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Posts posted by LAdude424

  1. I don't see this as debatable. There is no Escort Board of Ethics. Escorts don't take an oath upon receipt of their certification. They aren't employed by a government agency, airline, hospital, or even spa that requires equitable treatment and legal nondiscriminatory practices.


    An escort has the right to employ whatever rules, terms, preferences, quirks, or biases for who they choose to meet. You have the right to have nothing to do with that escort.

  2. Yeah, but they show all next to each other now...


    Seems like in some displays, A4A shows folks in the order of log-in. So this guy sat down and logged in 1, 2, 3.. one after the other.


    Took me a while to catch on to this. Then i realized you can see some patterns. One massuer is black 6'2" 185, next to the next masseur black 6'1" 195 next to the next guy is black 6'3" and 190. Ohhhhhh.

  3. Read about 65% of this thread. For me it's simple. Both parties in any interaction get to set the terms theyre comfortable with.

    If a provider asks for stats and pics - that's their terms. If those terms don't work for you, say "Sorry that doesnt work for me" and move on. Done.

    I'm a bit surprised at the number of people here who feel the provider doesn't have the right to decide for himself how he'll choose to meet clients.

  4. I get people inboxing for info, but honestly I feel like I'm doing a disservice to both that person and the masseur because each encounter is so highly personal. What happened with me may not happen with you. I love the phrase YMMV, but really it's YMWV your mileage WILL vary, unless he's a massage-bot.


    I agree .. but sometimes i want at the very least a somewhat trusted/unbiased source saying

    1. Masseur is as advertised

    2. Masseur delivered fundamentally decent service/accommodations/location

    2. Masseur was at least open to some extras


    With that info I'll take the plunge, recognizing my experience will likely not match.

  5. Wow, I wish I had as much luck as you... I actually like when it turns playful pretty early on....


    For me...If I wanted a quicky I'd hire an escort for a 30 minute session - with the $$ savings. What I usually want (and what I save my pennies for) is a genuine massage where the masseur is focused on making me feel good and paying attention to my muscles and my body....which..yes.. turns sensual and ends with release. Nothing makes me feel more cheated than agreeing on a scene, and a premium price of $150 or even $180... and then getting a guy that goes right for the climax clearly intending just to get the session over.

  6. The point of the OP - sharing experiences with other board members - has been sorta mutated into how many questions potential clients ask and how many answers providers should be expected to give. I have some opinions here :)


    I'm sure there are many guys like @MrMattBig who provide upfront and honest detail - but you don't have to read more than 2 or 3 posts on here to learn many providers write one thing and deliver another. I hire way more masseurs than escorts, but in texting both in my messages I often say things like "Can you confirm your massage is on a table?" "Can you confirm your fee is?" "Can you tell me your height/weight?" "Can I shower after" because i have personally walked into sessions where there was no table when one was advertised, where the fee requested was different than what was posted, where the person answered the door was 4 inches shorter than their ad.. and .. so one and so on.....so... I've learned to confirm. I can understand that providers likely get tons of flakes and the text-equivalent of heavy breathers, but I've found that guys who respond with a terse "That's covered in my ad" and refuse to give me 8 minutes of their time for a conversation - even if some of it is to verify what's written - are likely not going to be a match for me.


    The funny thing is - you can see from my posts on here I hire PLENTY of people - it's unfortunate that some providers act like my questions are just attempts to waste their time.


    Even with all my efforts to confirm - it's still a gamble. . I will spell out a specific scene.. i usually say . here's my fantasy scene... i want a massage, but i dont want you naked for first 30 minute. .i want to lay down ..feel the real massage.. get relaxed.. and then once were halfway through, ..you start getting more sensual....the provider is all "Yes. .i can do that.. .. I'm an expert at that." then inevitably I'm on the table for 7 minutes and their dick is flopping in my face or they start lubing up my hole.


    Both sides have interests to protect and terms to manage.. I understand ...but .. in the end ... I'm the customer and I see it as the provider's job to give me what I want, not the other way around.

  7. Heniz is a gorgeous man - just like his pix - he was wearing long pants and a shirt - but no denying there's an exceptional body under there.

    Clean modern apartment.

    Nice guy - maybe a bit cold. I don't mind if my pharmacists is "all business" but, is it wrong to want a bit of a connection with your massage therapist?

    Professional therapeutic massage - nothing wrong with it but.. nothing memorable either.

    Nothing extra was discussed or offered.

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