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Everything posted by AndreFuture

  1. I've had clients old enough to be my grandfather, and we had a great time.
  2. It depends on the escort. In other businesses, I've seen cancellation fees applied to less than 24 and 48 hours' notice. Of course, those are more volume-based businesses, so the impact of not seeing one client for (what's usually) a one hour appointment may have less of an impact on the business than a escort who takes fewer clients for longer sessions.
  3. Hey @Raptor Attack , A lot of great info already posted here, so I'll try not to be too repetitive. I'll preface by saying that my experience isn't necessarily reflective of the industry (after all, I'm a Black, skinny, kinda femme, pre-op, trans guy), but I hope it will help you get a better sense of what you might expect. Does anyone want trans guys? Reception has generally been positive for me. In one sense, it's been very affirming because I, too, feared no one would be interested in me because chiseled, cis masculine bodies are what's idealized. As cliché as it is, there's literally someone for everyone and you'll find guys who are attracted to you and what you have to offer. I’m also on hormones but no surgery—some guys are attracted to that or at least curious. Your attractiveness will greatly increase based on how you see yourself, too, so think about what parts of yourself you love most and highlight that. Learn your market. Escorting is a business like any other, and successful business usually thrive on more than luck. Definitely research your market and “competition” (to borrow a business term, because we don’t compete against each other), learn who is already out there, and what you can provide that is different or not yet available. Being trans gives you some leverage in that regard because you’ll automatically stand out from the multitude of cis guys who embody the idealized frat boy or gym rat look. The point is, think about how you’ll market yourself. Starting out can happen in may ways, and factors such as your location, profile photos, rates, and income need will affect how you proceed. I had a full-time job when I started, and was based in a major metro. Because this wasn’t my main source of income and I had limited hours, I didn’t have or take on a lot of clients. Places to advertise. I started with a free trial at Rentmen and got my first client there. I read a lot about escorting, mostly from women, and learned things to be careful about, red flags to watch out for, etc., and went to my first appointment with a guy who was also new to hiring and didn’t know what to expect. I’ve also advertised on Backpage, Craigslist (CL), and Adam4Adam (A4A). I got a few clients on CL and A4A. Since CL is free, you’ll get a lot more time wasters and perhaps some unsavory characters who look very poorly upon sex workers, so screening will be especially important. A4A is also free, but you can’t mark yourself as a “service provider” without a paid account, so you’ll get a lot of guys looking to hook up, even if you use coded language suggesting you’re there for business. I’d suggest trying a A4A Pro ad for a short period and seeing what response you get. Some platforms are more popular in certain places than others (e.g., I think men4rentnow is popular in small towns in the US), so I’d suggest trying them all out (at least the free ones). I’ve learned that a good portion of my clients are bi-curious if not straight, so I’m starting to consider other traditional (aka “straight” or “not gay”) escort platforms like Slixa, Eros, and P411 to see if I can expand my client base. Photos. I also only had a crappy digital camera to take pictures—I can’t stress enough how important good photos are. If you have a photographer friend who could help or can negotiate a reduced rate in exchange for photo credit, getting professional photos is highly recommended. I know I’m giving advise I have yet to take…I’m in a transition period right now, but plan to take some new photos within the net month or so. Rates. As @Cyd_StVincent said, women can way charge more for their services (I’ve seen many ask for $600 per hour or more), whereas most M4M escorts hover around $200-300. Again, there’s no hard rule: I know a male escort who is open to all genders who asks for $600. I would resist the temptation to underprice yourself as some guys read that as a red flag. Handling safety, LEOs, client expectations. Turns out, protocol in the M4M world and straight world is very different. I’ve read about women providers setting alarm clocks and kicking clients out right away, counting money in the bathroom (or in front of the client), and other tactics that the guys on here would balk at. Where you advertise and how you market yourself might affect how clients expect to interact with you, but at the end of the day, your safety comes first and you can decide how to handle clients in a way that makes you feel safe. Develop some screening methods based on the type of clients you have (it seems this is another place where M4M and women providers differ as well in the type and level of screening). Develop a network of peers. Related to safety is your social circle/peer network. Find out who are also sex workers in your area and see if you can meet up with them for coffee or lunch or whatever. Even if they’re not local, knowing other escorts is really helpful, especially if you’re not out in your civilian life as an escort. Knowing fellow providers is invaluable for getting tips on screening, advertising, LEO raid warnings, etc. I’ve connected with lots of great sex workers through this forum and on Twitter and most are happy to help each other stay safe. You’ve obviously started doing this by posting here, so keep it up! Reading other providers’ experiences and participating in places such as Daddy’s will help you learn some common things to watch out regarding LEOs, bad clients, and safety concerns. There’s too many to even list here, but a fundamental one you should always remember is “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Also, if you’re unsure, don’t do it. The worst is you lose a client if you go with your gut a decline an appointment. Conclusion. There’s so much to learn, and even with experience, no one is an “expert.” Connecting with others, being open to learning, keeping your wits about you, and developing as many safety nets as you can afford will take you a long way. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @AndreFutureFTM
  4. I've never thought of this as a fetish, but that describes me perfectly. I always linked it in my mind with being somewhat on the sub side of things (to use another fetish/kink as an example). Part of why I enjoy escorting is because I genuinely like making others feel good, especially folks who are considered "less than" because they're not conventionally attractive, able bodied, or whatever.
