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Posts posted by Jimjaxon3

  1. Not good… smelly, attitude, uncut but refused to wash it before... he had a job before in a gay (bar, restaurant, club, etc. I don't want to be specific) and he was known for his attitude and how moody he could be. Don't hire him!

    I knew you had a bad experience, how long ago was it? I’m wondering how he got all the reviews


    I do also wonder as a vers/top how well he would bottom

  2. Hey y'all random update to this particular case I mentioned has turned into a full blown psycho sociopath. Making fake numbers that show up as iMessages, making fake appointments just to berate by text when you say you have arrived. Whenever I change cities he changes his username unaware I can still see our old messages on RM. He's trying to pose as two separate entities one by phone, one by text. But yet both at question always follow similar format with greetings and then calls me filthy and similar things when I arrive to the fake appointment. Quick note I know who it is but they are high up in the military nd have access to number faking technology with intricacy most civilians don't have access to. I have been able to correlate this all started when I told the actual client to no longer contact me after he got all crazy about taking me on a trip to "paradise" with him. Now saying he hopes i get what is "coming to me" from these fake numbers and his RM account with the changing names. . I have totally iced the RM account and can kinda tell when it's one of his fake texts but wow that escalated quick... so any advice on stalkers???????? Side note all he cares about is his declaration of service so if i was to report him to the AF or anything similar that would probably set him after me in real life as that "honor" he has in his head is probably the only thing keeping him from trying to show up now.

    Jesus that’s messed up.. I don’t know what to advise.. I wish I could tell you something to help

  3. To answer your questions, he’s public and vocal about his status and sexual health overall. Second, we discussed and he was open about it prior to meeting and we had talked for several months, including my concerns. Third, protection was used during my experience. I don’t have unprotected sex with People anyone... period. Now, if someone choose to not use protection with him and they are aware, taken precautions, etc, that’s their business. What I can say is that his openness about his status and sexual health made me comfortable enough to have an experience with him. As I said, for a small period of time, I had feelings and dated someone who was positive. That helped me work through a lot of the negative stigma associated someone who is HIV+.


    My main issue is that even if someone has concerns, that’s cool, but the other member of this page came out the gate with no real reason in why he was posting link. It came off as negative but that’s my interpretation

    No I’m in agreement.. that is way I read it. Just making sure . I agree if someone is open and honest, it shouldn’t be held against them

  4. The passing on of HIV is a crime in only some states and the same is true regarding STD situations. Here are very useful charts that delineate which note which states have criminalized what. It has been updated to 2018 and was compiled by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.



    Here is my question.. did he escort unprotected while hiv+ and if so did he do it knowingly ?

  5. I have messaged the guys that leave the reviews for the escort... it’s amazing they give a 5 star review and then tell me like 5 things the provider did they didn’t like.. or I get more detail on why they got 5 stars... wish rm was like daddy and gave more feedback. Problem is not many guys on rm will respond to you..

  6. Yes they're!


    If escort X posts an ad in a city, they'll copy his ad and place it on their site even months after he left and if he has no intentions of ever coming back to the city.

    Well that’s great :) guess not the most reliable

  7. Wow.


    Sometimes I wish I was done sooner .. with some providers it a bitch when their done and I’m not .. kinda why I brought it up to see if I was nuts.. I mean if I bring it up and am told “no I can’t do that many times” it’s one thing.. hate finding out after I have went through the trouble of setting everything up

  8. Jesus Christ. What is he a robot? Sounds like you're describing a drug filled fantasy more than reality.

    Well I’m about three in the night and usually one in the morning .. no drugs involved


    Also I always communicate that as a norm with the escort..

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