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Posts posted by augustus

  1. @Scott Virginian you are right on the money about her "independence is more important than her security or longevity" ! That's her. I tried the necklace with the button and she just takes it off and puts it somewhere. She's in rehab after breaking her hip for the 2nd time in 5 years and just wants to go home. She is causing a ruckus at the nursing facility (and it's a nice place). You are also right about how strenuous this is. Many people have no clue. And most of the family doesn't want to get involved (I have to work or I have kids to worry about or whatever). This is the most difficult situation I have ever faced. Thanks for you advice.

  2. I have an elderly relative who lives about 5 miles away from me and will not accept a home aide (she is 92). I want to put those video cameras in her place so I can be able to monitor her on my computer to see that she is alright. I know next to nothing about tech issues. She has no computer or wifi in her place. Is it possible to set this up and get a signal to my home computer from her place and see her real time? Does anyone know about this? Thanks.

  3. @Mocha Maybe having a preset text or email that summarizes (not too explicit) what you offer can help. If you have good reviews then direct them to that. End the back and forth communications and just redirect them back to the preset text or email and reviews. Tell them it's a legal issue and protection for both yourself and the client. I really don't get why people do this. Nothing better to do? It's just moronic and inconsiderate.

  4. @Mocha …….this is a very common human trait you are dealing with. People are just insecure and try to see themselves as superior to others, hence the judgmentalism. Unless you are breaking the law or hurting others, it's really not their concern. If they mention something once that's fine. They may believe they are being helpful. If they continue to badger you about it or if they continue to keep bringing up your lifestyle, then tell them you live your life you way you want to and they should live theirs the way they want to. I wouldn't drop them as friends unless they continue to do it. Just say "I choose to live my life my own way" and give them a serious look! That should end the repetitive bs.

  5. Oh wow...yeah politics are a dead ended conversational. I’m generally fortunate that most of my clients tend to lean on the liberal side of things though.


    He did lean liberal. I'm the conservative...LOL

  6. @Mocha It wasn't the complaints about all the hassles about the clients that drove us apart (from the longtime escort I had). It didn't bother me. It was politics. We are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and I didn't care about his political beliefs but he tried like hell to prove that he was right. I told him lets not talk about politics but he couldn't control himself. A couple of times he got seriously nasty so I ended it. He was shocked. Thought I couldn't live without him I guess, but I did care about him. Life is strange.

  7. @Mocha The problem isn't you. The problem is that most of these "potential clients" are just pathetic voyeuristic inconsiderate assholes. I had an escort who I had seen for over 4 years and at least 100 meets (I'm serious) and he mouthed off to me twice over politics that the fool kept bringing up and then it was over. He regrets its now but I'm done. He always complained about the same problems you are having. I don't know what to tell you, but I wouldn't allow the texts and emails to go on and on. Tell them the deal upfront. Most of these people are just getting their jollies with all this back and forth communication. I can imagine how freaking annoying it is.


    I truly believe people need to get a life! The Deli threads are the most numerous on this website. Why? Not because most of the posters will even meet the guys they are talking about. They are just getting their jollies with this. If a person has decent reviews, then there shouldn't be so much drama with hiring someone for an hour. If you're worried about $250-$300 then you can't afford it in the first place.

  8. Hey guys, so I don't post much, but I've enjoyed the wisdom offered from this forum for years. I have a question.

    I've been visiting a local escort about once a month for going on three years now. He's not discussed on here, he was a rare craigslist find back when my area didn't have much to offer. We've actually become pretty good friends, and I've actually played with him and his boyfriend a few times since they got together around a year ago.

    His bf texted me and warned me not to send any explicit texts because his bf had been arrested for prostitution.

    That got me worried. We have been texting for three year now discussing appointments, sexual activities, and money. If the police search his phone, and those texts are on there, am I in trouble?


    I doubt the cops would go that far, unless there were more serious crimes to this guy besides the prostitution charge. What State are you in, if I may ask.

  9. Well, here's a horror story my sister told me. This is very recent. She works with a woman whose husband was adopted at birth. He's about 40. Earlier this year he finally convinced his Aunt to tell him who his real mother was (the Aunt knew that information but would not reveal it previously). He found out he had 3 other siblings. One was a sister who lives in California.


    He went to CA to visit the sister. When he got back, he was constantly texting his sister. The wife caught him texting the sister with red heart emoticons. The guy fell in love with the sister!!! The wife ended up in the hospital where she stayed for a month because she was suicidal. And they have 3 minor children for god's sake. The husband has left the house and they are in the process of getting a divorce. My sister said the wife is better but still out on disability and several people at her company are constantly in touch with her to get her through this. Seriously, I was horrified when she told me this story.

  10. It has been fun watching him try to squirm his way out of it. If he was a long-time reader on this site he'd know that never works though. Well it could work but you'd have to disappear long enough for people to forget and that would be very expensive.


    How dare you revel in this. I'm sure @GoldenGrill said something equally offensive to Reese. This is demonstrated by the withholding of the texts he sent to Reese.


    Many people around here need to get a life.

  11. I think it was more brave on the part of Reese if I may say so. Here is somebody who had (deservingly) been called out online and crucified (deservingly) who took great initiative to make amends and talk and ask for forgiveness. I’m impressed with him!


    You accepted and that’s nice of you. But I’m really impressed he took the initiative. Wow.


    I don't think Reese should have been called out online or crucified here. @GoldenGrill started that earlier thread out of spite. Firstly, he has no history at all with the guy. Then, he didn't post his own texts of this conversation. He could have said something equally despicable to Reese.


    The doctored evidence alone means he shouldn't have revealed who the person was. It was an attempt to hurt him. This appalls me !

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