  5. I've yet to have a client who's expressed a foot fetish, but by the way you've described it, it sounds like a fascinating, thrilling fetish to help satisfy.
  6. If he was vers in the way I'm thinking, I'd hook up with him in a heartbeat. Just sayin'
  7. My sense from the women sex workers I know, this is very true. Plus there's underlying societal misogyny that views women as disposable to/exploitable for men, so that the threat of violence or exploitation is ever present for women (in and out of sex work, if we're being honest). Think about the extreme of war: if a man is captured by the enemy, he likely fears torture and death; a woman usually fears that, plus rape.
  8. That's like 20% of the population in SF, a rather large swath of people to be cautious of, don't you think? I think the argument is one has been raped because consent was given through negotiation, under specific circumstances, and those circumstances were intentionally violated (E.g., agree to a sexual encounter if it's only oral and instead got penetrated; agreed to a sexual encounter if it's compensated and instead there's no payment). I won't hijack this thread, but I would be interested in hearing more about these alleged troubling consequences, perhaps in another thread.
  9. When I first started escorting, I turned to the Google™ to get tips and whatnot. The websites I came across were for female escorts and suggested all levels of precautions and session management (video cameras, work address for client, background checks, even an alarm clock!). Of course, being a complete n00b, I didn't realize there's a difference between escorting in the straight world vs. gay world until I found this forum. It's like night and day. Some of the tips that were emphasized as essential for female escorts were complete deal breakers for male clients. I felt so bad for my first client once I realized the error in my ways. Luckily, I found this forum right after my first session, and apparently my client didn't know better either because he hired me a few days later. I'm glad because the second time around, I made up for my first time fumble and even spent extra time with him.
  10. I had a profile on SA for a while, but I never pursued anyone on there and the guys who clicked my profile didn't seem serious. I'd like to try again, based on some of the positive experiences.
  11. Judge Persky Will no Longer hear Criminal Cases! You can check the petition page for regular updates: https://www.change.org/p/california-state-house-impeach-judge-aaron-persky
  12. I can't offer any useful info, but I wanted to say congrats on coming out @glennnn! It sounds like you're really enjoying yourself (and anal orgasm would be amazing. I've gotten really close before, I just need to find a top that can last long enough to get me there )
  13. This kind of arrangement would be amazing. I've got schooling and professional skills to take care of myself, but lowkey would love to be a house husband
  14. I appreciate you all sharing your memories of your first Pride parades—some of which were among the first ever. I'm far too young to have been part of that history, so I really enjoy hearing about it from folks who lived it and paved the way for us young queers today. Yet, even I'm a bit turned off at how capitalistic Pride parades have become: "Sponsored by Bacardi" (When we suffer such high alcoholism rates), "Brought To You By Marriott", etc. On the one hand, it's nice that we've gone from being loathed by society to being courted by the highest bidder and used to score "progressive points" by corporations. On the other hand, I'm a bit disappointed that we've moved from liberation to "equality" in a system that's inherently anti-LGBTQ.
  15. From what I know, most rapists rape because of the power/thrill (which is why people of varying "attractiveness", age, etc. get raped, it's not about sexual attraction/gratification), so yes, he probably did.
  16. If you all would like to ensure Judge Persky, the rape sympathizer who presided this case, never gets to perpetuate rape culture again, this petition has instructions on how to file a complaint about his judicial bias: https://www.change.org/p/california-state-house-recall-judge-aaron-persky?recruiter=783204
  17. Also, there's nothing wrong with being a "bleeding heart liberal". Just sayin'
  18. They aren't even trying. Folk are willingly using their Facebook account to sign up for other websites. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch. We're just selling our identities to get a email account.
  19. Haha, I feel the same way. I like rubbing bellies and (my fav) grabbing man tits:D, especially when I'm on top, but I wonder if I'm making guys feel self conscious by doing so.
  20. I wouldn't say "warn", just inform. I like to know basic stats of whomever I'm talking to, so I can imagine how we'd be like together. I'm honestly trying to think of the potential client I might reject and most of what comes up has to do with cleanliness (which anyone can manage with a shower beforehand) and excessive drug and alcohol use (my own fear of him being under the influence and unpredictable during our appointment). I'm super new to escorting, but my first client was a big guy. He had his stats in his profile, and he also sent me a picture of him. I appreciated the info and picture because I knew what to expect when we met, and we had a great time. I'm an information sponge in my regular life as well, so I always prefer more info to less. I do understand that some guys might use that info to discriminate—yet as NYClocker and others have said, I think it's better to be rejected via text/call/email by someone who really won't treat you well than end up with a unsatisfying experience or rejection in person.
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