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  1. Deputy Alexander Khinshtein Supports Ershova…or Does He? [You may want to start with Part 1 or Part 2] It was sort of weird that Alexander Khinshtein, an architect of and advocate for Russia's legislative crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights, swiftly engaged with the story of Anastasia Ershova, arrested for wearing rainbow earrings. It was really weird to see him taking her side…well, for a day. One day later and with a little distance, the message and Khinshtein's early involvement seem more likely one of those 3D chess moves to make the most of this arrest in the launch of the new repressive laws increasingly broad and more serious for LGBTQ people. The ease and experience with which they executed are certainly a reminder of Russia's long and deep experience manipulating public conversations domestically and elsewhere. There is now a 10 year history of repressive LGBTQ regulations that have become part of the wallpaper and Russia's new normal. There is an increasingly frustrated and cut off population starting to question Putin along with a body of news from the war raising questions; sanctions and an uneven economy that's harder to mask. It's becoming clear why historic Russian expertise at seeding mistrust and manipulating public conversations might be tilted toward LGBTQ issues right now. Who is Alexander Khinshtein? A former journalist and a powerful member of the legislature — “Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federal Assembly from the Samara” to be exact, Khinshtein brings access, experience and support to steering public narratives. He partnered with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to guide the Supreme Court declaration of the International LGBT Movement as “extremist” and the subsequent husbanding of the laws and regulations it spawned through to Putin signing them into law.. For years he has been an outspoken culture warrior focused on raising awareness and protecting Russian children big homosexual lifestyle threats including the 20 fan clubs for the film ‘Call Me By Your Name' on the Russian version of Facebook, to claiming South Park's chef is a pedophile, and raising the alarm over the dangers inherent in a polar bear character with two moms on Peppa Pig. As a powerful insider and part of the Putin team, Khinshtein helped architect the sham election in eastern Ukraine Donbas areas which was used to justify the invasion. The fighting in Ukraine brought “new relevance” to the LGBT threat. “The special military operation takes place not only on the battlefield but also in the minds and souls of people,” Khinshtein said in October. “”LGBT today is an element of hybrid warfare and in this hybrid warfare we must protect our values, our society and our children.” Quoting Alexander Khinshstein Aegis, group of LGBTQ activists and medical professionals working to support their community through this dangerous period, keeps it simple, and refer to him as someone “who does not represent the interests of us [LGBT] as a part of society,” and corrects some of the lies and implications he's spinning. [See No. 4 at end.] Flips the Script. Attacks Anastasia. Full Autocratic Playbook This was. in response to his post [No. 3 below] that accused Aegis, the media and others of duping him with ‘fake news'. In his follow up to the brief defense of Ershova for attention he let's it rip, wrapping himself in stolen victimhood, manipulating the sympathy he helped spawn to himself and is all in using Anastasia's story to underscore the state's anti-LGBTQ positions It's not entirely clear what Russia has planned with these new domestic crackdown laws. Protecting the children is old news, but the new threat is being integrated, ready shortly to provision citizens with models to scapegoat and oppress. Another favorite distraction for governments under pressure…just create a diversionary “conspiracy” and “enemy from within” for the public to obsess on, and distract from military excursions and economies that are stuck. LGBT “threat” Becomes Part of Ukraine Invasion, “Element of Hybrid Warfare” Khinshtein's rhetoric tying the fight against LGBTQ+ rights to the conflict in Ukraine—framing LGBTQ+ identity as an element of hybrid warfare—reveals a sinister attempt to weave this crackdown into the fabric of nationalistic and traditionalist discourse. This approach not only demonizes LGBTQ+ individuals but also positions them as external threats to Russian society, thereby justifying increasingly draconian laws under the guise of national security and moral purity. Since late last year, Khinshtein has been messaging that the fighting in Ukraine brings “new relevance” to the threat posed by the LGBTQ movement. “The special military operation takes place not only on the battlefield but also in the minds and souls of people,” Khinshtein said in October. “”LGBT today is an element of hybrid warfare and in this hybrid warfare we must protect our values, our society and our children.” While the Ukraine connection is far from obvious, hardly intuitive, and has only been minimally explained or exposed by Khinshtein, it's likely to be sufficient to stick at current levels under the circumstances: a