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Everything posted by Electra225

  1. It looks like Backpage has made an interesting "update" and "change". Only phone numbers and photos are shown in the Men For Men listings. No descriptions of any kind. I very, very, very rarely hire from Backpage, but I do check it out on a daily basis just to see "what is out there". I guess that the Thought Police are at it again. I'm so glad that they are protecting us from us.
  2. "Splash Shots--Memories of Summer" and "Splash Shots II--More Memories of Summer" "Spring Break" is also one of my top favorites.
  3. I generally book a two-hour appointment. Things, to me, seem much less rushed and I often get a better rate.
  4. JIM BENTLEY KURT MARSHALL KEVIN WILES DAVID ASHFIELD LEE RYDER LEIGH ERIKSON REX CHANDLER And many, many of the boys from FALCON in the 1980's to the present day...
  5. All of these guys are tender, juicy, and delicious---and nutritious in three ways.....
  6. Amazon and UPS never delivers packages like this to my door.
  7. I feel like having rump roast RIGHT NOW!!!!
  8. With all these ripped-out knees in these jeans, are these hotties spending way too much time on their knees at the book store? If so, I need to find that bookstore (if they are still around) and bring several rolls of quarters.....
  9. I seem to collect bad habits. I have a huge collection and it is very, very expensive.
  10. I do not, and will not, hire anyone with tattoos--either as a provider or as an employee. Don't people with tattoos realize what they are going to look like when they get older? IT IS NOT PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I'm afraid one would get a "bang" out of this one!!
  12. I definitely need a new neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. This is Adam from Houston. World's BEST massage therapist. DO NOT MISS HIM!!
  14. Re Picture 91: For all you car guys out there--Is that a 1963 or a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 XL? Don't you know that the black vinyl seats are toasty on the model's buns!!!!!!!
  15. But, wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?????
  16. What-A-Burger!! It's big and round, always get a quarter pound. Pickles. Lettuce. Onions, too!! UMMMMM What-A-Burger, you'll love it too!!!!
  17. Andre/Andrew has been scamming people for years. Stay away. He is a horrid individual.
  18. Number 199 looks very much like Kurt Marshall, a Falcon star of the 1980's. Truly, a handsome and beautiful boy!!!
  19. Suggested reading: Last Time, I Drew A Crowd by Jim Bentley (you can get it from Amazon). It gives an accurate view of the porn industry. Jim Bentley was a major porn star in the 1980's and 1990's. His book will give you much food for thought. I met Jim when he was active in the film industry as well as recently (he is retired from the film industry now, of course). He is pretty level-headed and his thoughts are worth considering. One take-away: if you decide to re-enter the industry, do so with and for a high-quality and reputable studio, like Falcon. High levels of production values will enhance your career as an escort and in the film industry. Low-quality production values will, at best, do nothing for you and will probably hurt your career in many ways.
  20. He is also running an ad on RentMen in the Houston section.https://rentmen.eu/exxdeltoro
  21. There once was a boy, who had a hot little curl, that ran down the middle of his forehead. When he was good, he was very, very good. When he was bad, he was BETTER!!!!!!!!!!
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