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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. There's an easy way to tell... did the tattoos match?
  2. Yeah, why do a lot of reviewers say they'll keep the details private? Isn't the point of a review to give details on what happened?
  3. The Dude


    Do you have a link to a current ad?
  4. Advertises massage on Rentmen. Anyone with info? https://rent.men/TyroneXXL
  5. So is this like Darren on Bewitched? You're not supposed to notice it's a different guy??
  6. Constant name changes are a red flag for me,
  7. Saw him once when he went by the name Tyson Steele. In the middle of the massage he mentioned he just got out of prison
  8. Getting him to respond to texts seems to be an issue.
  9. Yes, at the top of the message chain there should be a header telling you who it is and how many messages there are. Under that is the option to (BLOCK THIS USER).
  10. Don't bother with this guy. He will confirm a dozen times and still flake on you at appointment time.
  11. I know, another headless wonder... but that ass! Anyone seen him in person? https://rent.men/DavidDiazLatino
  12. If all he did was talk for two hours he must have SOME English language skills.
  13. Fuck him. If he's that easily triggered, he's probably not a good match and probably isn't meant for this business to begin with.
  14. Did you get the chance to see him?
  15. The pictures with the Marlboro hanging out of his mouth are a total turnoff for me
  16. Woof! What is it about Brazilians? Any info? https://rent.men/TIGRE_USA
  17. I don't trust anyone who writes about themselves in the third person.
  18. What’s going on in Chicago? There’s a major influx of hot Brazilian and Latino men this weekend. Convention or something?
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