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    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Most of the guys I've met face to face didn't have any clue about what was a reasonable amount. If someone is local and has a flexible schedule I suggest $200 for a couple of hours twice a week (not necessarily intimate - I enjoy lunches/dinners too). No one has ever said no to that.
    If we really have a connection and end up sharing overnights then I give $300... Again, I've never gotten any sense of disappointment at that.
    I really appreciate what @Skip said about mutual respect. I feel it's important to not take advantage of someone else's misfortune or naïveté - very bad karma that will come back to you.
  2. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to Skip in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I the offense in these matters. We agree on an "eposodic" amount, usually $1,000. Then once we have a date and a location, I ask immediately if they have a PayPal account, and transfer $250. That will give you an email address. THen I send them all the reservations, plane (mine or theirs) hotel etc. This makes them realize that you are ligit and they relax a bit. (There are as many flakes on the Daddy side as on the their side) We play it out, have a great evening/night/morning and I transfer the rest at some point on my phone. Most of these guys are just regular guys that have hit a rough spot, not the con guys you sometimes (not always and not the majority) find on Rent Men.
  3. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to Skip in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I am not a regular poster like most of you guys, more a vouyer of this forum. Rent men, like Rentboy is fairly cut and dried, to the point. SA is more subtle, I have talked with several guys who didn't expect sex to be part of the arrangement. It takes a lot of work and there really aren't any free rides. All in all there are a lot of nice guys on there. I live in the Southeast so there is not a lot of talent here, but NY is a quick flight away. I move the age slider up to about 26 to eliminate the guys who are too young. Yes there are some you wonder why they think someone would compensate them for anything. All in all I have met 3 great guys. We arranged for an "eposodic" amount for the first meeting. Dinner a great hotel and 500-1000 in comp and everyone walks away happy. Another weekend of the same, I think all would say yes. PayPal eliminates the envelope. All in all a great site but it takes work. I had so much on my plate I had to take a break. I think the secret to any arrangement, or hire or whatever or how every long you want to call it is a sense of mutual respect. If you respect these guys as equals and treat them with kindness and some courtesy it is amazing what happens. If you're a nice guy (not stupid or naive) there are a lot of nice guys out there. I am 60 years old. I'm having more fun with more hot guys than I ever did in my 20's and 30's and was cruising around.
  4. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Hi there! You're a sharp dresser!
    Our of curiosity, would you possibly be open to allowing me to put some looks together for you?? If you shop thru me to help my store increase it's sales, I can ship right to your door free.
    Unlike most people on here, I'm a hard worker and not asking for a handout. I'm asking for assistance in boosting my career. And in return, you get an awesome new look.
    I would love for you too see me naked
    Him: dont be shy, text me id love to meet you 570-517-xxxx
    Me: Uhm, Philly is a little far.
    Can you send me money to my PayPal pleassssee I'm in need✨ ?? paypal.me/Treyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Miami guy (first and last msg): Keith my man!!!! Fly me up

  5. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to MikeBiDude in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Got a live one for you today @Oaktown
    Something like 42 messages back/forth with a very attractive young man, then:
    Him: But I do have one little request...
    Me: What's that?
    Him :I'm in a bit of a rut and need a little help and in turn I'd be a regular for you whenever you want
    Him a minute later : Basically what I'm wanting is a loan
    Me: Ummmm, sorry - no. Good luck with that. Good bye
    And now his messages deleted and he's blocked....that's how you handle those.
    EDIT: couple minutes later Him: "you..." expletive deleted.....
  6. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I've gotten several of these sorts of requests. Of course my first question is the name and address to which I should send the ticket.
    Seriously, I encounter about equal numbers of guys with realistic versus unrealistic expectations. Some guys are astoundingly clueless but some are touchingly sincere and modest. There's all kinds and it's an exercise in finding the hidden gems. They are definitely out there.
  7. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to MikeBiDude in Seeking arrangements success!   
    How unfortunate! Almost a totally contrary experience to mine.
    Of course I receive the overseas requests for relocation, invest in a business, "Fly me to you". There is a delete conversation control. Surely @Oaktown you aren't surprised by these and ready to reject those messsages? Do you reply to Nigerian Prince emails?
    How did someone with "NO prior contact" have your text #? Do you put your number in your online profile??
  8. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to MikeBiDude in Seeking arrangements success!   
    [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] is right..."seeking..." takes a bit more work than say RentMen. My experience has been that it's a hybrid of personals site and Adam4Adam and Rentmen, lol. I've chatted with guys whose "allowance" ranges from ZERO to thousand$/monthly. I don't meet the high end monthly allowance types, I prefer pitching a visit-by-visit arrangement on a semi-regular basis. Virtually all the young men I've met have been happy to meet for coffee, lunch, etc. for a first time no obligation meet, those motivated young men are as interested in a personal "connection" as I am before moving to the next step. (Honesty here - I have been stood up for that first coffee/lunch meet a couple times). Of Those that show up, a HUGE percentage are happy to head to my place for some more intimate time.
