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Posts posted by LADoug1

  1. @FreshFluff-this may not be a good thing. I’d say that at least 70% of the therapists I’ve seen over the years have been cute to attractive. The most attractive one was straight, so what I’m about to say regarding the gay practitioners doesn’t apply to him.


    So here I am sitting in therapy with these attractive gay guys. And most of these practitioners, while not revealing any inappropriate details, have indicated that they had their own struggles coming out. But I would keep thinking to myself, but once they came out and accepted being gay -how much easier it was for them to find hook-ups/dates/partners than it was for me since I’m not that attractive (I’m not a Medusa by any means-just not that attractive).


    I was talking about this with an acquaintance of mine. I told him I had for the most part always picked gay male practitioners because I thought they could understand what I was going through better. And I told him that most of them seemed very attractive. He told me he always picked women therapists as there was no chance he was going to be attracted to them.


    So while it’s pleasant to sit and look at an attractive person (unless of course he’s an analyst, and you are lying down), maybe it’s better not to have a therapist you could be attracted to.




    My psychiatrist is hot. I know he has a partner. Sometimes I resent him for being so lucky.

  2. Yes, I'm a she. :) This is an interesting option though. Problem is that everyone I know does individual therapy, so I'd have to find a group on my own.


    @BlueSky , sorry therapy didn't help. Yeah, one of the big risks is that I could spend $400/hour for months and get nothing out of it.


    @Charlie , it's fortunate that your therapist in college was ahead of his time (assuming this happened before homosexuality was removed from the DSM in the 70s).


    @LivingnLA , I think this guy is just a regular analyst--nothing more specific. I tried biofeedback once, a loong time ago, to help my concentration. It actually worked well, but then I read studies showing it was ineffective and assumed it was all a placebo effct.


    $400/hour is WAY over the top when it comes to average price. I pay $125/45 minutes.

  3. Wellllll... maybe yes and maybe no. There is a smoking hot Latino who rolls through town once or twice a year. He's a bit of a hustler, but he is so transparent about it that I don't find it offensive. I know who I'm dealing with and what I will get. His model is $300/hr for the first two and anything over that gets reduced to $250/hr for all the hours. ( 3 hours = $750) The sweet spot is obviously 3 hours. I'm not going to pay $600 for 2 hours when I can get that third hour for $150 more.:)


    Is it the most generous business model I've seen? No. But it works on me and knowing that he's a bit of a hustler doesn't mean he under delivers. He is sweet and sexy and fun during the agreed-upon time.



    What is the difference between a hustler and an escort? The terms are synonymous to many.

  4. While spending an overnight with my favorite escort my snoring was so bad he kicked me out of bed and I slept on the sofa. Not so bad, actually, as I frequently did and do sleep on the sofa when alone. I don't snore anymore, though. Got rid of 90 pounds and any complaints about being a noisy bedmate!


    A professional escort would have given you the bed and slept on the couch himself.

  5. It wasn't a reply to.... @coriolis888 you aren't even the OP of this thread, you just told a story I was quoting @OliverSaks when he talked about shady escorts.


    I should have said: shady? Try finding someone who fucking smokes now a days, I was a weirdo when I was young because I didn't smoke then, NOW who the hell smokes.


    I didn't even quote you on that one, cause that happened to @MikeBiDude


    and @latbear4blk I didn't say that escort smokes... read again.


    This was my reply to you, after you hired the non smoking escort.


    Please review him (if you haven't done it already).



    Who the hell smokes? More people than you would believe. And I think it is skewed to the younger guys.

  6. Guys. I typically get a room when I hire and it is not unusual that I don't need to room after he and I finish our appointment


    However, I would be afraid to let the escort have my room afterwards. His buying room service/mini bar is a small risk. The big risk in my mind that he keeps the room - later someone get assaulted or worse and the room is in my name.


    Since the escort in question was not a regular I would never allow him to stay on after I leave.

  7. I think there might be different types of "milking" (not to be confused with "edging")


    Here below is what I found on prostate milking:


    "It is a descriptive term used for the process of relieving the body from a build up of seminal fluids in the prostate gland. The fluids are discharged in such a unique way that involves a massage and no orgasm is attained. Prostate milking is a sexual fetish practiced by a certain community that believes in erotic sexual denial. It involves a long term abstinence of a male from orgasm and ejaculation. The man will stay for many weeks and months without engaging in sexual activities. Anything that might lead to an orgasm and an eventual ejaculation is avoided. Even masturbation is kept at bay as the man preserves himself for "milking" at a later date when he is ready and full.


    The main reason for prostate milking in this case is to cool down and reduce the level of sexual arousal though temporarily. This is where the milking process starts for the male recipient. The prostate gland is now filled with prostatic fluid which was accumulated after such a long self denial and abstinence from orgasm and ejaculation. The cardinal reason for the prostate milking is to reduce the level of sexual arousal after such a long abstinence. The prostate is gently and indirectly massaged through the perineum or directly by gently rubbing the eyeball. The process is undertaken using an index finger gloved with latex. Attention is given to the lobes surrounding the prostate gland by gently massaging them. Due to the induced fullness of the prostate, it is contracted voluntarily and sometimes consciously. This results in the prostate emptying itself.


    "Prostate milking" as a term is more or less the same as "prostate massage" but the two terms conflict when it comes to the real meaning and usage. "Milking has a more erotic connotation to it and is a sexual fetish exclusively used and practiced by communities in the sexual fetish. It is rarely used. When trying to describe the stimulation of the prostate gland under normal and more conventional circumstances the term prostate massage would be more appropriate. It is either stimulated to gain medical or sexual benefits. The manual manipulation of the prostate gland either done internally using a lubricated finger to forestall a medical condition emanating from the state of the prostate gland. It may also be done by a professional prostate massager and result in a powerful ejaculation without involving any genital stimulation.


