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Posts posted by Chidude

  1. You'd think, but wealthier people are notoriously bad tippers for the most part. I had a friend who was a paperboy with his route split between the blue collar and the extremely wealthy part of town. Paper was something like $1.25 for the week, of which he kept 28 cents. In the blue collar section of town it was not uncommon for a guy to throw him a five and tell him to keep the change. In the rich section of town every last customer gave him $1.25 and not a penny more.


    Interesting story. Although paying $1.25 for something that costs $1.25, instead of an additional $3.75 doesn’t automatically mean someone is a jerk or a bad tipper.

  2. After watching the live feed this weekend, I’m thankful this Jones character is not my type at all. Hallelujah. Although it appears Stock has a lot of fresh meat and most are complete stunners. This spells trouble for my bank account for my upcoming January trip!! Le sigh. :eek:;)

  3. FWIW...Drained Empty is unfortunately very correct here. I grew up in LA and the discrimination against Asians was more prevalent than against blacks.


    That said, I think it is important to reveal everything about yourself that might be an issue with the escort. Communication is the key to any successful hire. If someone is going to be rejected because of ethnicity, I think that it should be done long before the door opens. Racism and bigotry is a fact of our society, I would much rather the subject be discussed before hand, to avoid any uncomfortable face to face meeting. Rejection from anyone is a terrible thing to go through, whether it is age, weight, race, or political views (yes that can be an issue also) I'm all for minimizing it at the earliest possible moment.


    This!! Completely agreed. I always reveal my race along with other physical stats before meeting with an escort. If I'm paying for a service with my hard-earned $$, I want to be able to relax and enjoy the experience without having to worry about being rejected or given sub-par service due to an escort's potentially insidious, deeply sewn racial prejudices (I hate the blanket and seemingly innocuous term "preference").


    Racism is unfortunately a harsh reality in our world, but I'll be damned if I allow it to put a damper on my orgasms. Self-disclosure regarding my race before meeting any $tud eliminates unnecessary doubt or worry of rejection on my end.

  4. I've never been with Avi, but my time with Ben Kieren a few years ago was a lot of fun. Great kisser and a nice, compact muscular body that loves every inch, nook and cranny serviced. I had a great time and remember his rates being pretty reasonable.

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