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    Tonyko got a reaction from Shiloh in Have you ever met any celebrities?   
    SORRY to all today's hipsters who may disagree, BUT I firmly believe if you google the word "cool" the FIRST thing to pop up should be a pic of Steve McQueen :rolleyes:
    *I also sat in an enclosed courtyard at a studio in LA visiting a friend about 8 yrs ago n while waiting two guys entered from a door one kind of short and bow-legged and one an elderly white-haired man with some stenosis (sic) which was obvs by how he walked. Twas only later when they got up and walked back in that I saw it was Sean Penn and Warren Beatty.
  2. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from + DERRIK in Male models don't..... :)   
    I think we're being a little stereo-typical about these guys and forgetting JUST how much WORK goes into maintaining their workable status, gym regiments so specific so as to not add mass facials dermatologists hair salons dentists no carbs no booze 48hrs before a shoot no late nights mani's pedi's etc etc etc every part of them has to maintained like a Ferrari to keep their looks that we all drool over. So lets cut them some slack. All that being said I'll add one.
    Join Mensa.
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    Tonyko got a reaction from caliguy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Well I work in an industry and live in two places where I SEE this reality all the time. However I do want to say that I will acknowlege the exceptions where BOTH the physical and the $ocial attaction is there for the younger guy, but I think it's very rare. (if I were still in my 20's and a now 50somehing Tom Cruise (who I still find very Hot - I usually get beat up for saying THAT lol) hit on me I'd def be into ALL of him. If he looked liked Ricky Gervais or it was say a much older Tab Hunter, that wouldn't be the case
  4. Like
    Tonyko reacted to caliguy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Whenever there's a post about May/December couples I usually get beat up for saying the same thing. Apparently, people don't like hearing reality. I always get a kick out of the mind games they'll play sometimes. I always say just take away juniors allowance and will see how far that love goes.
    However, if the guy is a bit older and/or established it's different. You know. Maturity and all. So I try to make it very clear it's about the age range/type (young guy lust) and not just the difference.
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    Tonyko got a reaction from N13 in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Noooo, I assume young hot men who are with wealthy older men would not be with them if they were mailmen and while the other things you mention may be turn-ons, if they looked at the man knowing NOTHING about him and WEREN'T turned on, then a major part of it IS forced. If the basic "physical" attraction is one-sided which it almost always is (esp if the boy is str8 lol) it rarely turns out well. And yes I have met young hot guys who are star-fckers lol they're very excited by the idea of getting with these kind of older men so yes that does exist. (but they don't JO thinking of them )
  6. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from caliguy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Noooo, I assume young hot men who are with wealthy older men would not be with them if they were mailmen and while the other things you mention may be turn-ons, if they looked at the man knowing NOTHING about him and WEREN'T turned on, then a major part of it IS forced. If the basic "physical" attraction is one-sided which it almost always is (esp if the boy is str8 lol) it rarely turns out well. And yes I have met young hot guys who are star-fckers lol they're very excited by the idea of getting with these kind of older men so yes that does exist. (but they don't JO thinking of them )
  7. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from Walker1 in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Showing my ignorance here Who are these two???
    PS years ago when I was living in LA a wealthy 75yo guy (with a 34yo live-in BF) was murdered everyone in the industry knew him he owned an old movie house that played classic silent films w live accompanyment was a fun thang to go to lotta huge celebs even went, was gunned down right in the lobby during a screening. The BF had an air-tight alibi, (he was elsewhere with MANY witnessess - HE was the projectionist RUNNING the film at the time Soon as the story broke I said to myself alibi/schmalibi HE did it. (he did, thru a hired gun) Also turned out he was an ex hustler w a record.
    Aint saying every boy with a rich Dad/Grandad will kill him lol, BUT taking one into your life as a full time partner is just so delusional and foolish and will almost ALWAYS bite you in the ass via extortion or palimony suits ala Rock Hudson Liberace Merv Griffin etc etc etc and letting one into your FINANCIALS (as this man did) or worse, making them you HEIR is just plain dumb:eek:I have MANY older friends, restauranteurs, Dr's, industry big wigs, who each have a "boy" they see but they keep it real, see him when the mood strikes, hand him a wad of cash, "occasionally" take him on their Holiday etc, it's casually beneficial for both and THAZ it
  8. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from bigvalboy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    Showing my ignorance here Who are these two???
