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Posts posted by steed8

  1. Contemplating something pecs...




    Although I saw him yesterday, the true magnificence of this sexy man and his gorgeous s-pec-tacular pair pf pex didn't strike me fully until this morning! O:

  2. LOL @steed8 ! That is so true and something tells me that we have both been there ;) !







    A sexy flogger & "flogee"... (a new word perhaps?)


  3. Ocean view butt...






    Ocean view butt...




    As whipped guy would know, this beauty of a broad-backed specimen is tailor made for a good flogging!

  4. I've made quite a few attempts at communication myself. Not having a lot of luck. Not complete silence, but he can't seem to find much time for a truly meaningful communication exchange. I'm not sure how serious he is about this.



    I apologize for not returning to this thread again to update that Drakex has been in touch & that since that initial reply to me, he has been good about communicating & trying to arrange a meetup.

    Like you, when I didn't hear back initially, I had my doubts about his seriousness too. But they have vanished.

    Turns out that he has another job which could explain some of his relatively slow or seemingly poor communication.

    Physically though I've seen enough & more of him to know that he absolutely is 1 of my types to the nth degree!!! Remember that at his RM ad he has private pixxxx. Hint.. hint.. Reach out for those ...

  5. well, that post from the masseur himself should have been a very big flapping RED FLAG!!!


    I was perhaps naive but I tend to give people a break & also be of the mind that asks whether we can always be totally certain that a post is indeed from the person that it appears to be from, especially when it's from a brand new member? I've heard of folks posing as other people on sites & writingthings that look bad for the supposed other person.

  6. Damnnn...that would be a hot session. Let us know how it goes.



    At this point I'm fuming.

    I'll wait to make a complete report on what happened here as well as before I make reviews at daddys & at masseur sites.

    At this point, I'm still waiting to hear a response from him regarding today's episode.

  7. 33


















    At the risk of dating myself, I remember that sexy Mandate Magazine cover when it was out at the newsstand. Always did & always will like it.

  8. Damn right they are!!! As would be these! After I unwrap them that is!




    Or even these!





    I think that for you & me a fair enough bit of the pleasure could be had in the unwrapping & how we do it.

    If I didn't get it right the first time, I'd be happy to try it all over again, the unwrapping that is...

  9. Pecs & nips...ahhhhhhhhh

    Personally, my pecs & nips are directly wired to my little guy and his fuzzy cousins down there. Pull on my nips and play with my pecs, and you sure are bound to get fireworks. I like pecs with a bit of hair, well-defined, accentuated by nips that beckon my thirsty tongue and yearning lips...and a little bit of teeth. ;) With @whipped guy's permission, since he owns the hard hard- wired realm :D I present a sample of what I consider a perfect set:



    Do you know who this handsome god with the full 'n hairy pecs thrusting ing out above his washboard, flat stomach is? If he's a public creature or porn star, he's unknown to me.

  10. Wading pecs.



    He's another dude with those "xylophone abs" of the sort I recently commented about elsewhere! Just incredible ...

    Between them & his foreskin, I recognize him as having come out of the stable of gorgeous men from Legendmen.

  11. For @steed8 and others two more... albeit shaved...






    Whipped guy: You know that you are already a fantastic fave of mine here with the work you do as well as oyur good manners! But you somehow keep on topping yourself!

    Ooops!.. Is that possible?

    Cheers & thanks!

  12. Had yet another round of attempted communication with Drakex today after sending a short note again yesterday that inspired an overnight reply to which I wrote back this a.m.

    I've heard nothing back in return so I wonder how someone with communication "skills" such as his can successfully make arrangements?

    It's really a regrettable shame because I was free today & his pix show that he may be one of my physical arch-types!!

  13. Drakex has had an ad running for in Atlanta for over a month. There are no reviews for him at this time.

    Nevertheless, I find myself smitten/curious as he fits the bill 100% for one of my types.

    So, has anyone communicated successfully with him or seen him in person?

    I e-mailed for private pixxx access in November but did not hear anything back from him so I don't know if I'll initiate further contact.

    But, physically-speaking for his torso & lower face, he gets at least a borderline 9 out of 10 possible points by several of my standards!



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