    Prostate milking is hinged on the prostate gland as the key behind male orgasm. Its location adjacent to the rectum calls for the deliberate arousal and stimulation of the anal area. Though not many people realize it, the anal area is a highly excitable and erotic area with dozens upon dozens of nerve endings. The area is usually considered dirty by many ( though your body can never be dirty) and having vested interests in the region is akin to homosexual tendencies. It is the stereotypes in the society because a prostate stimulation is good for your health


    source: http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Is-Prostate-Milking-And-How-It-Makes-Life-Better&id=1061653


    What does “eyeball of the prostate” mean?

  8. Friend of mine once texted someone that he was at home having "G and T", forgetting that that could mean something very different in the gay community.


    Kevin Slater



    What does G and T mean in the gay community?

  9. If I get a room specifically to meet up with someone and I'm going to let them stay solo in it overnight after our appointment, one condition is no other hires. I'd rather not get a visit from LE inquiring why I was aiding and abetting a criminal offence. If our appointment isn't overnight, it becomes a mini-vacation for me. I get to leave the bed unmade and leave towels on the floor without having to pick them up and wash them eventually. Small pleasures.



    Pick the towels up off the floor. The maids will appreciate it along with a generous tip left on the bed.


    Off topic I know ....

  10. I just wanted to share this post by SimplyAdam. I don't think he's active on the forum anymore, and he shared this with me a few months back, but wasn't quite ready to share it with the public. He shared it yesterday on FB though, so I figure it's safe now to share here. He was living in a luxury high rise in NYC, where he was arrested last year. Here's what he shared on FB.


    "Because this latest (not the last!) patriarchal gasp is (truth be boldly, wholly told!) a one-sided heterosexual grasp:


    At this very time on May 23rd I welcomed an undercover cop into Apartment 39G - then was unlawfully arrested.


    And today, exactly half a year from my final court date (fittingly on the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising), that open case gets closed. (I feel... freer?)


    My "client" - my age - said he was going through a divorce, and wanted to explore the other side of his bisexuality. He was unsure which direction he wanted to pursue going forward. It felt disembodied, but my lease was up in six weeks, so I cast fears aside and rather freely ran my fingers through his hair as we sat side-by-side on my loveseat. He tensed up. I'd since deafened to the whispers of intuition.


    Officer: "Now I guess we have to talk about the dirty part."


    Me: "What is that?"


    Officer: "Money."


    Me: "I don't think of it as dirty at all. You're coming here to experience something you don't feel safe getting - or able to get - somewhere else. The hope is that what we do together translates into your day-to-day life... expands your overall possibilities."


    Officer: "Oh, I guess so. So, how much for you to go down on me, and me down on you, and for me to put it in you?"


    I stated my rates ("time and companionship," as a matter of course). He went to the restroom.


    About a minute later, the doorbell rang. I turned around and the locked door opened on its own (unconstitutional entry), followed by seven NYPD officers barging in, and closing in on - encircling - me.


    I'm in shock. It's surreal.


    Them: "What a fucking nice place you've got here!" "Where'd you get this fucking massage table? I love getting massage!" "Fuck... Fuck... Fucking... Fuck... Fuck..."


    Me: "I'm so sorry, but I'm very confused. Do you have a warrant?"


    Lieutenant: "There was a complaint made. Do you know why we're here?"


    Me: "No."


    Lieutenant: "Prostitution."


    Me: "I'm sincerely sorry, but I'm confused and would like to know if you have a warrant for my arrest."


    Detective: "You've been watching too many fucking movies!"


    I didn't #resist. They cuffed me. Escorted me down the elevator. Through the lobby, and past the drop-jawed doormen. I spent a night in an obscenely unclean cell block ("93G" scrawled across the wall above the bench). Had a court date in the morning. They kept my phone for two weeks. And, foremost, traumatized me - in a profoundly recognizable way.


    Those old glasses got knocked off yet again.


    We're living in tenuous times. Yes, it really does feel painfully familiar. I remember this sensation of danger - coming from anywhere. And while, truly, we were born and bred for the moment we're in - where to head from here (the answer assuredly lies within)?


    What I know - know in my hollow bones - is that those unconscious assholes desecrated my space, and that this hoary #GayRage is sacred fuel for transformation.


    #RottenApples #ThePastIsEntrapped #ThePresentIsIntensified #TheUnfoldingIsKnowing #UpsetTheAppleCart"



    So sorry this happened to Adam. Quite eye opening. Thank you Lance for sharing.

  11. It seems a shift from targeting hookers to John's is happening in larger markets. Hookers are still being targeted but not as hard and that's because if the whole human trafficking. I long for the day when I can smoke my weed (I don't really smoke), pay for a bj, have my "assult" riffal, 10 husbands and collect rain water.




    Assault rifle? Joke right?

  12. Higgins has kicked the bucket & bought the farm where's he's pushing up daisies:


    A spokeswoman for the family of actor John Hillerman says the co-star of TV’s “Magnum, P.I.” has died. Hillerman was 84.


    Spokeswoman Lori De Waal said Hillerman died Thursday at his home in Houston. She said the cause of death has yet to be determined.


    Hillerman played stuffy Jonathan Higgins to Tom Selleck’s free-wheeling private detective Thomas Magnum in the hit 1980s series set in Hawaii.


    Hillerman also was known for his 1970s roles as arrogant radio show detective Simon Brimmer on the “Ellery Queen” series, and as a difficult boss on “One Day at a Time.”


    Hillerman appeared in a number of other series, including “Valerie,” ″The Love Boat” and “The Betty White Show.”


    His film credits include “The Last Picture Show” and “High Plains Drifter.


    He was also great in Paper Moon.

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