stuck conflict and a worrisome economy along with sanctions of all sorts. Russia's LGBTQ Crackdown Bottom line — So ambiguous. by design. Makes just about anyone subject to investigation. Under Khinshtein's advocacy, the laws behind this new Russian LGBTQ crackdown are so ambiguous as to potentially apply to just about any person or activity with even a peripheral relationship to LGBTQ movements, organizations, or individuals. These initial arrests and the rhetoric around it all — the nationalism and calls for purity, now directly connecting the invasion of Ukraine with the newly scapegoated Extra: The Earring Case Manipulation Chronology The nuanced propaganda maneuver following Ershova's arrest, shifting from a seemingly empathetic stance to one of accusation and moral panic, underscores Khinshtein's role as a master of narrative control. By shifting the focus from empathy for an individual to the reinforcement of the state's anti-LGBTQ+ policies, he effectively utilizes the incident to advance the narrative of LGBTQ+ symbols as extremist threats, further entrenching the legal and social ostracization of the LGBTQ+ community in Russia. The chronology of these messages is a bit complicated. There is, of course, no evidence of this being a Jedi propaganda op, from the openly available Telegram posts by those involved and citizen journalists, there is even less evidence to suggest he's a good guy, or anything like a mensch moved by injustice against a young woman assaulted in a cafe. This could even be considered part of the launch of these new harsh laws. Khinshtein weirdly support Anastasia Ershova in days after earring arrest 1. Khinshtein Post Feb 1 Alexander Khinshtein, the politician most responsible for Russia's new national LGBTQ campaign weirdly weighed in on Feb 1 seemingly in support of Anastasia Ershova in days after she was accosted. His remarks made on his own Telegram channel with close to 100,000 subscribers. His support, he says, is based on images that include the “traditional seven-color rainbow. What does that have to do with LGBT people is unclear,” and he ends by asking the court to overturn. 2. Less than a day later … Khinshtein takes it all back in a check-all-the-boxes media manipulation post that pulls out all the propaganda stops. It's a veritable BINGO-card of: dehumanizing descriptions; questionable bureaucratic proofs; arcane assertions, and while enveloping one of the most privileged and powerful men in fake victimhood. Khinshtein Post Feb 2 He laments that he was duped by “fake news” — joins the others he claims were similarly taken in by media and extremist lies. He refers to Ershova's companion as “a sexless creature,” and his generally disrespectful message not only dehumanize them both, but also model the scapegoating, defending tradition, and public denouncing behavior that is likely an objective of the crackdown. With Khinshtein's involvement and Russia's history it's a potent endorsement by the powerful government and likely to be persuasive. The plot of course hinges on the chain of custody and the number of colors in the rainbow. He reveals the barely registering fact that Ershova is reported to have a damning “six color rainbow avatar on Pinterest as some kind of smoking gun. He declares Ershova is an LGBT* activist. All that's left then is to assure his traditionalist followers of his pride “I'm glad that the traditional seven-color rainbow is not in danger.” He blamed and undermined Aegis for being in cahoots with the media to push “fake news” and a grand frog switcheroo. Her frogs — the ones hard to make out in the video — he alleged were of the six color rainbows, he said, “which – yes indeed is a symbol of LGBT”* His at best marginal proof, presented as the smoking gun, is a Pinterest profile with a six-color rainbow avatar, discovered by the ‘civil activists' from the cafe. That righteous anger; the regret that he “like many, I bought into this fake;” He was the biggest victim, along with many of his readers. But they should not fear. He promised an investigation to track down the people and the conspiring organizations who did this to all of them. Ending with the passion that drives him, he writes “I'm glad that the traditional seven-color rainbow is not in danger” … and the asterisk footnoting LGBT* “Recognized as an extremist organization.” 3. Aegis responds to Khinshtein's links accuses them of spreading fake news Aegis Post Feb 2. Aegis is quick to reply and to make it clear they won't be bullied. Treading carefully, they introduce facts in their defense and share comments from Anastasia's team that contradict that story being spun. New Russian LGBTQ Crackdown Multi-part 5-Days Jail for Rainbow Earrings? Fined for Posting Gay Flag? Kafkaesque. Russia Launches LGBTQ Crackdown. WTF Russia? Part 1 Draconian: Sochi Olympics-Era “Gay Propaganda” Ban Expands to Forbid All Public LGBTQ Expression. New Russian Crackdown. Pt. 2 Orwellian: Architect of New Russia LGBTQ Crackdown Warns Of LGBTQ Threat in Ukraine War; Manipulates Rainbow Earring Arrest in Pt. 3 Dystopian: TK View the full article
