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Everything posted by Moondance

  1. 1179 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-lt8fOMDtqWg/T5RAzXPhYMI/AAAAAAAAZqs/ES9QBN5_Dug/s1600/j__copy.jpg 1180 1181 http://files.bjland.ws/blog/Drummer8903.jpg
  2. 77 78 http://www.homotrophy.com/images/2012/apr/jim+french+diaries-51.jpg 79
  3. Moondance

    My Meds

    @Avalon, don't fail to notice that @Funguy gave you what you asked for: INPUT FROM A DOCTOR:
  4. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Rr7i0YGkaa0/Umz6QN8710I/AAAAAAAAZFY/tJT0Srx25Vo/s1600/shirtless-gay-cowboy-hay-bundle-stetson-scarf-muscle-twink-hunk-american-ranch-farm-boy-gloves-sixpack-pecs-abs.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iAW76GgaRKs/Umz6O9wmcMI/AAAAAAAAZFI/0vwyn82nPZM/s1600/hairless-shirtless-farmboy-gay-french-farmer-pitchfork-nude-sixpack-torso-muscle-twink-boy-hunk-hairy-pits-boots.jpg
  5. http://images.gaypornpics.xyz/25/12437/584de18c18007ad480939a29a55ac6f3/05.jpg
  6. http://www.homotrophy.com/images/2012/apr/jim+french+diaries-31.jpg http://www.homotrophy.com/images/2012/apr/jim+french+diaries-41.jpg
  7. http://www.copsnaked.newnakedmen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/45713_01.jpg
  8. Moondance

    My Meds

    From this and other posts, I think we understand that -- despite serious health issues, despite your need for many prescription medications -- you are now in MONTH 8 of NOT HAVING SEEN A DOCTOR or any other healthcare professional. (And right on the heels of needing to see the doctor 12 TIMES in 2-3 months.) It baffles me that any competent doctor, knowing your health issues, possibly knowing that your situation has deteriorated enough that you are now homebound, would keep renewing your prescriptions for this many months without insisting on seeing you (or having his office staff help you arrange to be seen and assessed by a home healthcare provider). Posting a list of your pills here, inviting others to comment on them (when you haven't paid enough attention to why your own doctor has prescribed them -- "I just do what my doctor says") is a waste of your time. Trying to be helpful to you has so far been a waste of ours … but let's try again: I believe you have made some calls to healthcare/social service agencies and have come up empty so far in getting the assistance you need to either (a.) get to the doctor or (b.) have a healthcare professional make a home visit to you. I strongly suggest you try again, and keep trying until you succeed.
  9. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bh-sD38dkLE/Tc3X5mO9ZFI/AAAAAAAAL3g/kLiAek_YEKU/s1600/MDP-gardening.jpg http://www.alanilagan.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/garden-naked-102.jpg
  10. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cRaaWs6fGrI/Tf9psmN7nhI/AAAAAAAAAK0/rR3TnieluBI/s1600/IMG_4060.jpg
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