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Posts posted by steed8

  1. http://68.media.tumblr.com/ec0df509d01fecf3f2e5c4f24e3cdee7/tumblr_ofrrdgmhUj1s4eldpo1_250.gif http://68.media.tumblr.com/952bc7c5396450626ff701a56710261b/tumblr_ofrrdgmhUj1s4eldpo4_250.gif http://68.media.tumblr.com/b17935d5fd4fab0251cb86ed055a99e6/tumblr_ofrrdgmhUj1s4eldpo5_250.gif



    Work it!

  2. Well a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all who view this thread....

    ... and my perfect specimen of the day... Plus he's signaling that he's a BDSM sub... and nicely packaged... Not a bad thing to find under your tree!




    And Merry Christmas to you, mister whipped guy!

    This hunk is an eye catcher, isn't he?

    As a personal anecdote, on more than one occasion I remember seeing him exit my gym into the public plaza area as he headed toward his vehicle. In so doing, he affected an odd gait that was sort of a mincing strut. Almost a paradox in terms, it was nevertheless something that was difficult to ignore & which called about as much attention to his method of carrying himself as one would give to his physical attributes.

    In a nutshell, it wasn't particularly appealing to see an otherwise butch looking & built man walking in what appeared to be a very stilted, affected manner of dainty, little steps.

  3. Same hot guy making heads turn and strutting his stuff pecs....

    (I would follow this guy if I saw him even if it took me off the beaten path to do so!)




    FYI: It's a street scene in a German city...

  4. Leavning on wall pecs...




    Deliciously thick pex of the sort that protrude out and make a shelf-like overhang such that I can get my tongue & mouth lost under them for hours.... not to forget or overlook the deep valley in between them!

  5. Family may come first, but something is exciting this guy's pecs...





    And I'm first in line to take advantage of that "excited" state!

  6. I haven't done any of this in many years, but back in the day, I was old school: my hand, my belt, or my paddle. Being the Disciplinarian in my frat was sometimes very fun! :cool:


    Oh, you lucky man! Bet your memories rear up regularly & still give you pleasure, eh? :p

    Many a porn flick has been centered on a similarly styled theme.

  7. While I was turned on, the bruises were too extreme? Unless it was make up for the camera. But powerful and strong young man.




    Definitely real, as has been clarified already by men more expert by far than me.

    But, I'm sure that I've seen a considerably longer version of this scene elsewhere & recently so. But, I did a quick search just now & was unable to bring it up for you.

    If the guy finds pain to be an aphrodisiac, then it works for him. I have fantasized about being tied up and used that way, but I don't know if I could actually cross that line. It would certainly have to be with a very experienced man who can sense limits and knows how far one could safely push past what the bottom thinks his limits are. The guy holding the whip or flogger (safer, I think) has to be extremely perceptive and capable of not getting lost in his own gratification from administering pain.


    Well said there..

    Plus, there's the matter of choosing the appropriate "tool" for what the sub & dom plan to approach in terms of interaction.

    For example, here's a picture chart that can be helpful in terms of what generates the various types of responses in markings on the body as well as the time factor for which the markings remain.



  8. It's real! Some guys crave such a badge of honor. Personally I have never gone as far when playing the sub or Dom so as to cause bleeding. Though once I was beaten up quite badly because I foolishly felt that I had to prove something to myself. However, while I have been bruised and have caused bruising (in consentual situations) it is not something that I would do now or would want done to me now. Flogging and whipping can be done in a responsible way where the desired pain can be produced and bruising can be avoided or at least bruising that disappears in a day or so. The ideal goal in my book is some redness and red marks and marks that won't result in hematoma, black and blue bruising, etc., not to mention bleeding.


    Still, like @honcho I have seen it done and just over the summer where a guy really was beaten up and battered as in the video. It actually troubled me, but as in my case so many years ago it seemed that the guy needed to prove something to himself as it definitely was consentual. Hopefully it's not something that one does on a daily basis!


    Also, from what I could see it seemed that a short single tail whip was used in the video. Single tail whips are the most lethal. I have only been whipped with a single tail by someone in whom I have had the utmost confidence that they would act responsibly. I don't own a single tail, but have experimented with them.



    Well said, my friend. I found this old post today & imdediately thought of how you would know the type of whip used. And sure enough you already had posted the correct answer.

    I've seen single tails in action live & in vids before and they don't look or sound as intimidating as some other whips perhaps because there's only the one smallish tail but man, can they inflict marks & pain if yielded intentionally to do so!

  9. Well Mr. @steed8 next time be more careful!!!! I will cut you some slack this time around, but not the next time... Remember that I do have a flogger and a few other accoutrements with you name on them!!!! But then again in retrospect you might enjoy that from what I gather... reminds me of the old joke about how you really punish a masochist... ;).



    Tell me the old joke again, mister...

    Gee whiz, mister. That's a nice flogger you are holding there.

    Why are there shackles on this sideways cross you are pushing me up against, mister?

  10. Well Sir @steed8... you know me... here is a bit more from that scene...




    This really belongs in the Fetish Forum so our like minded brethren can really enjoy... I will repost it there as well!



    You are far too kind & obliging, my friend!

    And your line about the "fetish forum" is a wake up call as I have not totally explored this site so it's possible that I may not have even been into that forum yet.

    Yikes, I may enter an overload phase here shortly!

  11. From the archives for @steed8 , @larrysubny , and a few others... my preferred way to use a butt...





    Oh, holy shit & thx!!!

    That's hunky/handsome Marcus Ruhl taking those strokes just as I'd want him to!

    In the extended version, I'd want to see his back similarly dealt with.

  12. Thank you, but you do realize I didn't put these pics together. They were the work of @whipped guy. I was simply copy and pasting my favorites.


    Yes, I do but thanks for clarifying here for others.

    Sometimes, especially when I'm not totally awake/coherent or paying attention, I put a response together that doesn't load the way I intended. That was the case with that response. I should have gone back & edited what I had done. (:

  13. faint.gif






















    I think you get the idea where I'm going with all of this....:p:p:p:p


    Yes, we do and I know where I'd like to go w/ these men!

    And sir, you have outdone yourself in putting these pix together for us!

    One particularly fantastic photo choice here had a label "clauspelz.com" on it. I took a quick look and learned that he is a photographer. It appears that he has a wonderful stable of men in his portfolio.

    For those of you that haven't done so, go take a look.. and be prepared to get lost in the manly muscle for hours..

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