  2. [You may want to start with Part 1 ] Russia's legislature has pivoted toward repressing LGBTQ+ rights, in a departure from the path of expanding equality seen in most countries. The last few weeks have seen the first arrests under these laws, in particular the young woman jailed for 5 days under arrest for wearing rainbow earrings in public. And according to the folks at Aegis, a group of activists and health works who assembled to support LGBTQ people in what they're predicting is a difficult period, and likely to get worse. Baseline: Russia Was Hostile to LGBTQ People Before this Renaissance of Repression A pivotal law, commonly referred to as the “gay propaganda” law, was enacted in 2013, signed by Russian President Vladmir Putin months before the Sochi Olympics. This legislation prohibited the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relationships” among minors. It was criticized internationally for its vague wording and potential for abuse, serving as a tool for increasing stigma, discrimination, and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals. As Human Rights Watch put it: “The well-founded fear of activists in Russia was that the law would not only restrict freedom of expression, but would send a message that the government condoned homophobia, leaving gay people vulnerable to violence and abuse.” That law effectively banned public expressions of LGBTQ+ identities, including pride parades, and limited access to LGBTQ+ related information and support services. 10 Years Later, Gay Propaganda Law Inspires New Legislation to Up Ante December 2022 – The Russian government expanded the 2013 “gay propaganda” law to ban any public expression of LGBTQ+ behavior or lifestyle, not just where youth were present. Prohibits all forms of LGBTQ+ representation in public, online, in films, books, or advertising, with violators facing heavy fines. This broadened the scope of censorship and repression against the LGBTQ+ community, intensifying the crackdown on free speech and minority rights】. July 2023, the Russian State Duma passed a bill that outlaws transgender healthcare, including gender-affirming surgeries and treatments, and prohibits the change of gender markers in official documents. This legislation also affects the family rights of transgender individuals by dissolving marriages if a partner undergoes gender transition and banning them from adopting or becoming foster parents. The bill was subsequently approved by Russia's upper house of parliament and was expected to be signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, representing a comprehensive assault on the rights and well-being of transgender individuals in Russia​​​​​​. November 2023 – Supreme Court declares the “international LGBT movement” an “extremist organization.” In sum, a severe tightening of restrictions on LGBTQ rights in Russia LGBTQ+ rights activism criminalized: Up to 12 years in prison for participation or support for the movement. Vague terms allow arbitrary prosecution: significantly escalating legal pressures on the LGBTQ+ community. Big increase in censorship of LGBTQ+ content in media and literature. All content with positive depictions of LGBTQ relationships banned. Films, books, and online content promoting or positively depicting LGBTQ+ relationships have been banned. The vague wording of the laws puts the publishing sector at risk, affecting cultural expression and access to information for the LGBTQ+ community. Russia has moved from laws targeted at protecting young people from exposure to comprehensive legislation that aims to erase LGBTQ+ visibility and activism from public life. International rights organizations have condemned each stage, highlighting their discriminatory nature and the adverse effects on human rights and freedoms in Russia. But wait there's more. Unsatisfied with just protecting young people, advocates have now construed a connection to the Ukraine invasion. In particular one powerful legislator with a history of homophobic panic and close ties to Putin warns warns, “The special military operation takes place not only on the battlefield but also in the minds and souls of people, LGBT today is an element of hybrid warfare.” More on Alexander Khinshtein and his strange direct involvement with the rainbow earring story last week in Russian media. in Part 3. New Russian LGBTQ Crackdow Multi-part 5-Days Jail for Rainbow Earrings? Fined for Posting Gay Flag? Kafkaesque. Russia Launches LGBTQ Crackdown. WTF Russia? Part 1 Draconian: Sochi Olympics-Era “Gay Propaganda” Ban Expands to Forbid All Public LGBTQ Expression. New Russian Crackdown. Pt. 2 Orwellian: Architect of New Russia LGBTQ Crackdown Warns Of LGBTQ Threat in Ukraine War; Manipulates Rainbow Earring Arrest in Pt. 3 Dystopian: TK View the full article
