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Everything posted by Reisr30

  1. I like squeaky clean and in fact prefer to start by showering together...
  2. No, I actually don’t like pineapple on ham either... something about mixing what should be salty with sweet that I don’t enjoy...
  3. Anthony is not only super good looking but also a wonderful guy!
  4. Sounds like what happened to me. Should have spent more time with the bumper cars myself lol
  5. Thank you! To be honest I have always been fascinated by huge cocks and have always wanted to try some one as big as Tom Chase, Ken Ryker or Jeff Stryker. In fact, in the 90s I had the chance to schedule a meeting with Tom Chase in Boston when he had an add in Bay Windows and didn’t follow through. I kick myself for it. But oh well... Good luck with the 9 inch guy; he sounds fantastic
  6. Go slow, lots of lube and make sure you are in control. I took 9 inches and the guy was really rough and tore me completely up. I ended up with a fissure and a blood clot near my prostate which took months to heal. I haven’t been able to bottom in a few years to be honest. Sorry if this is TMI. Before that I loved taking 6 - 7.5 inchers. I was such a happy bottom. Now I’m trying to learn to top which is harder than I thought it would be
  7. This documentary looks interesting: https://www.hivplusmag.com/entertainment/2018/8/28/american-circumcision-director-talks-hiv-and-toxic-masculinity I wasn’t born in the states so my parents left me intact. I like all kinds of cocks so I don’t judge or discriminate though I am fascinated by cut cocks for some reason . Never thought about the fact the baby doesn’t really get a choice but I suppose our parents choose for us all the time when we are young and we don’t get to say no. But still I’m not sure how I feel about it; I think if I had kids and they were boys I’d let them decide when they are older...
  8. I need to visit LA if there are a lot of Persian hotties. I normally like blonds but a hot Persian guy can make me switch to dark hair men
  9. Perhaps I have been brainwashed by the US service industry but unless the meeting is awful I always tip. If the meeting is outstanding I tip more generously. I just feel odd not tipping unless the service is super crappy...
  10. Thank you! I knew everybody loves Raymond’s mom just not the actress name I also get her confused with Seinfeld’s mom. I’ve never been a big theatre guy so don’t know a lot of the older actresses
  11. Who is Doris Roberts? Never mind I’ll google her... I have always wanted to build a secret room or passage in my house. I was thinking of it like a panic room but maybe a sexy dungeon might be more fun .
  12. I fly business when I can upgrade myself but I feel that paying the full fare is such a waste even if I can afford it. I’d rather use that money for other things than to give it to the airline...
  13. Can anything become a professional sport now? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/18/cornhole-wants-to-make-it-to-the-big-leagues.html Nothing against cornholing but really?!?!
  14. Reisr30

    Recs for SF

    I haven’t had any luck with Andrew Maroc. He doesn’t respond to my texts. Maybe it’s just me
  15. I have not yet set up an hour meeting. The shortest meeting I schedule is 3 hours and usually it’s a 4 hour meetings so we can get to know each other and not feel rushed. Am I strange for doing so?
  16. An companion offered to pour me a drink from a bottle he brought and i politely declined. He was well reviewed but I don’t ever do that. Similarly I would never offer a companion a drink from an open bottle. Too much potential liability or risk either way if something bad happens...
  17. After grad school I lived with my parents until I bought my own place. They refused when I offered to pay rent. So I would pay for the groceries when I went shopping with them and paid one of the parent student loan payments they were still paying for my younger siblings. I would have felt weird not paying anything...
  18. I am curious about expectations when you cover a companion's flight. Is booking travel in coach acceptable or is the expectation that you will book business or first? I am asking when they travel alone to your location; I would of course book the same class as myself if we were traveling together.
  19. I buy mostly online but live near NYC so also love to go shopping in the city It’s hard to admit it but I’m kind of a shoe whore...
  20. Ken Ryker Tom Chase Mike Branson Lukas Ridgeston Jirka Kalvoda Pavel Novotny
  21. I feel bad for anyone who struggles and is down on their luck. Hope he can recover. That said I would think twice about hiring someone involved with drugs. It’s a complete showstopper for me; absolutely no drugs of any kind...
  22. Most of my recurring bills I pay online but I do write checks from time to time, medical copays, home repairs, etc. I actually like physically writing a check; similar to how I enjoy sending a thank you card or a postcard. Must be I am old fashioned...
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