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Everything posted by beachboy

  1. Hmmm......what a delicious pair of bum buns! ?
  2. I wish! No he was just a tease. I found a gorgeous provider online but with things as they are I won't be able to get my hands on him for a while. Hope he's still advertising when this mayhem is over! ?
  3. that! Just found a provider who pushes all my buttons too. Famed Covid!
  4. Like many I've refrained from hiring since March but I've just had an engineer round fixing the internet cable-30ish & hot & when he knelt down & his Jean's rode down showing a beautiful smooth peachy ass crack I nearly lost my resolve & not only th
  5. Now that's a pair of buns that need closer.....inspection?!
  6. I I think that slogan should be re-arranged!
  7. You could always offer to lick it off!
  8. Nice smile, but then he does have a lot to smile about!
  9. I have visited Pere Lachaise in Paris, placed flowers on the grave of Edith Piaf & wandered for hours in its peace & tranquility. I occasionally visit the grave of a colleague & friend but never visited those of family, most of whom I didn't know.
  10. I had a feeling he'd tickle your fancy!
  11. Even as a vegetarian that's a meal I'd relish!
  12. I'm just incredibly friendly!
  13. So long since I buried my face between a hot pair of buns like that-damn Covid!
  14. Now that's a lot of wood!
  15. Does that include the tip?!
  16. Be careful with those rollocks!
  17. Be careful with those bullocks!
  18. Now that's how you stage a protest!
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