    It's been great and a LOT of fun for me. I'm the type that is patient and I enjoy "the hunt", I know from previous postings not all of you like the "hunt" like I do. I'm still learning, getting better figuring out who is going to work out for me, and more importantly knowing when I'm chatting up a time waster or someone looking for a quick buck.
    Best luck so far have been university students, with out-of-work actors (yay SoCal area!!) a close second. Busier student/work oriented guys my best matches so far. I'm enjoying spending the time invested in talking to these guys. In just the short time I've been on there I've made two new friends who art NOT arrangements, just friends!!
    Currently I'm in the lunch, second date, and intimacy stages with 3 different guys. I've got my eye on "one" who might for longer term .
  9. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + goosh69 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    A year later and I've met one who I thought MAYBE might work out...but he lied about his age. Too young. Much too. Another would have been the one...right age, former Abercrombie model (literally an Abercrombie model) but was just soooooooooo messed up in terms of his life. Like, several CW bad boys in one. And not the good kind of bad. Arrest warrant bad.
    But like some others on this board who have money, I'd rather find something semipermanent versus constantly seeking new rent men.
  10. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    It's absolutely a mixed bag... I had an overnight with a sweet guy who refused to take any money (I hid it in his bag anyway).
    My limited experience is that the guys who post a shirtless pic have a fairly clear notion of what they are looking for.
    As you say, it's intriguing in that it's a wide-open set of possibilities versus an ordinary escort experience, which has a set routine and is generally fairly predictable (which is not to say boring... just predictable).
    Noone in SA is in it for the long-term (at least that I have had contact with) and don't have preconceptions about the financials. Also, the guys who post profiles turns over pretty rapidly so there's a fresh set of faces pretty regularly.
    In a sense, it's like Grindr without the immediacy and with a built-in layer of screening.
    I'm not thru with SA yet...
  11. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to CBA in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I have used SA for 4 years. It does take some time and effort to find a decent sugar babby. I usually ask how the site is working for them. Most say they have had little luck or never met anyone. I then ask to be specific in what they are looking for out me and what they want. Some are wishy washy and others are very clear. Most want me to offer them something. I don't want a live-in or a monthly arrangement so I state I want a casual thing that works when we both can match up our schedules. I offer a one night $$ amount and a weekend (two nights) $$ amount. It is not a lot but it seems to satisfy most sugar babies. The ones that want thousands of dollars are not even chatted with again. I say that is too much and leave it at that. Some do negotiate and I listen to their offers. Sometimes we come to an agreement and other times it does not work. What is the best situation? It is a young man who digs older men and does not want any money but just expenses paid...or minimal amounts for spending. They basically use SA to find cool and sexy older men. Yes...there are a lot of young men on SA using it for that reason. I had a few really cool and sexy jocks that were fun and and we enjoyed our time together. I had a couple of duds that knew nothing about having good erotic sex. Then I had one who was adding money during sex in order to go on....he was sent home that day. Overall....great site but it takes work. I like to spend more than an hour with a guy and I like to connect. It works for that reason for me and is far less expensive than an escort.
  12. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I continue to be surprise. I've met a professional ballet dancer (definitely bucket list material), FTM TG fella, a young guy who has a very kinky sub side and a sweet guy who has some keen daddy interests.
    Explorations continue.
  13. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    For me the benefit is finding someone I really click with and having lots of meets with the intimacy that comes with having gotten to know someone.
    I suppose it's like having a "regular" but there's more of an element of something like a periodic allowance - better stability for someone with sporadic income.
    As others have said, the guys here are all over the map with expectations. I was quoted a $5000 monthly allowance earlier this week by a 19 year old I'd only chatted with briefly. And I suspect that the opposite is also true - younger guys being taken advantage of.
  14. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to MrMiniver in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Are you 12 years old or something? I just love comments like these when you don't know a damn fucking thing about me or anything else.
  15. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to bigvalboy in Miami trip next week   
    Would you consider going to a strip club and hiring a dancer for some play back at your hotel?
    If so, I would suggest Twist or The Floppy Rooster. If not, good luck in the hunt.
  16. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + Keith30309 in 411 on Vortecjohnny of Miami   
    ... maybe he is handy with a shovel and has a big back yard.
    Another decisions-decisions moment. It ain't easy being sleazy.
  17. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + WilliamM in ASS REVOLUTION   
  18. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to marylander1940 in What a beautiful landscape!   
  19. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to marylander1940 in What a beautiful landscape!   
