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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. Cutting off the nose to spite the face ? The client probably felt good also, only better.
  2. Here is a link to one of the photos in the ad: https://www.tineye.com/search/dcd160bd5c5cec19ab373d3d8091f32c044f3ffb/
  3. If you look through his rentmen reviews, you will see SIX reviews from CoutureDesigner -
  4. Now it makes sense. I knew the answer I got could not be correct unless there was some rich benefactor who opened the site solely for goodwill purposes. Thanks for posting this clarification.
  5. Color me dumb! As stated above, "the site is not commercial, we don’t charge guys for ads, we don’t sell anything, do not sell even advertisement. We do not collect any personal information. No need to create a client profile on Rentboy.pro and send your e-mail to us. Just enjoy your privacy, browse the guys and contact them directly via their phone numbers." How can the site stay in business? Unless there exists a benefactor who generously donates money to keep the site going, how are the site's employees and other expenses paid to run the site? Just a curious person who works in the business world that is not familiar with the described type business model.
  6. Too many escorts (even well reviewed escorts) take the liberty of using face photos that "look like" them, or so the escort says. There is an escort I see fairly often who uses his own body photos in his ad but has a face photo of another guy who the escorts insists looks "just like" him. I do not agree that the face photo is a look-a-like. At my first meeting with the escort, I was about to cancel the meeting because the face photo was not of the escort. However, I did not cancel because the escort is quite handsome and charming despite using a "borrowed" face photo for his ad.
  7. Or this link that shows him in drag - my goodness, he did not make a pretty woman https://www.google.com/search?q=george+sanders+playing+piano+in+movie+-+kremlin+letters&safe=active&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=t9gZhrvDZQ9xkM%3A%2CfjuFTfs6-AT5SM%2C_&usg=__2EKJvWAFkAj1hfWdkTA0_0FaTq4=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja7b_01LrYAhXo0FQKHYU9CPUQ9QEINzAD#imgrc=_VTCnDAIVFtamM: or this one where he is in drag, in a gay bar in San Francisco playing "Love is a Many Splendid Thing" https://dobmovies.com/watch/george-sanders-in-drag/4_KH-NEcPnw.html
  8. I suspect that his ad is legit. Using various image search engines on the photos in his ad only comes back to prior ads the guy had on rentmen. com while he used a slightly different screen name. Here are the search results for two of the photos. Note the similar prior ad name versus the current ad and same photos: https://www.tineye.com/search/cc71705434bb8591ba90fb9bbb82ab0161299db0/ and https://www.tineye.com/search/bddf158d24518717fc4f742740f4a6c59d79ecc5/
  9. Food for thought - can you believe Anderson Cooper's salary is ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR! I think he is an okay newscaster, but eleven million annual salary - someone must have dropped the payroll department on its head. Oh, yes, check this out: https://www.google.com/search?q=salary+anderson+cooper+annually&oq=salary+-+anderson+cooper&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.13371j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" William Shakespeare
  11. I hope you really don't believe this. Some people have lousy credit and cannot get a credit card. Or, they do not have a work history and/or sufficient assets to get a credit card. We all have our different methods of meeting escorts. I certainly would not tell you how to find an escort. For God's sake? Again, we all have our own methods. I would never think of telling you how and where to find an escort. Your method is your method, not mine.
  12. When dealing with escorts, not many of them have a credit card. Therefore, your suggestion will not work in the discussed situation. Even if a hotel payment is made in advance, any extra "incidental charges" are added to the bill and the person who rented the room is obligated to pay. If we rent a room for a rendezvous and allow an escort to use the room for the duration of the rental after we leave, we are stuck with the bill and all charges made by the person allowed to stay in the room.
  13. On rentmen.eu Lots of them are available. Many are good but some are not.
  14. I am puzzled - here is a quote from my post: "I wasn't charged for smoking - thank goodness the escort did not smoke. Some high end hotels charge $250.00 for violating their non smoking rules." What made you think that the escort smokes? And, no, he was not from BP. Rentmen seems to be the website of choice lately.
  15. I wasn't charged for smoking - thank goodness the escort did not smoke. Some high end hotels charge $250.00 for violating their non smoking rules.
  16. Allowing an escort to keep a room that you rent (using your own name - as most hotels require identification) your kind gesture might come back as a negative surprise to you. Not long ago I let an escort keep a hotel room that I rented for our meeting. What a surprise I got when I received my credit card bill. After I left the room, the escort ordered room service (expensive meals along with a lot of liquor) and he emptied the mini bar. Those "incidental charges" were more than twice the cost of the escort and the cost of the room combined. Never again. How is it said - "no good deed goes unpunished"
  17. The below quote is taken from one of the articles that appear from a "brodie sinclair scandal" search: "had disputed Gawker’s account, which shielded the identity of his “gay porn star” accuser—giving him the false name “Ryan”—and offered as evidence a supposed selfie that Geithner (the client) allegedly sent to “Ryan,” The above citation shows another reason why clients should refuse or use extra care if and when sending their photo out on the internet to escort sites. Here is the full article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/gawker-got-in-bed-with-the-wrong-escortand-civil-war-ensues
  18. One of these days, when you have nothing else to do, and if you want a good laugh, read through the linked thread I provided. I am glad that you did not express an interest in meeting with him. If you look through the link I entered above, you will see that he has done some mean things to clients, including blackmailing a well known individual.
  19. How could you have missed the hundreds (thousands ?) of posts on this forum concerning this guy? Check out this thread which will lead you to many discussions that make it clear to stay away from him. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/who-should-win-most-ridiculous-escort-ad-of-the-year.131415/#post-1419295 Be careful
  20. Curious, where do you find them for $250.00? I thought the going rate is $300.00 and up -
  21. What an interesting concept and approach! I never thought of it that way. I always paid the agreed amount just to get rid of a poor performing escort. Fortunately, it is rare that I meet a lousy escort. Your idea certainly makes sense even though I personally would not follow through with doing what you said you do (discount the agreed fee if the escort cannot perform as agreed and assumed). There are too many contingencies and/or bad things that could occur if an escort does not get the money expected even though a poor performance was rendered by him.
  22. Based on his ad, he is gifted not only in looks, he is learned in languages.
  23. Is this the guy you mean? https://rentmen.eu/wickedboy If I use the https://rentmen.eu/Wicekdboy (slightly different spelling shown in your post) it shows a dead link Does he advertise on a different site?
  24. One review is misleading as follows: The reviewer wrote - - "I've booked him multiple times and every time is better. I will continue to book him." "No. of appts.: 2" The reviewer's comment (copied above) implies that he has booked the masseur a lot. However, if you look at the actual review on the site, it says that the reviewer had a total of two appointments including the appointment that generated the review. Technically, it is correct, two times is multiple. But, I believe it is misleading the say you have "multiple" bookings while only two sessions are shown in the review. ACTUAL REVIEW: "Antonio is beautiful and charming. The massage was great, he has a gift with his touch, and has great energy. I've booked him multiple times and every time is better. I will continue to book him. No. of appts.: 2" I vote to proceed with caution.
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