    PS years ago when I was living in LA a wealthy 75yo guy (with a 34yo live-in BF) was murdered everyone in the industry knew him he owned an old movie house that played classic silent films w live accompanyment was a fun thang to go to lotta huge celebs even went, was gunned down right in the lobby during a screening. The BF had an air-tight alibi, (he was elsewhere with MANY witnessess - HE was the projectionist RUNNING the film at the time Soon as the story broke I said to myself alibi/schmalibi HE did it. (he did, thru a hired gun) Also turned out he was an ex hustler w a record.
    Aint saying every boy with a rich Dad/Grandad will kill him lol, BUT taking one into your life as a full time partner is just so delusional and foolish and will almost ALWAYS bite you in the ass via extortion or palimony suits ala Rock Hudson Liberace Merv Griffin etc etc etc and letting one into your FINANCIALS (as this man did) or worse, making them you HEIR is just plain dumb:eek:I have MANY older friends, restauranteurs, Dr's, industry big wigs, who each have a "boy" they see but they keep it real, see him when the mood strikes, hand him a wad of cash, "occasionally" take him on their Holiday etc, it's casually beneficial for both and THAZ it
  9. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from caliguy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    From Calvin Klein on down, a straight G4P pornstar BF is NEVER A GOOD IDEA. They are going against their nature and are with you for ONE reason only and are usually full of self-loathing for it and will eventually loath YOU (as will the GF's they all have) then either embarrass you or worse rob or extort you or WORSE kill you to get their hand$$ on the one thing they are with you for. Fool around with them fullfill your fantasy but DON'T make them your partner it NEVER works:eek:.
    *the deets of the handwritten "will" have not yet come out, it simply says "convinced" him to make him his heir, but wouldn't be surprised if it was at knifepoint:(
  10. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from caliguy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    I didn't do that (I don't think ) I was addressing the wealthy men who take them on as lovers/partners/etc and the boys who enter INTO those one on one relationships with them. (like the stripper and the NYC Priest of late Yes of course even a GAY boy can do these things to his rich older partner but to me its even MORE delusional on the parts of these older men when they know the boy is in reality Str8 :-)
  11. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from MikeyGMin in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    I didn't do that (I don't think ) I was addressing the wealthy men who take them on as lovers/partners/etc and the boys who enter INTO those one on one relationships with them. (like the stripper and the NYC Priest of late Yes of course even a GAY boy can do these things to his rich older partner but to me its even MORE delusional on the parts of these older men when they know the boy is in reality Str8 :-)
  12. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from marylander1940 in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    I didn't do that (I don't think ) I was addressing the wealthy men who take them on as lovers/partners/etc and the boys who enter INTO those one on one relationships with them. (like the stripper and the NYC Priest of late Yes of course even a GAY boy can do these things to his rich older partner but to me its even MORE delusional on the parts of these older men when they know the boy is in reality Str8 :-)
  13. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from marylander1940 in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    From Calvin Klein on down, a straight G4P pornstar BF is NEVER A GOOD IDEA. They are going against their nature and are with you for ONE reason only and are usually full of self-loathing for it and will eventually loath YOU (as will the GF's they all have) then either embarrass you or worse rob or extort you or WORSE kill you to get their hand$$ on the one thing they are with you for. Fool around with them fullfill your fantasy but DON'T make them your partner it NEVER works:eek:.
    *the deets of the handwritten "will" have not yet come out, it simply says "convinced" him to make him his heir, but wouldn't be surprised if it was at knifepoint:(
  14. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from bigvalboy in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    I didn't do that (I don't think ) I was addressing the wealthy men who take them on as lovers/partners/etc and the boys who enter INTO those one on one relationships with them. (like the stripper and the NYC Priest of late Yes of course even a GAY boy can do these things to his rich older partner but to me its even MORE delusional on the parts of these older men when they know the boy is in reality Str8 :-)
  15. Like
    Tonyko reacted to + WilliamM in Penn station NYC, No Starbucks ?!   
    So does Robert Caro in his epic non-fiction book, "The Power Broker" about Robert Moses. It is one of the best books I have ever read. I hope to read "The Power Broker" at least once more.
    Now Caro may be more well know for his groundbreaking books about LBJ, which he has spent the last 35 plus years of his life.
  16. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from AdamSmith in Penn station NYC, No Starbucks ?!   
