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Posts posted by LongIslandGuy

  1. Nice a guy. Met him once. He's a good looking guy, but definitely older than those pics show (if you google image search). Great oralist.


    I wouldn't repeat though.

    Thanks. Could you expand on why not?

  2. Weird several weeks ago I saw him wandering around fifth Avenue in the 30s and then again in Hells kitchen in the 40s. Not sure what was going on though just seem to be wandering the streets.

    Saw him the other day on 3rd ave and 37th. Early morning. He looked good

  3. Have not met him in person but have chatted with him via text and he was friendly and responsive. We did not get into the specifics of his massage because the convo focused on the logistics of meeting. Sadly, his NJ location is not convenient for me so we have not met in person, but based on our communication I would definitely try him out.


  4. I'd ask him for a current picture of his physique......


    I follow him on Instagram and he's not posting many shirtless pictures this summer so far.


    Body can be on point at times but also a little bit more bulky and puffy as well.

    Instagram link?

  5. I know the answer to this one.

    If a dancer gets a certain number of drinks bought for him(I think the number is five), the fee the dancer has to pay to “dance” at Adonis is waived.

    In case you were wondering, I’ve been to Adonis many times. I’ve been asked to buy drinks more than a few times. Maybe I just have one of those faces...

    Been going to adonis since he was in brooklyn. Never once have been asked to buy a drink

  6. Curious, popped in last week with an older gentleman friend after the Townhouse, is there an old-style drink scam thing there like hustler bars used to do ? The dancers of course talk you up as they did my friend, eventually asking (kinda pushy) "can you buy me a drink?" He was too polite to say no (if you use a CC it's an auto 50$ min btw lol) so he pays cash. And the dancer tells the bartender what he wants and HIS NAME. ie Grey Goose n tonic ON BRETT. Do the dancers get a kickback for drinks they get guys to buy them?? (in the old days the customer was charged for a drink but the dancer was given ginger ale or club soda so the club made more $$$)

    Ive been to Adonis many many times and never once did this happen to me

  7. I tried. I live one town away from him, so it should have been easy. He seemed to only be willing to meet during the work week...which is when I have to be at work. Seemed uninterested. I gave up.


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