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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. In earlier posts I think I recall that you are not located within the U.S. I do not know the location of the other person who was able to find 590 escorts in Vienna. I am located, at the present time, in the U.S. Could it be that planetromeo blocks access to escort ads from the U.S.?
  2. Can you tell me how you were able to see that many escorts for Vienna on Planetromeo? www.planetromeo.com As you probably know, Planetromeo recently changed its site to make finding escorts next to impossible for some who are not familiar with the site. https://classic.planetromeo.com I read that escorts are not available on the new redesigned site. Apparently, many escort sites are changing their sites to conform to strict rules regarding wording and prices. I was able to access the old site by putting the word "classic" before the regular web address (see above). The old site appears but only a few escorts show for Vienna. I am currently in the U.S. Could it be that my current location prevents me from seeing the escorts that you see? Are you within Europe?
  3. Does anyone have a recommendation for escorts or for escort sites in Vienna? Rentmen has several fake ads for Vienna. I recognize some of the (stolen) photos in the Vienna rentmen ads as photos appearing for escorts in the U.S. The remainder of the rentmen inventory of escorts for Vienna is sparse. Sleepyboy includes England and Germany and a few other countries, but not Austria. Planetromeo site brings up only a few escorts for Vienna. Vienna has almost two million inhabitants. Logic indicates that there would be escorts in a city that size. Is there a popular or workable escort site for Vienna or for Austria? Thanks in advance
  4. coriolis888


    On a somewhat humorous side, I looked at the rentmen Moscow site. There is a cute guy bragging about his English. The first sentence in his ad says "I'm 27 yars old. I'm English speaking. My whole massage expiries is 3 years. " My, oh my! Three years for a massage! Now that would be something. https://rentmen.eu/Pasha Sorry, I cannot offer any data about Moscow escorts. However, in addition to rentmen, you might want to look at https://classic.planetromeo.com/ which is heavily used in Europe. Be sure to enter the exact above site address that includes the word - classic. This will take you to the old site that will soon be disappearing. If you use the regular planetromeo site address, you will reach the newer "cleansed" version of the site which, in my opinion, is merely a copy job of what rentmen has done to its site. удачной поездки (Have a wonderful trip).
  5. Is this ad for real? Does anyone really pay the outlandish rates listed in that site for a guy who looks like the one shown therein? Could the ad and site be a Brody Sinclair type spoof ad? Sinclair comes back every now and again with some very strange things.
  6. You made the mistake of hiring him or forgetting to bring the dog food? Just checking - thanks
  7. For what it is worth, the ad is gone. So much for speculation about this advertiser.
  8. Sorry, I think you misread the postings. The 15 reviews are not on this forum's site, the reviews are on rentmen's site. Of those 15 reviews on the rentmen site, 3 reviews say the photos do not match the escort. Reviews from the rentmen site are generally not reliable. Those reviews offer some guidance but they can be bogus reviews. Escorts, or the friends of escorts, can write bogus reviews praising the escort and none is the wiser. Worse is the fact that negative reviews get deleted simply at the request of the escort. That is not a good thing. It is all about money with respect the rentmen.
  9. Although rentmen reviews are generally not reliable, some of the rentmen reviews can cause a prospective client concern about hiring the escort. In that regard, the escort that you asked about has 15 reviews on rentmen. Three of those 15 reviews say the escort's photos do not match him. One review expands on the photos not matching by saying the "photos are heavily edited", You might want to take those negative comments into consideration before finalizing hiring of this escort.
  10. This is true. I have first hand experience with that being done to a review that I submitted. After the review that I submitted was posted to the escorts account, the review was deleted within a few days; I inquired why. I got a response from rentmen saying that the escort gets a lot of positive reviews and should not have to be "harmed " with an occasional unsatisfied customer. I think most of us can see the weakness in that attitude. So much for the value of rentmen reviews. Win some - lose some -
  11. Funny! You are welcome. Sorry I could not find more.
  12. I agree, he does. Regular image searches on his photo don't show anything. However, with the "tineye" program, his photo is found in tumbler, not that it means anything. Here is a link to the tineye/tumbler photo : https://www.tineye.com/search/2dede66faf36ddbd345a8b1c9424d93caaf60b79/
  13. If you search the number again, you will find the number is listed as an entertainment company (a corporation), as you already noted. However, within the same search and same phone number, you will also find the name of the person who owns the entertainment company. The phone number is a cell number. Oddly enough, if you Google the image, you will get a result of an entertainer. I seriously doubt that the entertainer is advertising on rentmen. Looking at other photos available of that entertainer, I suspect that the Google search is wrong and that the photo is not the entertainer identified by Google. It is comically strange that the phone number searches back to an entertainment company and Google misidentifies the image to an entertainer.
