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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. I did not see it mentioned here regarding tipping Uber drivers, but, it is possible to tip "within the app" when using Uber. That feature was added sometime during this year.
  2. You had a string of bad luck. If you screen the escorts more and check out this site for reviews, the probability of your getting another future bad repeat declines significantly. I believe you are right, it is an issue with your self-esteem. There is not much you can do about self-esteem issues, short of a long protracted repair process. However, like I said above, if you check out this site for reviewed escorts, your chances of finding a better escort will be greater.
  3. Puzzled here! I did not see anything in the OP's post about weight or looks. Did he later edit his post and delete these issues?
  4. Reading back through the OP's question, he asked about finding a "gay travel companion" but I don't think he meant an escort to travel with him. Of course, it is possible that he meant an escort but the wording in his post suggests that he is looking merely for a "gay travel companion" and nothing more. Then again, he did post in the ask an escort section. ? ?
  5. coriolis888

    Jase Wolfe

    Check the photo again. You will know the answer. While you check his ad again, look at his travel schedule throughout different parts of the world. Those trips are all paid for by his admirers. Yes, he is extraordinary, there is no doubt about that. He is as rare as a hen's tooth.
  6. You wrote an exemplary summary of this thread. My only rebuttal to your summary is that there is no mention of the client who works in a high profile profession who voluntarily releases his stats and photo in a sex for hire internet transaction. If the client information and photo were abused, it is not difficult to envision the devastation to the client and to his profession and to his status in the community. By way of example, just look at the current wave of sex accusations against politicians and entertainment executives that occurred decades ago. I can understand if clients have no issue with releasing their private information and photo. However, there still is that segment of the gay client community that is vulnerable but still wish to pursue meeting escorts. The old system of not asking for stats and a photo worked fine for most people. There is a proverb that goes - " if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
  7. Is the below information useful? https://www.tineye.com/search/52c3ca3bf6b8284f75631215d90cf7cb12bc6fc4/ And, he is using the photo of a male model: https://mulpix.com/instagram/malemodel_fashion_cute_boy.html Fake photos - - if his ad lies about his photos, what lies will he tell you? Beware.
  8. Or, the escort can seek a different line of work!
  9. "Specific Criminal Laws" Regarding an HIV positive person (even if undetectable) being required to inform potential sexual partners of their status. Here is an interesting read from the CDC about the issue. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/law/states/exposure.html "It should be noted that all states have general criminal laws—such as assault and battery, reckless endangerment, and attempted murder—that can and have been used to prosecute individuals for any of the above-mentioned behaviors." - from the above referenced CDC article -
  10. It does make one wonder why no reviews. See post number 3 (above) where @Jimbosd11 says he twice text him with no response. Typical and why he has no reviews?
  11. I did not say that stats have to do with privacy even though my post started out that way. My post emphasized a possible vulnerable client furnishing a photo (and other personal identifying information) to an escort in connection with hiring from a male sex site. Of course, if a client furnishes only his stats, there would probably not be a privacy issue. It is the inclusion of a photo that changes the formula.
  12. Speaking of Palm Springs being a friendly city for our group, take a look at this first-time achievement: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-me-palm-springs-lgbt-council-20171115-story.html
  13. It is not logical to compare a bonafide company's verification of a customer's data (for security purposes) versus an escort verifying a potential client for a sexual hire! The two events do not fit together.
  14. Yes, that is likely so. However, when they meet guys from grindr, there generally is no expectation of a financial transaction or gain.
  15. How observant - I am impressed.
  16. coriolis888


    Once, while on a trip to China, I had occasion to shop in various stores. One of the stores was a meat market. In the meat market, I saw lots of dead chickens with feather plucked off, hanging from an overhead wire. The plucked chicken heads were aiming downward. Seeing dead, plucked chickens, with their plucked heads and plucked bodies hanging down, reminded me (and it still does) of a pubic shaved guy. Needless to say, I am not in favor of shaving the pubic area. Isn't is wonderful that we all like different things?
  17. Not only wanting privacy. Many escorts ask clients for their stats. Some escorts even ask a client for a photo (as noted already in a prior post above). Many clients have sensitive high profile jobs/occupations. It is not difficult to foresee damage and embarrassment that could befall a client if proof got out that the client voluntarily released his photo and personal information while "fishing" via a gay sex site. Refusal to furnish such data could be for job or occupation survival.
  18. He did a lot of things. He was also an author and a singer and much more.
  19. After all this discussion of dying at or living to various ages, it seems appropriate to mention a (now deceased) famous movie star who died in the seventies (George Sanders) who had it all figured out when his life was to end. On 23 April 1972, Sanders checked into a hotel in Castelldefels, a coastal town near Barcelona. He was found dead two days later, having gone into cardiac arrest after swallowing the contents of five bottles of the barbiturate Nembutal.[22][23] He left behind three suicide notes, one of which read: Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck.[24][25][26] If we have any classic film buffs here, Sanders once starred in a movie called The Kremlin Letter (1969), in which his first scene showed him dressed in drag and playing piano in a gay bar in San Francisco. Sanders also had a starring role in the classic film, All About Eve - Bette Davis et al Much of the above information is taken from Wikipedia
  20. You might have visited a site he formerly had when he was using a different name and photos, but the same rentmen account. Many escorts change names and photos but keep the same rentmen account. If you ever accessed any of his prior "ads" it is possible that he blocked you from one of those visits. The block carries over to new and updated fake names the escorts use while retaining their same account. If you are blocked but did not previously access his current ad with the current photos and/or name, consider yourself lucky that you are blocked.
  21. Here is a link to something unusual in Sao Paulo. Most locals have not been to this exhibit. The exhibit (building) was "inspired" by New York's Empire State Building - Of course, the building is smaller but is based on a similar principle - taking elevators and stairway to the top of the third tallest building in the city for spectacular views of the city. You need to bring ID with you but the elevators and top visit are free. It is open only during the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altino_Arantes_Building (from the above link) - "The Banespa Tower is one of the best-known skyscrapers of São Paulo. In the highest point of the building, accessible from 33rd floor by 2 sets of stairs, there is an observation deck with views of up to 40 km."
  22. Speaking of sad things, there was an actor, a long time ago, with a similar name as the OP - Jon-Eric Hexum. While playing around on the set of a movie he was making, he accidentally killed himself (at age 26) with a blank gun from the set. He was an extraordinarily handsome man. Here is a little u-tube clip that shows a little about him and his gorgeous looks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFh6HjRiELM
  23. Your recollection about the quote from the New York Times article is extraordinarily accurate. Job well done! "It may be the ugliest, most dangerous city you'll ever love." Here is a link to the full article which will tell the OP about a few more things to see and do in Sao Paulo: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/14/travel/14hours.html
  24. This is what happens after "the fire goes out" on a relationship, be it a paid relationship or not. It is time to move on and find someone else.
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