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Everything posted by crushme99

  1. Interesting insights. Anybody else have similar experiences?
  2. "Wanna catch dinner and a movie? Sure, I'll pay you $700 for that."
  3. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but here goes. If two clients who are friends want to share one provider's block of time -- 4 hands at work on all that muscle -- how would you handle the pricing? Standard rate ÷ 2? Standard rate x 2? Or some negotiated amount? Or let's say two clients who are friends book an hour each, back to back, under the same overall two-hour block of time? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  4. You know, you're probably right. However, I would prefer some quality time with each of them before I feel certain.
  5. Masculine. For me, that goes hand in hand with MUSCLE.
  6. Mmmmmmm, Alex. Fine looking chest under that grey tee.
  7. Ahahahaha. Yes indeed, inquiring minds want to know.
  8. Definitely a fine bicep in pic #2. Info, anybody?
  9. You have just sparked envy and an inferiority complex in every man who read your post.
  10. You are explaining it just fine. Can't say that I have an answer for you, but your contrast with the usual relationship-friendship issues I read about on here makes for a really interesting reversal. Hope you get some insights.
  11. Excellent, I do see a few different pics. Thanks for that pointer, Gym. Checked my favorite airline an hour or so ago.
  12. Yeahhhh, I would DEFINITELY like to bump into Joey.
  13. Hey, Gymowner. Are those pics of Diesel still available somewhere? The links no longer work. Still hoping to get out there for at least a couple hours with him.
  14. Happened to me once, too. They were pretty frisky. It works better using the old drinking-glass-against-the-wall trick.
  15. DAYUMMM, b/w pic #17 on his RentMen. Sign me up for 5, 6 hours right NOW.
  16. Thank you for those reflections, Gymowner. Your insights are always appreciated.
  17. Gotta love the back. Keep us posted.
  18. My review is #5: http://daddysreviews.com/cruise/newest/dillon_la
  19. My review is #5: http://daddysreviews.com/cruise/newest/dillon_la
  20. Is he no longer on RentMen? Any other way to contact or check him out?
  21. Yeah, I finally had my fill of him. I left the message board and blocked his email. Good riddance.
  22. Cloning RentMen ads, eh? Well, that explains why, when I told YoungmuscleLA that I would post a review to FriendBoy as well as Daddy's, he said, "I didn't know I was on FriendBoy." (Hope my review will appear on Daddy's soon.)
  23. It is easy to sit back in my easy chair and say that I agree with not2rowdy since you, Brian, are the only one who will have to deal with blowback from this jerk. But from what you have said his behavior could escalate into something far worse. I don't know how an Article 15 investigation unfolds or how the escort circumstances of your predicament would be regarded, but don't let this potentially dangerous situation continue if at all possible. A position of rank and authority ought not be a license to abuse. Take care.
  24. Don't know what to tell you in that regard. I've used the phone number cited on RentMen and we texted extensively prior to the meet-up. I did not try using the number for voice, however. He has also replied well via the RentMen emailing system, although with a bit more delay.
  25. Don't know what to tell you in that regard. I've used the phone number cited on RentMen and we texted extensively prior to the meet-up. I did not try using the number for voice, however. He has also replied well via the RentMen emailing system, although with a bit more delay.
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