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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. Bump +1 He's coming to Dallas soon. Any input is appreciated.
  2. His RM ad is expired. That is telling to me.
  3. Romannxxx (first of Dallas and later in Chicago).
  4. I did use the underscore and still had no success. Oh well, water under the bridge now. I'm officially a Forum whore now for hijacking a thread. Apologies to the OP. In an attempt to once again be on topic.....Yes, I've had escorts dump me for no explanation but I never let it worry me. Their loss and my wallet just got fatter.
  5. How did you do that? I searched tirelessly and couldn't find it. Of course, his ad is now expired. Ugh,
  6. Off topic but am I the only one who can't find Kris_Canada's rentmen profile? He is so friggin hot. OK...back to the topic at hand.
  7. Mr. Wally World massager has sent out a Shout Out today to Dallas area growlr app users. He's using the same hotel he used when I saw him. Just make sure he gives you the right room number and don't arrive early.
  8. Mr. Wally World massager has sent out a Shout Out today to Dallas area growlr app users. He's using the same hotel he used when I saw him. Just make sure he gives you the right room number and don't arrive early.
  9. Picture #8 was a bone killer.
  10. I just had a massage with gingerjock this past week here in Dallas. Highly recommend. Soft spoken and very nice. You can read my review on rentmasseur.com. https://rentmasseur.com/TheGingerJock
  11. Let's make a deal, Marylander1940.....I'll continue to drive my silver 1970 AMC Pacer and you continue to drive your lime green 1968 Chevy Vega with the hatchback . Can't get more butch than that. And just so all Forum members are aware.....I'm not a fan of painted eyebrows on either men or women. Well, maybe Rupaul.
  12. Needs to lay off the eyebrow liner.
  13. https://rent.men/ChrisHarding He's coming to Dallas. Don't forget to bring a bag of dog food if you hire him! I made that mistake once. Never again.
  14. Wow. That's a pretty sobering review.
  15. I've never hired him but I did meet him at the Tin Room in Dallas right after he moved here from New Orleans. He was out with friends and getting to know the city. Well he was on his phone talking to someone and turned to me and asked "What's the name of this bar?" It dawned on me that I actually recognized him from his RM ad and so I asked him if he was Tyler Roberts. He confirmed he was and we proceeded to have a long talk. He was very, very nice and I enjoyed the little time I talked with him at the bar. And, yes....he has a big dick.
  16. Let me get this straight Mr. Newbie....you're discussing my postings with the masseur in question and then reporting back to me what he says. NOT COOL. Me thinks you're Wally. FYI.... I did indeed reply with STOP. You sure seem to know a lot about how Wally operates and conducts his business, Mr. Newbie. Has he hired you as his PR agent. You're pretty defensive about this whole subject.
  17. I'm absolutely sure this is the guy. I realize he's not an escort, however, he used to advertise on RentMasseur but no longer does. His home base used to be OKC and would travel to nearby Texas cities. He just sent out a mass txt message to all of his former clients letting them know he'd be in Dallas. That's probably why there is a thread about him now. I did not mean to imply he was an escort. He did advertise on rentmasseur at one time.
  18. I had a massage session with Wally and was sadly disappointed. To begin with I texted him at 2:58 to let him know I had arrived for my 3:00 massage. He immediately texted me back with a very terse reply that the massage was for 3:00 and he would text me then and give me his room number. At 3:00 he texts me the room number. I go up to the third floor and knock on the room number he had given me....except he wasn't in that room but in the room across the hall. He opened the door and said "I'm over here". I apologized and said I must have misread the text. He then said he always gives out the wrong room number as a way of pre-screening clients in case they are law enforcement. Not a good way to start a session. Like others have mentioned he performs this rather unorthodox leg stretching thing on his bed. The problem with the stretching is that he does it on a mattress that offers no resistance and since he's a big guy (6'5" I think) his whole weight is pushing against your body and it was exceedingly painful for me. I told him it was painful and to stop. Instead he tells me that I need to relax more. I just got up and moved to the massage table. The massage was OK but nothing special. I was glad to get out of there. I ended up posting a one-star review on rentmasseur and the next day he sent me a hateful reply that I probably didn't even get a massage from him and I just wanted to make him look bad and I was trying to drive away business. Of course, the review was subsequently removed by rentmasseur.
  19. With that said.... Having said that....
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