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Everything posted by Skip

  1. looks like winter break at middle school
  2. Well, maybe I should say...Great_Time just isn't really my type...and Happy Holidays to you!
  3. you are kidding right? Or is this like a paid Instagram placement?
  4. Wow.. nice looking guy... The picture of him in the goggles and bathing suit riding an inflatable pink flamingo does make me question the bisexual.. Jacksonville isn't that far away....
  5. Skip

    411 Kode Daenger?

    I had to look up "tweaker" . Yep, definitely to be avoided.
  6. Wow.. wonder who built up his self esteem... Donald Trump..
  7. Wow, it's been a while. This could be legit.
  8. Skip


    What a cute guy!
  9. I have been watching Ratched on Netflix, pics look like he may be a patient at the Santa Lucia Institute.
  10. I think he had a BF for a while, hence his move to South FL. Looking at his Instagram posts I think he is single again. He and I never seem to be in the same place at the same time but maybe I'll get to FL before he leaves! Outstanding looking guy
  11. agree...no clear face pic so he can say ...sure that was me, I was in better shape then
  12. Skip


    Even if he took those pics this morning...he's not 32
  13. Skip

    411 Magicowboy

    He looks like what he says...no face on the short shot so it could be an oldy but goody. The flake part is not a good sine, but if I were in DC....I'd make a call. At least he wouldn't look out of place in a nice restaurant, unless he was in harness!
  14. I'm ok with the 5K but first class air fare? Don't only business guys with points sit up front? Big premium for a wide seat.
  15. John you're absolutely right, he looks like a very nice guy.
  16. He works with this guy https://rent.men/Kisslover
  17. He's cute and nice to chat with. He was in St. Louis I think for a while. LG is correct he has been going to delete since the day he took out the ad.
  18. If his locale were Boulder or Salt Lake it wouldn't be so geeky, But Phoenix, more a muscle boy sit by the pool city . A little too natural for my taste.
  19. What a hunk, not sure whether straight and sugar daddy should be in the same ad... but I'd be willing to give him a test run to find out.
  20. Skip

    411 BeauWilder

    In my opinion he looks like he needs to eat something. Just my opinion so don't gang up on me guys...
  21. There are probably easier and more lucrative paths open to you.
  22. This world is a scary place
  23. Dallas for Christmas! A present for myself?
  24. Skip

    411 Juliano_NYC

    Guys, easy...how about hot, brunette and on the tall side... too much focus on ethnic background...old white guy is not the first thing I want someone to use when describing me!
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