  3. [Part 2, Part 3] The last two weeks have seen the first convictions under broad new restrictions on LGBTQ people and their allies in Russia. Not much is known about the first conviction other than a man was fined 1,000 rubles for sharing a pride flag on social media. More details are known about the second, a woman arrested and jailed for 5 days for wearing ‘extremist symbols' — rainbow frog earrings — in Nizhny Novgorod, and she is speaking publicly through her lawyer and Aegis a group. (Documents and posts translated by Telegram or Google Translate.) Russian Court Sentences Woman to Five Days for Rainbow Earrings In a recent and controversial legal decision, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, was the backdrop for a depressing marker of the government's tightening grip on LGBTQ rights and even the most basic expression publicly. Anastasia Ershova faced a five-day administrative arrest for wearing rainbow frog earrings, deemed to fall under recent Russian Supreme Court determinations of “extremist” organization symbols. The investigation, arrest, handling of the case and Ershova's reactions since the incident January 29, 2024, show just how broad and ambiguous legislators left the definitions making for an environment in which LGBTQ people can easily and quickly find their lives turned upside down if not actually a terrifying nightmare. Ershova's ordeal began in a seemingly ordinary cafe encounter. Accosted at Cafe With a Friend. Video Sent to Right-Wing Local Sites. The incident unfolded as Ershova and a friend, at a local cafe, were confronted by two individuals. These accusers demanded the removal of what they called “extremist symbols”: Ershova's rainbow frog earrings and her friend's Ukrainian pin. The confrontation escalated quickly, with threats of police involvement, and was captured on video. This footage, disseminated by the accouters, self-described “civil activists” through Telegram channels and ultra-right bloggers, led to a quick contact by law enforcement. Summoned for questioning the following day to the “Center for Combating Extremism,” Ershova found herself entangled in a legal nightmare. Despite her defense attorney's best efforts, she was detained pending trial, her earrings—a simple accessory—interpreted as a direct violation of the country's strict regulations against LGBTQ symbols. [This post contains video, click to play] An Investigation, Inquiry, Trial and Appeal Sounding Kafkaesque Ershova's trial as understood thought her lawyer's comments and release of the court decision here in the article, turned on the nebulous nature of the “prohibited symbols” legislation. Charged under Article 20.3, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, for publicly displaying symbols of an extremist organization, the court's deliberation focused not on the specific nature of the earrings but on their perceived symbolism. Despite arguments from the defense highlighting the lack of clarity and potential misinterpretation of the law base on the number of colors in the rainbow flag used by LGBTQ activists and other rainbow symbols, the judge sentenced Ershova to five days of administrative arrest. This decision, Ershova and her defense attorney both said was unexpected and unsettling, leaving them dismayed. The defense's statement, reflecting on the court's reliance on formal references and the Supreme Court's classification of the LGBTQ movement as “extremist,” underscored the trial's arbitrariness and the chilling effect of such broad legislation. That November decision, classifying the entire international LGBT movement to be an “extremist organization” made symbols used by individuals or LGBTQ organizations, and even indirect support of allies totally forbidden in public. Ershova's Time Incarcerated Ershova's incarceration brought to light the harsh realities of detention. Her comments and advice were provided again through Aegis. In addition to how unexpected the detention and outcome of the case because, Ershova emphasized the severe conditions and the mental toll of her confinement. With limited access to basic amenities and a sense of time warped by the monotony and isolation, Ershova found solace only in reading and coloring books provided during her detainment. Her reflections post-release were a mix of relief and disbelief, a personal testament to the surreal and oppressive nature of her ordeal. “No matter how absurd the situation may seem, it is possible” Ershova's parting advice, born from her experience, includes increased caution and preparedness, personal composure, and the basics of preparing for potential detention are sobering details. Complaint Hearing Against the Ruling As the further story unfolds, with the hearing of the complaint against the ruling scheduled for February 13, the outcome remains uncertain. Aegis, a local group working digitally in support of LGBTQ people has been vocal about the increasing danger and has been a conduit for separating facts from misinformation about this case. It was formed in December, 2022 when the “the law on propaganda in public was signed.” It is a group of “experienced crisis managers and LGBTQ+ activists, [who] decided to unite to counter the increase in homophobic violence that quite possibly awaits us ahead.” This is Part 1 of a 4 part report about dramatic turns to crackdown in Russia. Part 2 follows changes and movement over the last few years to get to this point. Part 3 offers what is known about the powerful politician, close to Putin, and the primary architect and advocate for the crackdown, how he connects it to the Ukraine invasion and his direct manipulation of Anastasia's case. and Part 4 is about the evolution of Aegis in their advice, attitude and role over the year as they individually and together have become illegal. Ershova's case, while singular in its details, looks to