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Everything posted by Merboy

  1. Merboy

    Harvey Milk

    He had a bit of a transformation with his stylings... i wonder if it was to help get elected in what was still a fairly homophobic city (just as all cities were). 1973 1978? Either way, he had a very classic, very dignified face.
  2. For me these would have been the top 5 finalists: Justin- My mother loved Justin Hayward and wanted to call me this but my father said no. Nolan- Just in general a really nice well-rounded name. Joshua- Classic and yet sounds still modern. Jason- Strong, elegant. Kyle- Just cool. Here are the most common names from 1985, the year I was born: (You can change the year with the drop-down menu) https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/united-states/1985
  3. Merboy

    Harvey Milk

    I only wish he could have lived. I wonder how he would have changed America even more. I wonder what he would have done during the AIDS crisis. I bet he would have become the national spokesman for gay men in America in the 80s and 90s... and matured into an elder statesman type by 2000. He was cut down too soon and even in his short time as a national figure, he made such an impact. LOVE HIM. The Times of Harvey Milk documentary is the only documentary that actually made me weep.
  4. that and if I ever win the lottery too lol
  5. Thanks guys I did speak to my roommate/best friend and he said he would try his best to tell the boys to leave asap. He's a dear friend who might have a sex addiction and who am I to judge, right? I'm as much of a slut as he is I suppose...well, kinda lol.
  6. I love my roommate to death but this place has officially become a whorehouse. I can't keep track of all these guys he brings over (sometimes 4 or 5 in a single day or night) so he can keep on busting a nut (he has four balls). Some of these boys are common gutter trash --- bitchy, mean, and act like they own the place. I'm letting my friend stay with me free of rent charge because he lost his job. Have any of you ever had this kind of situation with a friend or roommate?
  7. It must be why I like Tennessee Williams and William Inge so much. lol
  8. One 3/4 experience, and about five minuscule flirtations with the male body -- not a lot and yet I still feel like a tramp. But yes, I am the very definition of sexual repression.
  9. People who'd like to learn about U.S. history and politics.
  10. You know me neither really. Some songs are good but it's not my favorite which is surprising because it's a landmark show for LGBTQ.
  11. Wow that's amazing dedication!
  12. For me, I'd like to be President of the United States. ?? I love this country and I want to bring people together. There's only one "problem". I'm as gay as a picnic basket.... hahaha
  13. Lately I've been thinking that if I were to die today, I wouldn't leave behind a legacy so I feel like I'm panicking to rush to write something or do something meaningful in my life. What do you think your legacy will be or what do you wish for people to remember you after you die?
  14. I liked his show on CNN. Used to watch in mid-2000s on my college apartment TV. He had some interesting guests - Joan Rivers, Carol Channing, Liza...
  15. Here's All My Children... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z5Why2d2Hk:157
  16. There should be TONS of sweaty, hunky bodybuilders right now ... where are the ones in NYC, DC, Boston... the East Coast cities are starving!!!!
  17. They hardly make theme songs/openings like these anymore....here's One Life to Live... go to the 0:40 mark -- that must be the theme from the Judith Light days with Karen Wolek on the stand (I know this because my grandmother and I watched OLTL together) The soaps had great themes in the 70s, 80s, and 90s... What are some of your favorite themes/openings from TV shows?
  18. I wouldn't mind a foursome with Carter Dane, Arad, and Darius Ferdynand...
  19. I hope he's losing his hair as we speak... no, that isn't very nice.
  20. Well I guess that's the end of my talk show career lol
  21. I think I'd like to have a talk show one day on YouTube that's free for anyone to watch anywhere but I'd like some advice. I might invest a lot of money in it and make it look very professional with the right cameras and lighting. What do you think makes a successful TV talk show?
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