    WAY better lol! (locale also has much to do with it re WHO is walking around in there. G. Central, when I was little, was a mass of sleeping people of questionable domocile and hygiene which it no longer is, re the rehab of it and the location. But PENN is in a not-so-great area and is still more like a big subway terminal many homeless (a shame) and crazies druggies runaways yada yada. The HUGE diff to me is that G. Central is NOT the major subway crossroads the way Penn is, the E side lines tend to have a diff kind of rider and from the West side and there is only ONE train (a shuttle) that goes there to Grand C. So there's a "element" in Penn that doesn't travel to GC.
  17. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from Brian Kevin in Penn station NYC, No Starbucks ?!   
    Yes it's DISGUSTING. And a Shanda that it's oft ppls first impression and gleaning your impression of NYC from Penn S is like taking your impression of the state of Michigan from FLINT:eek: EVERYONE agrees the tearing down of the orig was a CRIME. Sadly we didn't have Mrs. Onasis to spearhead saving it as she did when when our amazing Grand Central Station was slated for the wrescking ball But it's easy in hindsight to say now HOW couldn't they see the value??? When I was 19 in my first apt an aunt and uncle gave me an old steamer trunk they said use as a table etc. To ME it was some old junky thing and I eventually dragged it out and put it on the curb on W81st St. (it was a Louis Vuitton WITH a little fold down writing desk) We all do dumb shit
  18. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from AdamSmith in Penn station NYC, No Starbucks ?!   
    Yes it's DISGUSTING. And a Shanda that it's oft ppls first impression and gleaning your impression of NYC from Penn S is like taking your impression of the state of Michigan from FLINT:eek: EVERYONE agrees the tearing down of the orig was a CRIME. Sadly we didn't have Mrs. Onasis to spearhead saving it as she did when when our amazing Grand Central Station was slated for the wrescking ball But it's easy in hindsight to say now HOW couldn't they see the value??? When I was 19 in my first apt an aunt and uncle gave me an old steamer trunk they said use as a table etc. To ME it was some old junky thing and I eventually dragged it out and put it on the curb on W81st St. (it was a Louis Vuitton WITH a little fold down writing desk) We all do dumb shit
  19. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from AdamSmith in Where to find Jewish escort?   
    As the High Holy Days are almost upon us, Bozo is in search of that elusive hot Jewish escort offering a Rosh Hashana discount or even a 25% off sale for making it thru the Yom Kippur fast.
    As a HALF N HALF I find this OFFENSIVE. (and backwards a Jewscort charges MORE to work High Holy Days like a Goyscort does to work on Xmas. Jees that's common senseo_O)
    *ps I'm available for seders either as a guest OR Chabbas Goy, just puttin' it out there.
  20. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from MsGuy in Where to find Jewish escort?   
    As the High Holy Days are almost upon us, Bozo is in search of that elusive hot Jewish escort offering a Rosh Hashana discount or even a 25% off sale for making it thru the Yom Kippur fast.
    As a HALF N HALF I find this OFFENSIVE. (and backwards a Jewscort charges MORE to work High Holy Days like a Goyscort does to work on Xmas. Jees that's common senseo_O)
    *ps I'm available for seders either as a guest OR Chabbas Goy, just puttin' it out there.
  21. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from Nebost in Sugar Daddy?   
    I have a few older buds who've been S Daddies and oddly the relationships that worked out BEST were the ones where the Boy Baby was STRAIGHT (Sugar Boibaby 4Pay seems redundant ) Think because the arrangement with the older guy was his ONLY guy guy relationship he wasn't frustrated or hitting on younger dudes etc etc. His personal life was like a TOTS diff world that didn't infringe on his Daddy relationship. They just move on amicably when the boy gets married has kids etc (Got one bud who's boy was a Playgirl cover model he's NOW like 47 two grown girls one in College and but he MAINTAINED the relationship with my bud for YEARS until he and his fam moved away. They STILL see eachother occasionally have dinner etc and my bud says (in thanks for the $$$ of the early years) his former boi still lets him have a lil fun with him
  22. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from TruHart1 in Preposterous porn plot points   
  23. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from TruHart1 in Preposterous porn plot points   
  24. Like
    Tonyko reacted to bigvalboy in Subway Jared Fogle Raided For Child Porn   
    Hopefully Dr. Huxtable will be next.
  25. Like
    Tonyko got a reaction from + Gar1eth in I Used To Love The TV Show Soap   
    Hard to believe Rue McC was FIFTY ONE when Golden Girls started lol!! NOW it seems like...WTF lol?? But THEN in 1985 when I was in HS, it seemed like, yah ok, these are old ladies
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