be the leading edge of the disturbing crackdown that offers government approval to scapegoating and repression, likely to distract from the war and economy. Even before the Russian Supreme Court's official classification of the International LGBTQ rights movement as an ‘extremist organization' in November, in fact for 13 months now legislators were churning out restrictive laws impacting trans citizens. New Russian LGBTQ Crackdow Multi-part 5-Days Jail for Rainbow Earrings? Fined for Posting Gay Flag? Kafkaesque. Russia Launches LGBTQ Crackdown. WTF Russia? Part 1 Draconian: Sochi Olympics-Era “Gay Propaganda” Ban Expands to Forbid All Public LGBTQ Expression. New Russian Crackdown. Pt. 2 Orwellian: Architect of New Russia LGBTQ Crackdown Warns Of LGBTQ Threat in Ukraine War; Manipulates Rainbow Earring Arrest in Pt. 3 Dystopian: TK View the full article
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  6. Published by Mirror By Lucretia Munro SingerSam Smith cut a fashionable display during a recent visit to New York with partner and fashion designer Christian Cowan. The 31 year old star, who is internationally known for hits including Stay With Me, sported a graffiti style blue skirt and they teamed their look with a grey blazer, leather boots and a small bag across their chest. But it wasn't just their choice of outfit that drew attention from onlookers, so too did their romantic embrace with their partner of a year. The couple stepped out together on the streets of New York and shared a tender kiss with their a… Read More View the full article
  7. Photo : Island House Key West C'mon in as we share what it's really like to stay at a clothing-optional gay guesthouse, saving you an exhausting online search for candor on what may seem more daunting, or less appealing, than it really is. In this episode, Gay Key West Uncovered shares an honest glimpse into what awaits you, whether you're seeking debauchery, whatever that looks like to you, or a quieter stay. Join us on another journey through the compact paradise of Key West, where traversing from end to end is a breeze, but the options are plentiful. Along charming Fleming Street in Old Town, you'll find two exclusively male clothing-optional guesthouses and one eclectic mixed-gender inn, all conveniently clustered within a few blocks of each other. Of the two, Island House is the better known. A private club renowned for its openness towards sexuality, but also its exceptional amenities including a great restaurant, luxurious bedding, sun-drenched decks, adult playrooms and a fully equipped gym. They throw a daily happy hour and weekly pool extravaganza, overseen by the manager, the de facto Dolly Levi of Key West and his husband. Equator Resort has a more laid-back atmosphere emphasis on racial diversity and very friendly poolside gatherings. It's the ideal spot to unwind, whether you're lounging with a book or engaging in a spirited game of naked “chicken.” Favored by many return visitors, from our experience, this is also where a lot of hesitant Midwestern boys dip their toes in the water before warming up to the climate, if that sounds at all appealing. Nestled between these bare-it-all hotspots lies Alexanders Guesthouse, a refined retreat that warmly welcomes all guests, regardless of gender or gender-identity. With its beautiful Conch-style architecture and sumptuous breakfast spreads, it offers a quieter and comfortable alternative. Plus, it still offers male-only, clothing-optional upper sundecks if tan lines aren't your thing. Venturing to Duval Street, New Orleans House steals the spotlight with its lively naked volleyball matches, backyard bar and pulsating entertainment. While the atmosphere may be raucous, it's all in good fun—just slip on a pair of shorts when venturing back into public view. Photo: Island House What these guesthouses have in common is that they all are whatever you want them to be, as long as you want them to be gay. Clothing-optional means just that, and plenty of people are dressed. Whether you're naked or not, they are still forever queer and incredibly liberating. And even relaxing, if that's what you want. Gay Key West Uncovered is a six-part miniseries podcast that is unapologetically queer, and not-so-straight from the mouths of drag queens, creative digital nomads, the fiercest lesbian boat captain you should have the pleasure of meeting, naked pool boys, business owners and even the mayor. This time we're most interested in the naked pool boys, and what it's like for them to welcome guests who've left their swimsuits up north. Listen to our second episode here, and join host Bobby Hankinson and Towleroad as we answer your questions about clothing-optional guesthouses in Key West in the gayest way possible: https://open.spotify.com/episode/72gsNQM2hAkjmwSLBY8EAG?go=1&sp_cid=03fa7c2f1d5b26329b265b5940ce2bda&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=71bd249e99f541db Share on Twitter Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Facebook View the full article
