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Rod Hagen

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Posts posted by Rod Hagen

  1. I loved it. Generally I prefer Pulitzer books to be a bit weightier and expansive: Think Executioner's Song or Kavalier and Clay. But it's a fantastic book, Here's the nytimes review.




    Here's his recent photo; he's really butched himself up, he used to be much geekier looking:


  2. A good friend of mine absolutely transformed his body, in short time, after he started lifting light weights at home, using youtube videos, and going for fast-paced walks.

  3. I thought Love Simon would do a lot better. I think it opened this weekend to like $12 million. That's too bad. It seems like the kind of movie young girls would like, but maybe it's just that young people don't go to the theaters anymore. Maybe Twilight and Hunger Games were the last goodbye.

  4. 50 miles from my home there was a porn shop with booths in back. As soon as I turned 18, I entered the store and visited those booths, where you could select from the mostly straight, but some gay movies. I'd tell myself, I'll watch 6 straight ones and only 1 gay one. My pants were around my legs and a swarm of hands reached underneath the door grasping at my legs. I was too scared to let any of them inside. If only I'd screwed my courage.

  5. Rod Hagen never returned my messages so I never tried him.


    Sorry I missed you DE. I don't return missed calls without a voicemail, because I don't want to catch the caller in an indiscrete moment, but if you left a voicemail and I didn't call back: 1. I'm surprised. 2. I apologize.

  6. What is the difference between a sex club and a bathhouse? No baths?


    At a bathhouse you can shower b/w matings. At a sex party* and a sex club you have to make do with a whore's wash in the restroom. At a sex club you have better odds of scoring than at a bathhouse. At a sex party (see links above) you have better odds of scoring than at sex club.


    relative to opportunity to fuck: bathhouse < sex club < sex party


    *some smaller sex parties are in people's homes and therefore you may be able to shower.

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