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Everything posted by 510guy

  1. I don't forsee him coming back anytime soon. The reason he was in US probably is not available to him
  2. What he is saying isnt too bad, it's how he is saying it. Doesn't have a friendly vibe to it
  3. I am considering too. I contacted him, he is in SF until March 23
  4. Jayusa hasn't logged in since a month after his post on Ken so I don't expect any updates on him. Though another member vouched for him recently so maybe....
  5. Well this has peaked my interest now. Tempting
  6. So a lot of bumps but so far no one....
  7. His ad is back up after a 3 month hiatus.
  8. I know one who was a masseur but didn't tell people who he was. He was talked about negatively on forum but couldn't say anything as there was no point in trying to defend himself. He was pretty discouraged to see how negative things got. I think many lurk quietly.
  9. When you go to his ad it says he has frozen his membership so doesn't look like he is back yet officially. He has had a rough year with personal matters so he probably isn't working as much and needs his breaks.
  10. It looks like MMV, maybe if you are his fifth back to back client you won't get as much. Seen him twice, probably will be a while before I go back.
  11. He has a nice innocent look to him. Wish he were in my area. Pictures don't scream fake to me
  12. So if photo is close enough, are you able to provide details on the massage? Feel free to private message me.
  13. Was in South Lake Tahoe, CA recently. Paid $5.25. Out of tourist areas it dropped to $4.69
  14. But make sure its only facts you communicate. 🤫
  15. If it wasn't for that one picture we may not have been suspicious. The others could be him.
  16. I can't imagine a 6 hand. Did a 4 hand once and that seemed too much already.
  17. He is on break until January.
  18. Good job sleuthing @glutes and @Bluefin.
  19. He had some interesting stories. I don't know if they were true or not but it made for good reads. But don't know him or what happened to him.
  20. Wow you really asked? Did you ask a face pic? If it is I'm making my appointment.
  21. So you still going to take the plunge? We still don't know if it's not him or at least a close resemblance
  22. The link is now provided. So only two scenerios, this model has now moved to SF or using a models pictures
  23. No, please don't torture us like that!! Ok, well at least PM me and tell me the scoop. 😉
  24. Well I guess someone needs to take the plunge and find out. But I'll go by my instinct and wait until someone reports back
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