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Everything posted by kaboom35

  1. I prefer to do the sucking
  2. Does Kiddo have an accent? Just curious because his profile says "European"
  3. I have been with Rob Yaeger and I had a great time. He definitely has a very unique look but I found him sexy. I plan to meet Gingerish (https://rentmen.eu/Gingerish) very soon. Great talker on text so I'm looking forward to it.
  4. https://rentmen.eu/ChrisReed anyone been with him recently?
  5. Is it inappropriate for the original poster to share the name and city of this escort?
  6. how did you know he was seeking out "generous" people? curious
  7. yea, I'm not hiring until I'm 100%. Until then, just browsing NYC rentmen to see who will be my first hires. Already talking to three guys that will be my first ones. (separate, not together. lol)
  8. Just felt like following up here. The first day out of the hospital I was obviously still on a lot of pain meds cause I wasn't in too much pain but by day 2, I was in terrible pain and soreness for a week. Its now day 10 after surgery and I'm still not 100%, still walk slowly, and have surgical strips all over my body from the laparoscopes, however, walking much better day by day. I was not prepared for how much my body was going to be banged up after. Anyway, just felt the need to give a followup for anyone else who may wind up seeking advice for this type of thing. I still can't hire mainly because of the surgical strips still all over my body - I do not want to subject an escort to that at all. I have to wait till they fall off which seems like it will take forever.
  9. I'm recovering from a surgery but I have been talking to Kiddo and he will be the first guy I will see when I'm well enough.
  10. curious about him. bump
  11. ok so I chatted with him on rentmen messenger and he charges and extra $50 if you do not send him pictures of yourself. I blocked him. haha.
  12. He’s in New York. Anyone been with him?
  13. Agree with this. I talked to him before I had a surgical procedure and we plan to meet when I’m recovered. But he was great to chat with and I will take the plunge regardless not getting any feedback here on the forum about it.
  14. Well he did unlock private photos for me
  15. kaboom35

    GuyX in NYC?

    https://rentmen.eu/GuyX/#platinum anyone?
  16. Thanks for all the well wishes. Surgery went well and just recovering. Surprisingly I’m not experiencing major pain - just really sore like I did a million sit-ups. So for now just recovering and browsing the site for who is going to be my first hire when I’m healed. Haha.
  17. From your list I’ve been with Marcus and Nate Grimes. I recommend them both highly.
  18. Not sure it counts as a Brothel but I went to a sex club a couple times in Los Angeles on Sycamore Ave. Does that still exist?
  19. Nevermind. Found it. It’s expired. https://rentmen.eu/AidenWard here’s Kiddo’s though… https://rentmen.eu/Kiddo
  20. Can’t seem to find a link for Aiden Ward? Does he have one?
  21. kaboom35

    David Cole?

    Anyone? Couldn’t find anything in search https://rentmen.eu/David_Cole
  22. I’m having ventral hernia surgery next week. Anyone else had this procedure? I’m a little nervous. Seeking out some reassurance from those who have been there.
  23. OK I can’t seem to forget about this guy. And now he’s coming to New York when I’m there. Although the last seven reviews on rentmen are all by the same person. Not sure if that a good sign or bad sign.
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