  8. Published by The Focus The year 2023 may be over, but there were so many sensational movies released across the year that the early months of 2024 are still reserved for playing catch-up. Along with big blockbusters like Oppenheimer and Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3, there were so many incredible, smaller dramas that captured the hearts of almost everybody who saw them. Fortunately, Hulu is offering the chance to make sure you've seen All Of Us Strangers. Table of ContentsWhat is All Of Us Strangers movie about?All Of Us Strangers is a British romantic drama that seamlessly blends in fantasy elements. The movie is … Read More View the full article
  9. Published by Radar Online Madonnafans are “hung up” that she brought Kelly Ripa up on the stage and snubbed her longtime backup singers, Niki Haris and Donna De Lory, who were in the audience at the same show, RadarOnline.com has learned. The 65-year-old Material Girl singer appeared to snub her two ex-backup singers during her Madison Square Garden concert on Monday after the pair teased a possible reunion and were allegedly gifted the front row tickets by Madonna herself. Not only did she fail to acknowledge her old pals, but she opted to invite Ripa to the stage instead, prompting whispers from audience members anti… Read More View the full article
  10. Published by Benzinga As music legend Sir Elton John bids goodbye to his Peachtree Road home in Atlanta, Christie's is preparing a series of landmark sales from the iconic singer's collection. Christie's New York will hold eight separate sales featuring around 900 lots with an estimated value of more than $10 million. Christie's Rockefeller Center Galleries will transform into a series of immersive spaces, offering a dynamic view into John's world. The collection includes works of art, objects and memorabilia from the six-time Grammy winner's home on Peachtree Road. The exhibition is free and open to the public fro… Read More View the full article
  11. Published by Mirror By Phil Cardy Beyonce is set to bag an even bigger fortune by going into the luggage trade. The pop superstar, 42, hopes to rival the likes of Louis Vuitton in the suitcase market. It is the latest big-money spin-off for Beyonce, who famously told fuller-figured women: “You do not have to be small, you can have some junk in your trunk.” The Crazy In Love singer has filed papers with the UK's Intellectual Property Office to use her name on “luggage and carrying bags, suitcases, backpacks, rucksacks, tote bags, purses, shoulder bags and vanity cases”. Her lawyers also mention “soaps, essential o… Read More View the full article
  12. Published by Mirror Read More View the full article
  13. Published by Raw Story Fox News censored former President Donald Trump on Sunday as he ranted about running against Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and former First Lady Michelle Obama. In an interview that aired on Sunday, Fox News host Maria Bartiromo noted that Trump believes he may not run against President Joe Biden. “Well, Gavin Newsom's right out of central casting,” Bartiromo said. “How are you going to do up against Gavin Newsom?” Want more breaking political news? Click for the latest headlines at Raw Story. “Because he's, he's so much bullshit,” Trump said as Fox News censored the former president. “His state is… Read More View the full article
  14. Published by Hong Kong Free Press “Playing it Straight”, an exhibition presented by Hong Kong Arts Collective, features works by Shawn P Griffin and Leslie Montgomery focusing on society's attitude to sexual minorities in Hong Kong. The exhibition, which runs until February 24th, showcases the lives of different sexualities including self-identified heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual people. By switching the roles of sexual majorities and minorities, the exhibition incites reflections on the audience's own attitudes and perceptions of relationships in modern society. The “Playing it Straight” exhibition runs from 12noon to … Read More View the full article
  15. Published by BANG Showbiz English Miley Cyrus insisted winning the Record of the Year Grammy wasn't “important”. The 31-year-old singer – who earlier in the evening had scooped her first ever Grammy for Best Solo Pop Vocal Performance – scooped the prestigious accolade for ‘Flowers' on Sunday (04.02.24) but stressed her life was “beautiful” even without any trophies. She said: “Thank you all so much. This award is amazing but I really hope it doesn't change anything because my life was beautiful yesterday. “Not everyone in the world will get a Grammy, but everyone in this world is spectacular so please don't think this is impo… Read More View the full article
  16. Published by BANG Showbiz English Taylor Swift was left “mind-blown” after winning her fourth Album of the Year Grammy. The ‘Anti-Hero' hitmaker made history on Sunday (04.02.24) when her record ‘Midnights' took the coveted accolade, making her the singer with the most wins in the category, having previously being the first and only female solo artist to win it three times, tying her with Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon and Stevie Wonder. Accepting the award on stage at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, she ushered her collaborators forward and said: “Noooo. I dunno man. Guys, you gotta come, I feel so alone. “I get to work with … Read More View the full article