  20. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to Poincare in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    arpad miklos---2010; but I we almost met in 2004 too; our meeting started with discussion about how much he liked to travel; since I studied Hungarian, I tried to practice a little; then amazing kissing; a little oral, then I bottomed. It was beautiful and afterwards I said "I saw the face of God." That maid him smile. By the way, Arpad Miklos is two first Hungarian names.
    Eric Flowers--2010 in Prague. I always through he was one of the most beautiful men in the world in his prime. Too many steroids took its toll. Not great kissing. He liked to be rimmed. Then I bottomed. It was nothing special. He was not too into it. Very gentle though and decent conversation. He's very smart and sarcastic and witty.
    Leo Giamani 2016 A wonderful and kind gentleman. We talked about so many topics but did not have sex. I was mourning the loss of my cousin so was not in the mood. I got the sense that he was not excited to be doing this again after many years.
    Paolo Ramatti three times in 2012. He is much thicker than than when he was younger. I always thought he was the most gorgeous thing in the world. He lightly kisses. He is a funny sarcastic guy. He has a girlfriend. I just liked lying in bed and having him hug me. He does top well.
    Derek Atlas 2016 very open about his journey in life; totally sweet disposition; spent 1 hour in bad sucking, rimming, intercourse, kissing, very passionate and raw, then had drinks in the bar.
    Jonathan Collins. 2012. A frigid night in Budapest. He wore a soft and thick cream sweater. The kind that made it so nice to hug him. Great kissing. He bottomed. Nice and gently guy. Wish I could remember more
    Janos Volt and Ben Mason. 2009 Not a great twosome. Ben is my fantasy guy! But he was distant and would not do much. Janos was fun though.
    Trenton Ducati 2013. I can't get over his speech pattern. Turns me off. But I think he is super sexy in videos. Wouldn't kiss. I sucked him off. He topped me, but when he saw a drop of my blood he stopped a freaked out. That was it. Disappointing. Bad conversation. Like he can couldn't wait to be over.
    Rafael Alencar. A least a dozen times. What can I say. A masterpiece. Having him inside is one of my most pleasurable experiences. It's as huge as it looks in videos. And he knows how to use it. Such a sweet and fascinating and generous guy. I miss him.
    Miguel Leonn 2004. I wish!!! We emailed a few times but never connected. My absolute #1.
    Michael Lucas 2009. When he advertised briefly on gayromeo. We never met but sent a few messages back and forth. I asked him why he escorted and he replied "I like money"
    Angel Cruz 2013 or 2014. Before he was famous. He said "in 3 months, there are going to be many films with me." A little full of himself. But sexy as hell as you can guess great top. I like his Catalan accent.
    Alex Martinez 2015. Still looks great. Nice sweet kisses. He wears a cock ring but great top. Really enjoys topping. A kind soul.
    Guys I would pay anything to spend 1 hour with: Vilen Cage, Johan Paulik, Andrew Stark, Connor from CF, Stu from SC, Marcelo Mastro, Niko (ciprian calin), Jordan Rivers, Brandon Manilow, Andre Boleyn, Cain from CF...
    Ok. That's enough for now. I just wanted to document this so when my brain gets too demented from poppers I can refer to this and smile.
    Over and out.
  21. Like
    + V-Vhitner got a reaction from Realalist in DrSam on Rentmen NYC   
    Condom for oral is a deal breaker. Life is too short
  22. Like
    + V-Vhitner got a reaction from pubic_assistance in DrSam on Rentmen NYC   
    Condom for oral is a deal breaker. Life is too short
  23. Like
    + V-Vhitner got a reaction from MmM in DrSam on Rentmen NYC   
    Condom for oral is a deal breaker. Life is too short
  24. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + WhamIAm in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "Well this is a nice surprise! I thought you were going to be much older. You sounded like you were in your 70s on the phone. Thought I was going to have to come down to help you up the stairs!"
  25. Like
    + V-Vhitner reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Thanks to mention of seekingarrangement by Keith in another thread I joined.
    In just a mater of days I've had about 24 contacts by really cute looking guys of which 6 are potential real winners. (Yes there are lots of sketchy losers)
    Today I spent time with a beauty I had been texting with for a day. We talked and talked, getting to know each other and understanding what each wanted out of "an arrangement"
    At one point I said I really wanted to kiss him, he said ok and 4 hours later I was a puddle of gooey goodness. The boy did "daddy" real good and all he wants out of it is to see me again real soon and looks forward to going out to dinner with me. I know and I'm willing to help him out a little with finances but he's not interested in "payments". He has a full time job and is studying for his masters. he's not penniless; doesn't want handouts. But if daddy wants to treat him nicely or give him gifts I think he'd gladly accept. Trust me, the sex was so f*cking good I WANTED to pay him.
    I think I'm going to like this a whole lot.
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