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Posts posted by ShyThaiGuy

  1. tumblr_mq06xveVeL1s2ka0wo1_500.jpg


    Oh my God, who is #1?


    He is an actor names Eric Etebari


    Here is his demo reel: http://www.imdb.com/video/user/vi1225043225/



    I couldn't find any other modeling pictures, or anything that was as sexy as this. And I have a feeling that pic was taken a long time ago. But you can tell the face is the same



  2. I just had to look this up.... it caaaaaan't be real!

    Ooooooh! But it can!






    turkish-oil-wrestling-271.jpghttp://36.media.tumblr.com/619eff67b7490b811fe942a289766b54/tumblr_mqpof799QP1qlbneko1_1280.jpg http://www.viajandonomundo.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/esportes-exoticos-pelo-mundo-luta-no-azeite-turquia.jpg 091ddbb1698cfddd10795adcb8e59cb5.jpghttp://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/287983/slide_287983_2254790_free.jpg http://resources3.news.com.au/images/2008/07/06/1111120/269999-turkish-oil-wrestling.jpg B-7uKMRWkAA4S-d.jpghttp://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/3/5/10/anigif_enhanced-buzz-27484-1362498868-5_preview.gif 2459261117_0a23633dd9.jpg





    And I found small report about it from CNN.



    Embracing each other after a match.

    Putting your hands down the pants to.... get a better grip..... is allowed...

    Hot guys doused in olive oil, just tossing each other around.


    How is this not the official gay sport? Some of these pics almost look like gay porn..... :D

  3. Number 10 looks so dangerous. That's gotta be a photoshop, right?

    Appears its not a photoshop. It's from a book called Dancers Among Us. When the photographer put the image on Facebook, it got taken down as offensive. So he posted it on his blog again, and he had the model, Matthew Oaks, REDO the pose, but in pajamas this time: http://blog.jordanmatter.com/2012/09/dancers-among-us-is-too-hot-for-facebook.html






    When he was wet, i totally thought it was Ian Thorpe

  4. I've always been a big fan of him and never get tired of his pics. I don't recall that last pic. Is it real?


    i'm thinking its fantasy, his other pics show him with two star tattoos, not the big one on the side of the thigh.


    You are correct geoffk! That other tattoo that you see belongs to another model - Zack Hardt. He is also known in the pay porn world as "Jason Phoenix" (Dirk Yates and C1R stuff and I think Sean Cody), and he is also known as Jason Rites in straight porn from what I hear. That tattoo of his is very recognizable:



    *fans himself*


    OMFG. Tan lines are like... one of my fetishes! I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, *takes a breath* love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love Tan lines!

    My sister hates them. But, yeah.... i really liked them.

    One day, she asked why, so i told her, "To me, it's like we are seeing something forbidden, something hidden. We're seeing something we're not supposed to see, and something most people don't see." And that's like, the hottest thing ever!

  6. I'm on the fence with him. He's another that i follow all his social feeds.

    When I see his pics, I'm always like, "Yeah, he's a good looking guy, and I can see why others are just head over heels for him." but i'm always like... "Meh".


    Mr. Michael Stokes...... he knows how to photograph this man. All his pics of Colin really get my attention and salute this veteran!

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