaxed and spent. I don’t know what his escort practice is like, and while part of me wants to take the plunge the other doesn’t want to rock the boat. Anyhow, he’s a great guy and sexy and friendly. I would love to trade notes with anyone who hires him as an escort...
  17. Would love to hear your experience with him if you proceed. The non-acrobatic videos make him look like a capable top for a young wisp of a boy...
  18. $160 for 1 hour incall on the table. And I don’t know the experience that Steed8 is drawing from, but the young man I met was friendly, humble, giving. We talked about family, travel, and hobbies. It was easy and the epitome of chill. In short, not remotely like someone I would expect to hear treated another disrespectfully. Then again, maybe he’s like Bill Cosby so I don’t want to challenge Steed8’s experience if it is also recent and personal. I am just relaying my experience and my character assessment after one good experience.
  19. Just saw this ad https://rent.men/Ryanrhimes and he looks hot! No reviews anywhere, so wonder if anyone has experience?
  20. I saw Mason earlier this week, and had a very positive experience. I can't believe this is my first post (I joined 2 years ago but have only lurked lol) but when I searched for him afterward and saw this thread I felt I should add another experience to the mix. Whatever anyone else experienced before, Mason was very sweet and not flaky with me. I am not at all a hardbody stud, either, for the record haha. Anyhow, without going into a full review I will say that I was exceedingly clear in what I was, um, thirsting for (hehe) when we texted to set up the appointment. There was a modest up-charge but he, um, came through like a champ . And, like I said, he was kind and charming and we chatted before, during and after the massage (though he knew when to stop chit-chatting). There you have it. My 2 cents.
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