  17. Then Johnson’s is your place. Secondarily if you like muscular Latin guys, hit up Boardwalk.
  18. Published by Knewz Noted New York City art dealer Brent Sikkema was murdered at his home in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on January 15. Knewz.com has learned that one of the suspects in the homicide case has offered riveting insights into the private life of the high-culture aficionado. The 75-year-old art dealer was a known figure in the American cultural scene, often seen associating with significant celebrities including former First Lady Michelle Obama. As a result, when he was found stabbed to death at his home, it caused quite an uproar. Following preliminary investigations, authorities have charged a 30-year-ol… Read More View the full article
  19. Published by Euronews (English) The Venice Biennale has announced a stacked roster of 331 artists for this year's main exhibition, which is titled “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere.” Curated by Adriano Pedrosa, the director of São Paulo's Museu de Arte, the central theme, “Stranieri Ovunque,” originates from a series of works by the Palermo-based collective Claire Fontaine. “The expression “Stranieri Ovunque” has several meanings. First of all, that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners— they/we are everywhere. Secondly, that no matter where you find yourself, you are always truly… Read More View the full article
  20. Published by Mirror By Susan Knox John Whaite has shared and inspiring message with the LGBTQ+ community after marrying his partner of 16 years. Former Strictly Come Dancing star and Great British Bake Off winner John, 34, tied the knot with his partner Paul Atkins after admitting that he ‘fell in love' with his professional dancer partner on Strictly, Johannes Radebe. The TV star was partnered with Johannes on Strictly Come Dancing in 2021, where he reached the final and later admitted he had fallen victim to the Strictly curse. After briefly splitting from his then-fiancé Paul, John has revealed he married his … Read More View the full article
  21. Published by AlterNet Christian Ziegler, the former Republican Party of Florida chairman ousted after an accusation of rape by the woman he and his wife engaged in a three-way sexual relationship with, is invoking a law meant to protect victims of crimes. Ziegler's wife Bridget is the co-founder of the far-right anti-LGBTQ organization Moms for Liberty, reportedly a best friend of Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis, a county school board member, and an author of Gov. Ron DeSantis' “Don't Say Gay” law. The couple “are fighting the release of information from Christian Ziegler's cell phone that was obtained by the Sar… Read More View the full article
  22. Published by AFP Los Angeles (AFP) – It's the Year of Taylor but anything could happen at the ever unpredictable Grammys on Sunday, with Queen Swift poised to make history and women performers expected to reign supreme. The 66th edition of music's most prestigious awards ceremony marks a historic year for women, queer and gender fluid artists up for the night's major trophies. But whether they'll actually win is anyone's guess, and there's always room for eyebrow-raises and quirky choices across the evening's more than 90 competitive fields. Here's a guide to Sunday's gala in Los Angeles: Taylor eyes history, … Read More View the full article
  23. Published by AFP Read More View the full article
  24. FLL will be home for me starting next week. Johnsons is a fun club. It’s pretty busy on the weekends in the evenings. If you like bigger/muscular guys, it’s the gold standard in the US. What exactly are you looking for in terms of the club and dancers?
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