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Mo Mason

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Everything posted by Mo Mason

  1. There is something oddly sexy about it, although I can't be around it personally - it smells SO bad. But the cigarette/cigar does look nice upon the lips... makes these guys look more masculine and aggressive, which is always a plus (for me). It's sexy!
  2. Oh, how fun! So I could bare my acting chops and become anyone I want to be for the whole weekend? That would be awesome. I can be Paul, or Justin, or Marty, and nobody would know otherwise. That's a pretty cool concept...
  3. Why would anyone regret that? I only wish I could have it done... but apparently 20 pounds overweight isn't enough to warrant surgery. I dunno.. I would have had liposuction when I was 160 pounds if they'd have let me.
  4. Do you guys tell each other your real names during these meet-ups, or do you answer to your user-names from here? (because that would be kind of weird.. to me)
  5. Wouldn't it make sense for everyone to stay at the same resort? Why do you guys split up and stay at half a dozen different places?
  6. I also love ginger men, and I definitely noticed him. But no personal experience from which to speak .... yet.
  7. So a booked room for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night is recommended? It sounds like the safest bet. I wasn't even invited, you guys. I'm just enjoying reading along and fantasizing about staying at a resort in Palm Springs. LOL @ "interesting that it is Easter weekend as I am expecting my penis to rise from the dead" -- purplekow, that is so hilariously blasphemous!
  8. Colton Haynes, for sure. He's physically perfect, especially that gorgeous face.
  9. INNdulge says "not available" for those dates. Maybe they just don't like that I've entered "1 room, 1 adult." (they already know I'm a single loser! lol) Do you think the Coachella crowd will stay at clothing-optional gay resorts, though? I don't think this group would have to worry about those places being booked... but I don't know anything about it. I could be wrong.
  10. Only 40% don't consider it cheating? That seems low to me. I'd think more guys wouldn't consider it cheating - it is just a sex toy, after all.
  11. I've got some self-image and esteem issues myself, and I was also thinking lately that I'd like to try hiring two to play together while I watch. I think I'd be more comfortable with it because they'd be paying attention to each other and not just one guy focusing on me (that makes me so self-conscious and awkward). So I think it could work nicely. If I'm wrong then at least I tried something new.
  12. Nice bodies, for sure... but that isn't my thing at all. Those 6 and 8 packs are kind of weird to the touch. I like a guy with just a smidgeon of adipose tissue under that abdominal skin.
  13. Thank you. That is the kind of descriptive review that I so appreciate. I love musky.. and I don't care much about toe hygiene, so this is excellent news to me. If he's a good kisser and has that nice, tall, lean, dancer's physique... I think this guy might be my ideal overnight. (so you watch.. by December he's going to retire.. that's just my luck, LOL)
  14. There are too many pages here for me to go through, but right away I did see a model that a local escort is using in his rentmen profile photos. So that sucks - some guy are charging $300 an hour and featuring photos that aren't even them...
  15. That is good because I'm the king of awkward shyness. Does he really have the Irish accent?
  16. Colton Haynes would definitely have my $500, and it wouldn't even have to be for an hour. I'd pay him that much for one kiss. http://wallpapersdsc.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Colton-Haynes-Background.jpg
  17. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I don't have anyone to talk to so it's nice to be able to come on here and vent anonymously.
  18. Thanks to y'all. Unfortunately, I do suffer alone, for many reasons. I can't even share a waiting room at the doctor's office without feeling self-conscious and anxious. I've suffered from major depression since Clinton was in office, so I can't really blame anything on Donald Trump.
  19. Not assholes, Mocha... I'm surrounded by "Christians." Even worse.
  20. Is this common among us? I suffer. How do you deal with it? Other than hiring. Personally, I self-medicate with beer - a lot of it. Probably enough to kill me by the time I'm 50. (it sucks, you guys... I don't have friends. Even my family doesn't like me) I don't really want to kill myself, but it does tend to make the most sense....
  21. "Paterson," New Jersey. And I think that sentence is too strict. Ten years to life? Absolutely ridiculous.
  22. Kate Beckinsale... I had a huge crush on her. She's gorgeous........... http://orig04.deviantart.net/d987/f/2014/347/2/3/kate_beckinsale_hypno_ice_cream_by_thestonemiester1-d89qln6.jpg
  23. BUT.. did anyone NOT know that "Suicide is Painless" is the theme to MASH? I'm only in my 30's and even I knew that...... I feel like that was the real test here...
  24. I also have to agree with Nvr2Thick. Prince Fielder made me a baseball fan about 8 years ago when he was with the Brewers. Great player, great guy. Sexy as hell in that "body issue" of ESPN. Bryce Harper did one year as well, and I think he's also gorgeous.
  25. The Twins and Royals have faced each other so often this season because of the whole inter-league thing.. I'm always excited to get to see Hosmer, and I also think Mike Moustakas is hot...
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