  14. True, but his Masseurfinder profile says today is his last day in LA. Short trip - only two days in LA - that usually wouldn't leave much time for escorting.
  15. His profile is expired. Also, when you do a reverse image search on one of his photos in the expired profile, you get this link to a series of the same photo of the escort: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&q=83329&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlQEJNw5i1HDCd-oaiQELEKjU2AQaAggYDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo8hy0GusZpB-JEM4Z6hnYGfgenBq2LrUuty6QLYk6qyTmOog6_1Cz9LBowhG9o99if9pK4ew5T733eXbNycKw05UUvtHuaaW3HZ53Lv2U8Ec08AK5Ey0X-USaNIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgQ5fSSnDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifq9mki-nSAhVHVWMKHYigDZsQwg4IGSgA&biw=1344&bih=706#imgrc=EnchY2f3i-XeBM: -
  16. And this link: https://www.leolist.cc/personals/male-companions/metro-vancouver/vancouver_sexy_handsome_masseur_in_yaletown-1254501 Lots of ads show the same photos with the same profile. He is probably legit. -
  17. Not using his real name - only stage name, here are a couple of "tweets" like are so popular with a certain unnamed political figure. https://twitter.com/xxxmikemaverick/with_replies
  18. I suspect that you are correct in your assumption. Have you tried writing to rentmen with corroboration of fake photos? You would have quite a laugh if you did. Last year I wrote to rentmen and submitted confirmation that the photos in an escort ad were not genuine because the photos were of a well known model. Instead of removing the bogus ad, rentmen wrote back to me with a nonsensical letter and praised the fake escort and left the fake ad intact. So much for integrity -
  19. I have not seen any comment related to the comparison of the four reviews he has in his rentmen ad. https://rent.men/AnacondaHOT [url=https://rent.men/AnacondaHOT][/url] Many of us know that reviews on rentmen are almost, but not entirely, useless. For example, after a few days of a negative review being posted to an escort's account, the negative review usually disappears for reasons unexplained. In the case of this escort, he has four reviews in total. Two of those reviews give the lowest ranking possible. Also, those two negative reviews say that the photos in the ad are not accurate and that the escort is not recommended. How can you draw any accurate opinion about the escort in view of the fragmented information available?
  20. As of today, he has 137 comments about him on planetromeo.com Here is a link to his ad and comments: https://www.planetromeo.com/auswertung/setcard/index.php?set=5067152&secure=NYjIs9iKJ0kSehEhfgmYdg== Usually, to open a planetromeo profile, you need to sign in. That is easy to accomplish - just register, after which you will be able to maneuver the site and see this guy's profile/ad as well as the profiles of thousands of other escorts all over the world.
  21. If you Google the photos for this escort, things do not compute. For example, in the ad, it says he is age 26 and is 6' 3" - However, is you go to the Model Mayhem page (that shows when you Google the photos), you will see age 35 and 6' 2" - His weight in the ad is 235 but the weight in the Model Mayhem profile is 210. The Model Mayhem profile was updated November 8th. I can understand the escort fudging the age but I would think the escort would be consistent with his height and weight. Like I said above, things do not compute. Furthermore, the escort photos have appeared in various threads in this forum over the past few years.
  22. Probably worth more than $4.95 - He also has similar ads. One is on a site I never saw or heard of before. The site is: Hoesoncall - funny name for this type of ad- Here is a link to his hoesoncall ad - https://hoesoncall.com/escort-locations/united-states/illinois/bloomington/male-escorts/hung-n-kinky-use-me-all-night-or-let-me-use-you-36337800 Then he has a few ads for Indianapolis and Rockford, Illinois, Memphis and a couple of other cities. Here is another link to a couple of his other ads - https://www.asexyservice.com/rockford/classifieds/phone/7735436994/ The guy does travel - -
  23. I think your explanation makes sense and you are probably correct. Once in a database, always in a database - unless programed to self destruct after x x x number of years.
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