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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. Yes! You’re being way too picky. And may I suggest you learn when to use a comma properly.
  2. OMG...where did you see that see that ad? The last time I contacted him he told me he was no longer escorting. That was a year ago.
  3. Thanks for clarifying. And, thanks for taking the high road on this. I suspect Leo was called out for a less than stellar experience and he had his poor little Twinkie feelings hurt. Poor baby (sarcasm and emphasis added)!
  4. OK....I’m somewhat confused. I’m perusing the Dallas RentMen ads and I notice LeoLaurent is in town and check out his ad to see what everyone is talking about in this thread. I notice that he has 9 five-star reviews including one from keithh. While keithh gives him a five-star review he also DOES NOT recommend this guy. Is it possible that the RentMen review and Daddy’s review are from the same Keith or do you think they are two different Keiths. Maybe just a coincidence? Why am I confused? A five-star review and a Do Not Recommend rating are inconsistent with each other. My two cents worth....this escort is a jerk. The end.
  5. I use the term provider as it’s both descriptive and non-offensive. For my repeat providers I usually go with “you’re my main squeeze”.
  6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugal_visit In the For What It’s Worth category.
  7. I believe there are only 2 or 3 states that allow conjugal visits of any sort...straight, gay or otherwise.
  8. Is this the guy? https://rentmen.eu/Josephelgato
  9. I’ve been watching the PBS series entitled Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents and was fascinated by the historical event of Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot that was foiled by Robert Cecil. Throw in the catholic priest John Gerard who masterminded the original plot to be carried out by Fawkes and you have the makings of great drama. Highly recommend this series. I always wondered about the meaning behind the Forum’s leader here, aka Daddy. Now I know.
  10. Didn’t he win a silver medal in the luge event and not the bobsled? I believe the first ever medal for the U.S.A. In this event. This man exudes masculinity. Woof!
  11. http://www.boyrentals.com/reviews-for-925-557-5377/ There must be some internet troll out there who likes to leave bad reviews for no apparent reason other than to dissuade other potential clients. I happened across this review for another escort and it’s almost verbatim to the review on rimmyrolando.
  12. I was replying to @amused1 and his blanket statement saying he had never seen an instance of the IRS sharing information with any other government agency. The fact of the matter is two federal government agencies DID share information about me, i. e., my modified adjusted gross income amount. I’m not disputing what you’re saying @Kevin Slater. I’m only stating that there are instances when information is shared between the IRS and other agencies.
  13. It is my belief that the IRS shares information with the Social Security Administration to determine what premiums are charged Medicare recipients. Single tax filers with modified adjusted gross incomes (MAGI) over $85,000 ($170,000, married filing jointly) incur higher Medicare premiums than people with income under the aforementioned MAGI levels. I’m pretty sure I received literature in the mail notifying me that the SSA checks with the IRS to determine MAGI levels and determines Medicare premiums based on the amounts provided by the IRS. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
  14. http://pornstarmugshots.blogspot.com/2018/ Don’t kid yourself about porn stars and escorts having arrest records. Many do! Hard to tell how many since we don’t know their real names. Let’s just say many couldn’t pass a basic background check.
  15. Just so I understand you. You joined the Forum today, this is your first post and you have inside information that he won’t be doing this long. I’m going to check my Webster’s dictionary for the definition of “credibility”. But thanks for the inside info just the same.
  16. I’d be more interested in you sharing what monster cocks you’ve experienced since geography isn’t an issue for you and you’re so well traveled. Share your wealth, Mr. Newbie. Contribute your plethora of huge, massive cock knowledge to those of us who are less traveled.
  17. Thumbs up from me, too! I saw him when he was in Dallas last year. Good time all the way around. FYI...he has big testicles.
  18. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2017/08/04/how-to-report-bitcoin-cash-and-avoid-irs-trouble/2/#65f74272a1d2 The IRS, while slow to address cryptocurrency issues, has finally issued guidelines for reporting. It could get ugly for those who deal in cryptocurrencies. Couple that with the fact that the IRS has ruled cryptocurrencies are considered property and not currency and you have a whole new equation added to this debacle.
  19. Back on topic....had a pretty bad experience with this guy. Not recommended. My reasons are buried somewhere in a thread dealing with military role play. https://rentmen.eu/SOLDIER
  20. I used to feel frustrated too like the OP until I came to the realization that I’m not the center of their universe and that my $300 fee really isn’t all that important to many of the more popular escorts. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine getting 300-400 emails a day, each expecting a detailed response. Responding to that many emails can balloon exponentially into thousands of emails. Couple that with the fact that the escort has to actually plan and meet with clients as well as take care of routine and mundane daily activities and you can see why many escorts get a little frustrated at times. There are only 24 hours in a day. I had an overnight with an extremely popular escort (now retired) from Peoria and we discussed the problems he had with emails. He indicated to me that it was frustrating but he had developed a good sense for real potential clients and the flakes. However, he also indicated that it was physically impossible to give a detailed response to each email. And, yes! He actually got that many emails in one day. He showed me the little red counter number on his email icon on his phone. I value the relationships I have developed with many escorts but I don’t rely on them to fulfill my emotional needs. While I consider many of them friends I realize that they are also being pulled in a 100 different ways and what time they decide to share with me is greatly appreciated. The end.
  21. There are several threads about him in this Forum with no real informative stuff to speak of. You might want to search some of them if you haven’t already done so. Here’s a link to his Twitter account.
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